Sunday 25 November 2012

It's Grey Cup Sunday!

It's finally here! The 100th Grey Cup championship game is being played today in Toronto between the Calgary Stampeders (Western champs) and the Toronto Argonauts (Eastern champs).

The Calgary fans have all arrived and checked in at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel . . . .

. . . . while Torontonians are already confidently parading the Cup in front of City Hall.

And the Big Game's half-time show should be . . . interesting . . . too: Justin Bieber, Gordon Lightfoot and Carly Rae Jepsen. Jeez, something for everyone, eh?

Okay, Calgary! GO, STAMPS, GO!! Make the West PROUD!!!


  1. excellent post!!!

  2. we stayed at the royal york after we were married at city hall!

  3. AAARRRRGGGGOOOOOOOs! Go Toronto!!!! Bring the cup EAST!!!

  4. I'm cheering for Gordon Lightfoot! Go Gordie go!!! I feel bad for the horse....

  5. Enjoy the big day. Geez, Gordon Lightfoot doesn't look so good, at first I thought he was Ian McClellan!

  6. I may tune in just to see Gordon Lightfoot - he's a national treasure.

  7. nice to see gord still going at it, post his illness!

  8. Bieber and Jepsen - don't know who's more insignificant of the two of them :(

  9. I saw grey cup Sunday and thought Deb must be making some kind of soup. Who knew Baseball season was still going on up there?

  10. Some modesty please, let Toronto win, that is just good sportspersonship.
    It's just a game after all.

  11. jeez, what a line up...can you please keep Justin and send us Gordon?

  12. How cool!! I'm jealous. I got nothing going on here. Nothing.

  13. I'm gearing up for my NFL game but it's nothing compared to what you got going on up there - you got the Bebs. Hope you enjoyed, Debra!

  14. That is quite the range of music! And your favorite is? ;)

  15. I am sorry to say, we are winning ;o) I better not jinx us! Take Care my friend ;o)

  16. I am just watching the last part of the game now. :-(

  17. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg-hose took it -- as you already know

    seems they also won it in 2004, not 1962... or are they all lies?

  18. Is Canada responsible for Carly Rae Jepsen? That's a load off our collective shoulders down here!


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