Monday 31 December 2012

Party On!

"Fast away the old year passes" and all that, so it's time again for a New Year's Eve party! We'll be kickin' it old school tonight by having a bunch of friends over for snacks, beverages and board games. Haul out the old favorites!

Bring yer pennies too cuz there'll be rummoli!

Hopefully, everybody will be able to last until midnight so we can turn on the TV and do the countdown to 2013 -- I know that's way past MY bedtime. Oh, we are such wild 'n crazy gals!

Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve, everyone!


  1. Happy New Year to you and The Rare One! Wish we lived closer, I would have brought my favorite board game, Clue! We will ring in quietly, with me likely being in bed by 12:02!

  2. sounds pretty much like our evening a head, have the best New Years possible my friend, its been such a joy getting to know you!

  3. happy new year! i will be in bed by 8:00! i party hard when i get up at 4:30 am!

  4. Have a wonderful night!!! I got a new game from eldest... A zombie board game, really want to try it out. We are just heading around the block to neighbours late in the evening, if I stay up that long. Have fun!! Lois

  5. Sounds like my kind of party! I'm no longer the party animal I was...oh...about 20 years ago :) Happy New Year!

  6. Have a great time Debra! I will, no doubt, be snoozing in PJs by 10:30, and have DH wake me long enough for a toast, then off to sleepytown! HAR! That's welcoming the New Year with a BOOM!
    Here's to a good 2013 for us all.


  7. Sounds like fun. Happy New Year to you and yours. See ya in 2013.

  8. Happy New Year, Debs, to you, your loved one and to our dear HRH!

  9. cheers!!!! Here's to a prosperous, wonderful year for us all. Oma Linda

  10. Rummoli is the best game ever! Have fun and Happy New Year!

  11. You sound like me! Give me some board games, the TV with the Time Square ball drop and maybe some drinks, and I'm set.

    Happiest of New Years to you!

  12. Happy Happy 2013!! Have fun tonight, and here's wishing HRH can stay out of trouble!!

  13. Look at you. All set to party. Have yourselves a safe one. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  14. New Year's Eve is always bittersweet for me. The inexorable march of time and all that.
    But I love a good excuse for hanging with friends even if we all have to push each other towards midnight. Such a bunch of old farts.
    Bring it, 2013!

  15. Like the wild child I am, I'm going to celebrate by rolling over in the middle of the night, grabbing my cellphone, noticing it's past midnight, and grumbling "Happy New Year" to my sleeping wife before rolling back over and falling back to sleep.

    Happy New Year!

  16. Happy New Year to you, The Rare One and to HRH! May 2013 bring much love and laughter to your home! ♥
    Enjoy your 'wild and crazy' celebrations! :0)

  17. Happy New Year, Debra! Hope you and the gals have a great time tonight.
    Hugs and blessings,Bird

  18. That is the way to bring in the new year. Friends.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  19. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!!!

  20. Sounds like a wonderful evening - have a blast!! Happy New Year, Debra!!

  21. Oh that sounds super fun! Happy New Year!

  22. a brilliant new year to you both xo

  23. HA HA Rumolli....that is old school Ukrainian immigrant.

  24. If I lived close to you, I'd love to party with all of you. Love to you and of course HRH for the New Year!

  25. Wishing you and your Rare One a Happy and loving New Year!

  26. sounds a lot like our good time plans:-) May this New Year be one of realized dreams… even those we did not realize we were dreaming!

  27. Love the "Happy New Year" Scrabble board. Cool.

    You're so creative.

    Have a great night and new year.

  28. Wishing you a very Happy New Year Debra. I'll be on the sofa myself ( not the floor for a change!) with the pup and some champers.

  29. thx deb, and to you and yours... have a blast, ladies!

  30. Many Happy New Year Wishes to You and Yours!

    Your party sounds purrfect to me! :D :D

  31. Enjoy! We're staying in and watching movies.

  32. Rummoli! My favourite game EVER! Now that sounds like a great new year to me. :) I'm sick and am getting a pizza and probably just resting so you are one party animal in comparison, love it!

  33. All the best to you in the New Year!

  34. Happy New Year!!! May you have many many blessings!

  35. 6:19am... ready to make my first cuppa of the new year! ;)

  36. Happiest of New Year's to you and the Rare One from the gang here in Ottawa.

  37. I hope you had a great New Year's Eve!( I was in bed before 12:00! LOL!) And, I hope you have a fantastic New Year! All the best!


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