Friday 11 January 2013

Edmonton Tarot: Justice (VIII)

Interpretation: The Justice card relates to cause and effect, to action and its consequences, and to karmic balance. It can apply to a person's inner dynamics as well as to those of the external world. This card teaches that what goes around, comes around.

Image: This portrait of The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada, hangs in the Faculty of Law at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. An Albertan by birth, she was the first woman appointed as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada and has held that position since the year 2000. She is the University of Alberta law school's most famous graduate.

[Photo by My Rare One]


  1. Beautiful painting.
    It is so true about 'what goes around comes around'.

  2. a wise looking woman. i really believe in what goes around, comes around. i have seen it happen many times.

  3. I truly do believe what one puts out returns.

  4. Actions and consequences - it sounds simple, but it's a lesson some of us never learn. Lovely portrait.

  5. She looks like she is kind and fair. Yep, I agree, what you give in this life is what you will receive in return.

  6. Really good portrait! And Bravo for her! (and only in a far north country would an official wear an ermine [?] stole)

  7. Hi, Debra! Informative tarot reading. thanks for sharing not a simple Tarot meaning but some new fact as well.
    Thanks for your nice comments in my blog.
    Take care!

  8. Fab post on Justice..lovely portrait too.

  9. I have never had my cards read but would love to sometime. Just haven't had the pleasure to run into any tarot card readers lately.

    Love the Justice's cravet (sp?)!

  10. good looking woman, karma rules, it all comes back,

  11. What a beautiful justice goddess. It's nice to see a woman in charge who represents all the positive aspects of the Justice Card.

  12. She's pretty hot for an old lawyer.. lol.

  13. That is so cool! Really enjoying this series, Debra.

  14. Karma, baby! Love that a woman has such a prominent position. We need more women in power!

  15. Love this card! Karma baby, Karma! Thanks for this post!

  16. "what comes around goes around" it and everything this card represents!

  17. I'm a believer in what comes around goes around. Love the portrait, very lovely.

  18. I do truly believe, what goes around, comes around! Great series you are doing with the Tarot cards! Have a great one Debra ;o)

  19. Is it horrible that even after reading your lovely description of the Justice, all I can think it, "Her hair is sooo perfect!?"

  20. I'll keep an eye out for her if I ever venture to that part of that campus.

  21. Beauty & brains - the perfect combination :)

  22. She also has great hair.


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