Monday 14 January 2013

HRH Gets a New Gig

Ever since last month when my cat Her Royal Highness returned home from her adventures in England and Russia, she has been bored and restless. I guess my little blog world is just too small and dull for her now.

So HRH has signed up for fun and adventure with another blogger! That's right, she has ditched me for Anne of Anne's Attic.

HRH is going to be part of Anne's cast of characters in a couple of upcoming tales: Suzie Swagger and the Zombie Apocalypse and The Wyrm of Connemara. HRH will be a swashbuckling pirate queen with her own ship. So exciting! Anne has even provided her with a gorgeous set of piratical clothes to wear. Here's the front and back views:

Anne is a very accomplished painter of miniatures. Can you believe that this little HRH pirate cat is only 32 mm (1 inch) high? Anne swears that she does not use a magnifying glass while painting. But how she manages to paint these wee things so perfectly without going stone blind is a complete and utter mystery to me.

I will keep you posted about HRH's escapades as Anne's stories appear. Or you may want to follow Anne's blog directly and be the first to know!

[Photos by Anne O'Leary. Used with her permission]


  1. congrats on your character's new ventures. i'm off to reading what this cat is all about:) love the idea!

  2. HRH, I always knew you were destined for great things (not that your Debra's blog isn't great, of course) you just needed to share your wits and snarls with the world. How exciting that it is finally happening... um, again.

    By the way, HRH, have anyone told you that you have a great rack? I'm not sure if that's appropriate to say, but I was thinking it so I figured I would put it out there ;-)

  3. Beautiful! I always knew she was destined for fame and glory!

  4. Should we get her autograph now???

  5. I can't wait to see what HRH has in store for her over at Anne's place!

  6. I saw this over at Anne's and can't wait to see HRH in action! She looks great.

  7. well this just goes to show us, you can't keep a great cat down! Best wishes on the new adventures!!

  8. Oh, goodness. HRH will be impossible to live with now! That's okay ... every cat is a star ... and should be! The miniature is amazing.

  9. It doesn't surprise me that HRH needs a new outlet. Being a world traveler and a political prisoner changes a cat's perspective. And don't even try to hold her back from her pursuit of bigger of, er..bigger fish to fry.

  10. Looking forward to her adventures.

  11. Glad to see HRH is now part of the ever growing cast of characters for Anne's stories. We all are waitng patiently for the stories to unfold!

  12. I bet HRH wears that eyepatch just to show off!

  13. Stardom at last! How is HRH being paid by the way? Salmon steaks and cream is what i would demand if I was her!

  14. Excellent! And great pics indeed. Is HRH satisfied?

  15. Thank you for posting this with a link. When I can afford it, I'm going to buy the line of Pirate Babes from Dark Sword and HRH will have an all female crew.

  16. I'm confused....I thought HRH was real. :0

  17. Hi Yvonne -- Of course HRH is real! But she has been known to use stunt doubles from time to time.

  18. HRH is so amazingly busy! How does she do it???? :) Our girls want to know....

  19. Wow, that HRH sure does get around. And now, fame and glory? A very busy feline. I'm guessing she's an extrovert :)

  20. I can't believe HRH just ditched you...AGAIN!

  21. Yeh HRH!! This is going to be so much fun! Anne is a very talented painter!!!

  22. Hehe!! Fickle as only a cat can be :)

  23. arrrrrrrrh me hearties, tis a fine t'ing ta be a pyrate queen!

    an' a fine t'ing y're doin' wiff da wee critters, annie ;)

  24. Well! She sure gets up to fun stuff doesn't she? Looking forward to her new adventures!

  25. The bikini top made me laugh out loud. Cats have like eight nipples or something. She ought to be wearing an octokini, right?

  26. I sporadically comment on Anne's blog but I think she's too busy to comment back on everyone else's. :P

  27. What fun!!! I always look forward to new stories from Anne!

  28. Looking forward to read about HRH's new adventures!

  29. Well isn't that just the coolest thing!

  30. My eyes tear up just thinking about painting that small, although I used to many, many years ago. Lucky Cat! I think I'd love to live such an exciting life. :)

  31. Every cat I've known seemed like a natural-born pirate! Now HRH has the wardrobe!

  32. Oooohhhh... A celebrity in our midst! There will really be no living with her now! :0)

  33. Ahhhh yes, she's finally going to receive the fame and fanfare she's always craved and deserved. You go, HRH!

  34. I can't wait to see what HRH gets up to. She knows how to have fun.

  35. Your cat has a more exciting life than my cat.


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