Sunday 20 January 2013

Poe 'n Raven Giveaway

In December while I was Christmas shopping, I found this miniature theme box (3" x 3" x 2") that is just jam-packed with macabre Poe fun! There's a teeny-tiny booklet containing the full text of "The Raven." And even better, there's a small black plastic Raven who croaks Nevermore against a background of creepy-sounding gothic bells when you push the button on his base. Too cool!

So, once upon a midnight dreary, here are the rules for entering:

1. You must be an official Follower to enter. Old, new or just signed up in order to enter the draw, it's all good. And it doesn't matter where you're from in the world, I'll mail the package anywhere!

2. In addition to being a Follower, you must leave a comment on this post. If you leave a comment but don't want to be entered, just say so -- it's okay!

3. Only one entry per person please.

4. Entries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time) on Thursday, January 24, 2013.

5. The winner will be chosen by a random draw made on Friday, January 25 and the results posted here on Saturday, January 26.

Merely this and nothing more -- good luck, everyone!


  1. Too funny! The raven would drive the kitties mad! :D :D :D

  2. How can I resist the chance to own a croaking raven?

  3. you know...i never sign up for give a ways but i can't pass up on this one. it is just way too cool!!!

  4. Who doesn't enjoy a little macabre around the home? Count me in!

  5. Very cool giveaway...count me in! :)

  6. What a great give-away Debra! Some good reading to scare the beegeezas out of us!! Thanks for dropping by today.

  7. Now that is an amazing giveaway! Please add me to the mix... can't pass up Poe!

  8. This is wonderful, Debra. I believe that I'd like to throw my name into the list as well, Thanks. :)

  9. Debra, you are too too. First a birthday cake and now a vocal Raven......but of course I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. I love Poe. My very favorite is the
    Golden Bug. Obscure but wonderful. Oma Linda

  10. woohoo, Poe himself would be proud of the giveaway, Debs! Let us celebrate it with a cask of amontillado :P

  11. What do you mean 11:59 Mountain Standard time? If you are going to strict like a high school Math teacher, Debra, I think you should give all the times - and don't forget the 1/2 hour difference in Newfoundland!! Bwa ha ha

  12. The Raven is one of my favorite poems of all times. The mathematical perfection of the syllables in each line makes it a work of art. I read a novel once entirely based around this poem... that's how I found out about it.

  13. Mine! Mine!! Mine!!! Evermore, evermore, evermore!

    What a cute baby. Do add my name to the hat. I already have a spot for it ;-)

  14. I can hear that heart thumping under the floorboards!

  15. Ohhhh yes please enter me!!! I would love to add this to my collection.
    And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
    On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;


  16. That is fantastic! Count me in :)

  17. I am not worthy, but I would like to hear that raven "quothing."

  18. Too bad my high school English teacher isn't still alive. Poe was her favorite author.

  19. I started reading Poe when I was about 8-9 years pod...and then vincent price made all the spooky poe movies..I was in hog heaven.

  20. Sweet! I've always been a Poe fan and I've even visited the home where he lived in Philadelphia, where he wrote the "Tell-Tale Heart". It is also rumored that the basement in the home resembles the description that he used in "The Black Cat", and I can attest to that. It is a little creepy there.

  21. Hi Debra, just caught up with your last two posts. An edgar allen poe extravaganza!!! I truly would love to win your poe-riffic giveaway! count me in!!! caw caw caw

  22. This is too cool!!! Please count me in ;o) Pretty Please ;o) Robin took my line! Caw, Caw, Caw ;o)

  23. I think it be fun to have that crow constantly croaking at my desk.

    I'm in.

  24. Now what good Halloween loving person wouldn't want to be entered into this giveaway? :0)
    Throw my name into the mix please!

  25. "I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." ~ Edgar Allen Poe

    Thought you'd like that :)

  26. Count me in! I mean, who WOULDN'T want a talking raven statue!

  27. hi, Debra! Poe's Raven in my! consider my entry too :) please. thanks for being so giving:)

  28. What a very cool theme box. I guess by commenting I'm making an entry, aren't I? So what happens if there's two of us? THEN can we leave 2 comments? Will we have to fight to the death to decide who gets it?

    (Kidding... I hope)

  29. Ahhhh, you've captured my heart with this one. My animal totem for my heart is the raven so please enter me in this wonderful give away. I also love Poe. His dark soul speaks to mine ; )

  30. So cool! I've always been a Poe fan. What nice little giveaway.

  31. I so want this. I'm not sure if I want it for myself, my brother, or my boyfriend...but I want it.


  32. As a love of Ravens/Crows you can count me in! I also love The Raven. Eeee!

  33. eenie... meenie... minie... poe

    cuz mama said she don't wan't no mo!

  34. OMG, that is the coolest!!! What an awesome giveaway Debra! Good luck everyone.

  35. I enter on the last possible day! Almost missed it!

  36. I like your Friday tarot card posts the best.


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