Wednesday 7 November 2012

Two Important Matters

First -- congratulations to all you Murricans for electing the right guy. Now go make some magic in your second term, President Obama!

And secondly -- just a reminder that today is the last day to enter my giveaway for the Wheel of the Year tapestry. Click here to do so!


  1. LOL, great graphic. And, yes, please, Mr. Obama, get cracking!!

  2. I suppose there will be cheers and tears today, I love the clock with the now on it, I need to get one pf those! NOW!

  3. I can honestly say I am glad its over!

  4. I'm so glad Obama got another term! It's so stressful being a non American during the US election.

  5. Thanks! I am breathing a huge sigh of relief this morning myself. :-)

  6. to the rest of the world, both candidates were pure evil :( Both of them will lead wars and kill people around the world if they steal the presidential seat :(

  7. Once again a Republican congress will keep his hands tied! People blame him for the lack of success during his first term but a president's power can only go so far when the congress vetoes every proposal made by the president.

    I hate politics!

  8. yay!!! we did it!!! and now same sex marriage is legal in maine!

  9. YES!!! Obama back again! I feel more secure now!
    Now let's see if those Republicans who voted for him will pressure their GOP Congressmen/women to cooperate with the Democrats and get things done!!
    There, over and out!

  10. Sorry to be Debbie Downer here but....I voted for the only man who would have made a real difference in the way Americans viewed the next four years, Gary Johnson. He is the former governor of my state, ran as a libertarian, and wanted to legalize marijuana. At least we would have all had an altered view of the pain of change. Pass that doobie my way bro. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  11. I want one of those clocks.....will certainly help me to stay in the PRESENT! teehee


  12. I have dual citizenship and I voted yesterday. And when I opened my mouth at the polls and a foreign voice came out, people glared at me. I stared them down and voted. My gay son cannot live in a country where he has no hope of equality. Yeah, I voted Obama.

  13. Can you teach him some of your skills Debra?

  14. Lol!! Yes, they'd hoped he was their Messiah the first time..!

  15. If they truly want to see things change then everybody has to contribute. Having Congress trying to stall his every move will surely defeat the purpose and to what end? I hope they will come together and work together - as should we all.


    you will love George's facebook...

    us 'mericans did good.

  17. I love the picture! I am feeling very happy today! :)

  18. I really disliked Romney, and I'm so pleased he's out. He's got the eyes of a shark.

  19. I just playin, you know. My blog persona is exaggerated. I may surprise you on the open mindedness in person, lol.

    We cool girl?

  20. Of course, Barfly! You're my favourite Republican!

  21. I think what will be interesting is what happens in 2014 now that he's in. 2014 I think will decide it when we see what happens with Congress. On the other hand, he's got lots of experience now and hopefully this will show that most of us would rather have them working together.

  22. I'm glad the election is over. Of course now I have to listen to everyone complain about the people who voted for Obama. lol

  23. I am so glad it's all over and that things can move on for everyone. If Canadians are election-weary, I can't imagine how exhausted our friends to the south are.

  24. Watch out, there are going to be a lot of bitter right-wingers moving to Canada now!
    Just kidding, they said the same thing 4 years ago, but we'll never get rid of these asses.

  25. I am sooo glad Obama won! I had my bags packed and ready to move to Canada in case Romney pulled through, but good for Canada for not having an onslaught of Americans jumping the border...

  26. Yay! I just read two friends' totally anti-Obama posts, so this is a breath of fresh air.

  27. It was a great day for Democrats! Four more years of moving forward!

  28. Here! Here! I second that thought!

  29. I don't know about you, but I can't deal with another 4 years of an economic meltdown coupled with Big Brother telling me what I can or can't do, or what I should or shouldn't by.

    Life does indeed go on, but most people are blissfully unaware of what his misguided economic policies have wrought here.

  30. barack's back... yaaaaaaayyyyy!

    unlike the asshole libs in ontario, what a bunch of losers!

    can't say the cons are that much better, though i like the ndp leader's ideas....

  31. Oh, I hope he does some magic! Love that picture of Barry -- and yes, I was very very relieved. Have a good one!


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