Tuesday 1 January 2013

My New Year's Resolution

I don't usually make New Year's resolutions. As I hope My Rare One thinks, "why tamper with perfection?"

But this year, I am making a resolution. A firm and committed resolution. This time I swear to Gawd I'll do it.

Here's a clue . . . .

No, my resolution is not to join a local community theatre group and stage massive epics on an obvious shoestring. But the photo is relevant -- my resolution is to finally finish reading Moby-Dick.

I've tried and failed several times over the years to read that massive tome. I usually end up defeated by the book's teeny-tiny print, by Melville's dense prose and by his desperate need for a good editor. However, ebook editions of Moby-Dick have solved the first issue so now I can enlarge the font size to a comfortable level. Alas, only sheer endurance can overcome the remaining issues.

Very, very long-time readers of this blog may remember that in the summer of 2009, I started my latest attempt to read Moby-Dick. I posted my progress and thoughts about the book several times. I got all the way to Chapter 87! And then, well, you know how it goes. Life intervenes. Other things come up. One gets distracted. My reading stalled and progressed no further.

But now, a mere three and half years later, I am bound and determined to finish reading the remaining 59 chapters. I will NOT be defeated by the Great White Whale in 2013!

Wish me luck!


  1. A feat of endurance to start the year! Good Luck!

  2. This is why you need an e-reader, Debra. No tiny print to put you off. In fact, I have Moby Dick on my kindle right now... doesn't mean I've read it though, lol! Good luck :)

  3. I read it because I had to since I studies English lg and literature at college, but I admit there were a few jumps over pages in my reading :) Not because it is long, but because it is boring.

  4. Debra,
    Listen to me, instead of reading "Moby Dick" read "Sailing Alone Around The World".
    I PROMISE you that you will love it, and it will NOT be a chore to read,. It is a pleasure and a delight and you will thank me for it.
    You still have my permission to read "Moby Dick", of course.
    Happy New year!

  5. You are brave to keep trying, Debra. I've gone so far as just flipping through the book and been frightened by it :) Good luck!

  6. you are a sucker for punishment, lol, I had to read this in school, BORING!!!!But I cheer you on, we all need a goal, lol, Happy New year!!

  7. i resolve to never read moby dick. happy new year!

  8. A test of WILLS! Who shall win? The Great White Whale? Or Debra the Determined?
    Stay tuned for further updates....
    Good luck! Best wishes for 2013.

  9. haha! I laughed out loud!! Love the pic! What a great, realistic, fun resolution. You go girl - read Moby Dick!! You can and will do it, I know. And yay for you for putting a different spin on the whole pressure of resolutions! All the best to you in 2013! So glad to have come across you in blogland!

  10. Well, at least you only have 59 more chapters to go. Just think, at least you don't have to start at the beginning. Good luck with that!

  11. The frickin whale dies or Ahab dies or they both die. Oh darn. did i spoil it for you? Oh well Happy New Year, Debra and good luck with the book!

  12. Good luck with that-however the ole Gregory Peck movie is as close as I will ever get.

  13. Okay so let me get this straight, you are obsessed with finishing reading a book about a captain of a sailing ship that is obsessed with finding and finishing off a whale? Oh my. Sounds like one of those dreams where no matter how hard you try to reach what is at the end.....the hallway just keeps getting longer and longer.
    Well if it is going to make you healthy, wealthy and wise....then go for it. I should find you the "Cliff notes" and get you out of your misery. But instead, I'll root you on to success, dog gone it. Rah, rah sis boom bah. Good Luck. Oma Linda

  14. My theory is that life is too short to read a book that doesn't captivate you! Good luck in your resolution to read it but don't beat yourself up if you don't. Happy 2013!

  15. I try to avoid making resolutions. All they are good for is setting myself up for failure!

  16. Wow that's a whale of a task!

    Oh God I'm sorry I shouldn't have....

  17. best of luck! I have never attempted to read it.

  18. Happy New Years Debs! Please do let us know how it ends when you finish in 2015! LOL!!!!!! I have a simlair book I too am trying to finish and have yet too!

  19. good for you! I might just get around to reading The Mists of Avalon... same thing for me as for you with Moby Dick. and I have been told that i must read it!

  20. This is a mighty, lofty resolution. I could never finish it either. You will NOT be defeated Debra!!!!!!

  21. Oh....now I get it....that big beige thing in the first pic is supposed to be a whale....LOL LOL....

    Happy reading and Happy New year.

  22. Oh god, Moby Dick. That book is unreadable. I watched the movie and bluffed my way through the test because life is too short for Herman Melville. 300 pages on making Whale Oil and I was DONE.

  23. I don't know the story or blog posts behind the massive delays.

    Either way, Life is too darn short to bother reading something that doesn't seem to hold your interest.

  24. I wish you luck with it. I think I told you back in 09 that I was assigned to read it high school (and I was a total lit nerd, as my teecher well knew, got a very short way in to it and gave it up.)

    I think my paper said something like, "My assessment of this book: if Melville couldn't hold my interest then the book is poorly written. I've read 10 pages and he couldn't get me to read the 11th." (Something like that ... can't remember now exactly ... high school was a loooonnnnnnggggg time ago.)

    I got an A. :)

    Good luck with the whale and the whaler. And happy new year!

  25. I've never read it. But if I can get through War & Peace, you can do it, sister!

  26. Wishing you luck, Debra - but I know you'll do it this time around for sure!

  27. I wish you all the luck in the world! You will do it! I have never read the book, that's a big book!!! I have a big thing to conquer this year and I will only speak of it, when I have accomplished it. Well, I better accomplish it! LOL! Send me some luck too, please ;o)

  28. Good luck! You can do it. :)

    Ebooks are awesome. You might also consider audiobooks, if reading it bogs you down. I listened to it as an audiobook last year.

  29. That sounds like a novel (no pun intended) twist for a resolution.

    Maybe that's something for me to consider. I've come across quite a few books that I would start reading then eventually give up on due to some of the reasons that you list.

    BTW, if you get a chance (if you haven't already) please swing by Workingdan's blog.

  30. Good luck tackling the White Whale!

  31. Good for you Debra! I think your in good company who never finished "Moby" Heck I've never even started it

  32. LOL! Best of luck - this is a good season for whales too.

  33. ~only you could bring forth a smile within the first few words written...to moby dick...

    not sure why the comment is not working...still in the process of working out the technical kinks!!!

    new year wishes and brightest of blessings be with you and yours~

  34. Moby Dick is sure a marathon of a read, but probably the best book I've ever read. Power through!

  35. Good luck.... is an amazing book, but did take me more than a year on and off to push through it!

  36. Kick that whale in its ginormous behind, and then have someone take pictures of your awesome acting skills ;-)

  37. Hey, our resolutions are kind of similar. I've started working on projects that I've dawdled on for way too long.

  38. Um...I think joining a local theatre group and acting it out would have been waaaaay easier...just sayin. Good luck with that!

  39. I love reading but Moby Dick will never be on my list. I did read Gone With the Wind but I have no idea which book is longer.

  40. Ok, if the Internet can be believed Moby Dick has 212,758 and Gone With the Wind has 423, 575. It needed an editor too.

  41. I read Moby Dick twice, once in 1988, I was 11, once in 1995, I was 18. First time for fun, second time for college.

  42. done... g'luck!

    not broken MY resolution, of 30+ years ago: don't make any! :P lmfao


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