Thursday 8 November 2012

I'm Nuts for Nutella!

When I was young, Nutella was not marketed in Canada, at least not on the prairies. So Nutella wasn't something I grew up with. Once Nutella did finally become available in our stores when I was an adult, I pretty much ignored it. A chocolate hazelnut spread for toast? Ewww, the concept seemed odd to me.

Then I went to Italy.

Oh, those heavenly, flakey breakfast pastries with Nutella filling inside, purchased warm each morning from the neighbourhood bakery!

So I got hooked, man. Hooked bad.

And you know what? The biggest jar of Nutella in Canada is NOTHING compared to the supersized jars you can get in Italy. Those people are SERIOUS about Nutella. Just look at this photo of Caramella who lives in Italy and blogs at Hungry Caramella --

Now THAT'S a jar of Nutella! (Thanks, Caramella, for letting me use this picture!)

There's really only one drawback to my Nutella addiction. It produces a terrible, terrible side effect, one which is beyond all human understanding . . . .


  1. I too have discovered this fact! The size of my butt is due in fact to the never ending dip the spoon in the jar of this evil elixir too many times practice!!!!
    I wish they sold those babies here!

  2. addiction i do not have. i hate chocolate but i learned about nutella when i first moved to canada.

  3. I love Nutella! The first time I tried it was when I lived in Germany...a fresh roll with Nutella on it. Heaven.

  4. here in my country we have our, much older, versions of chocolate creams similar to Nutella, and they always have both the brown chocolate part in it and the white hazelnut one. I prefer the white part :)

  5. My children like it, I never figured out what was so great about it. You can have my share - enjoy.

  6. Never was a fan of hazelnuts. And yet, my Mom would always send me them from Oregon....
    And yet, when I tried Nutella, YUM!
    Amazing what chocolate can do!

  7. geez...what!!!...I just discovered nutella. Thought it was something new. Where have I been???

  8. I used to think I didn't like it until someone gave me some on toast - that changed my mind for me!

  9. My kids would love that giant-sized container of Nutella; they are huge fans of this spread. I've actually never tried it, despite the fact that there is almost always some available in our home. Perhaps it's best not to. I don't need this addiction!

  10. That's a freaky big jar of Nutella! I like it and all, but I find that I'm a bigger fan of peanut butter.

    ......maybe I need to travel to Italy? :)

  11. That's one ridiculously huge jar - must be the Italian Costco version :) I love Nutella as well, also having been introduced to it later in life - and you're certainly correct - the calorie count is not kind!

  12. Why you no make me skinny....made me LOL this morning! Thank you!

  13. Hi Debra.....I think all of Europe loves Nutella.....I saw it everywhere while traveling.


  14. You know, I have never tasted it. Always been curious. I know it is something I have to try, but when I get to the market, I always forget it.

  15. We always keep two back up jars in the pantry. Love that stuff!

    And my not so clever sons just figured out that Nutella is the soft creamy filling in the Ferraro Roche chocolate treats they covet so much at christmas time.

  16. I can't believe I've never had Nutella before! I've heard of it but am afraid once I start I won't be able to stop and become like the creature in the picture!

  17. My daughter loves Nutella. It took me a while to try it because for some reason I thought it would taste like Marmite, it didn't. It was good!

  18. I am with Martha above, I have not tried and I better not! :-)

  19. Holy Crap! that jar wouldn't fit in my cupboard! I would break my skinny wrists trying to lift it down every day! My cat would fall in it and drown! Wow. No Nutella in Toronto in the 60s either, at least not in my neighbourhood!

  20. Too funny! The new village crepe cafe make nutella cocoa.............................................................

  21. Funny I am blogging at the moment about Italy, Italian breakfast and other decadences. Nutella is one of Italy's great inventions, and makes breakfasts unapologetically excessive.

  22. Love Nutella! In fact, had some today on a banana. Those Italians sure know their foodstuffs...

  23. wow. i feel this! did you know there was a class action law suit brought against them here because of their advertising saying what a healthy alternative it is for breakfast? only in america.

    seriously though, it is my crack. i could live on nutella and coca cola and bacon i think.

  24. my sis introduced me [she's as addicted as you are]... i look at the prices here, and go 'meh'...

    though i'm nutzo on both chocolate and hazelnuts ;)

  25. I've never tried it...are those big tubes for injections? :)

  26. I stopped eating nutella because of the calories and sugar content.

  27. My husband has a HUGE love for Nutella. I buy it on occasion as a treat. I am not sure I will show him those huge jars in Italy. He'd likely want to take a "road trip"!!!

  28. My son introduced me to Nutella when he was home from college...I have to say I am not a fan. Strange, cos I adore chocolate.

  29. Oh I know! It's the best. I love all things hazelnut so with chocolate?! Good grief, dangerous. I bought a jar as part of our "hurricane survival package" which is the only way I can justify it. Might make some crepes tonight actually!

  30. LOL! Thanks for always making me smile Debra! I love nutella! I wish we had those big jars here! I have a lot of Italian friends, maybe when they go on a trip, to see their family, they can bring me a big jar home? Probably not, but I can hope ;o) LOL!

  31. I too am addicted to Nutella, Disciovered it on a trip to Paris. Yum. Love the pic of nutrlla in syringes.

  32. Nutella is the good it's evil. I can't have it in my house!

  33. It no make you skinny? Warning: buzz kill ahead: One serving of that stuff has 22g of carbs, 21 of which are sugar. Our daily sugar requirements is about 34g. I tried it once, but I won't eat it again.

  34. Oohhh... Nutella is the devil wrapped up in hidden chocolatey goodness! I can empathize. :-)

  35. I've never seen nutella in a syringe before. That's pretty wild! :)

  36. Mmmmm....I could go for some nutella in a syringe right now! Pump that baby straight into my mouth!

  37. I do love me some tasty Nutella. I came across a nutella product that was nutella and bread sticks that you dipped into the nutella. It was soooooo good! much like yan yan.


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