Tuesday 22 January 2013

Shirakawa-go Gingerbread House

My Rare One had to do our annual gingerbread house by herself this year because I was away in Manitoba visiting my Mom. But she did a great job! She took as her inspiration this little Shinto shrine and its torii gate that we saw in Shirakawa-go Village in Japan --

Behold its gingerbread counterpart! Yes, My Rare One did bend the "everything must be edible" rule a wee bit by using a wooden model for the torii gate but who cares? We're not perfectionistic hard-asses about such things.

And of course, the Japanese original didn't have a Christmas wreath and red ribbons on it but again, artistic licence. The front door is a chocolate bar and the warmly glowing window panes are lemon gumdrops. I think My Rare One did a particularly wonderful job of the thatched roof, which she replicated using Sun Chips and heavy icing for the snow.

And I must point out that she bricked the chimney with genuine dry-roasted edamame (soy) beans -- you can't get much more Japanese than that!

A final shot of this year's creation! Well done, my love!

[All photos by Debra She Who Seeks]

[Reminder: If you haven't entered my Poe 'n Raven giveaway yet, click here to do so!]


  1. That is so sweet! Yum yum.

  2. Well done, indeed! I love it, very creative.

  3. hope HRH didn't eat the chimney....

  4. I meant to make one for xmas but never got around to it.

  5. OMG...that is wonderful!!! love it...

  6. Architect and builder extraordinaire!!

  7. this is so wonderful. how talented you rare one is. Oma Linda

  8. Wonderful! Very clever use of endame and sun chips! Like the torii gate - it would look good in a fairy garden....

  9. excellent, I love how she used the roasted beans for the chimney!!

  10. Awesome! Fantastic work by your rare one!

  11. I love it! If your rare one is in the mood to come to So. Cal to visit me and make an early gingerbread house, I'll pay for the ticket for both of you and of course HRH.

  12. I've always wanted to make a Gingerbread House, but visiting one would be extra special.

  13. Wonderful! and super artistic. I love it

  14. Fantastic! Chocolate bar, lemon gumdrops, Sun chips and dry roasted soy beans! You can get any more perfect than this!!! Truly, very creative!

  15. That is beautiful! I wonder how long it took before you started to eat it. That chocolate bar door wouldn't have lasted long in this home. I've been meaning to make a gingerbread house for...oh...my whole life...LOL... Perhaps one day.

  16. Oh so adorable!! She did a wonderful job on it :) I'm with Martha - that chocolate door would have been the first thing to go!

  17. Holy cow, Debra, that is just to cool! Artistically speaking I love the chimney and the roof the best but if you left alone in a room with it, it wouldn't have a ront door!

  18. So well done! I wouldn't eat it anyway - it's a masterpiece.

  19. That is one fantastic and delicious looking gingerbread house! Next time you are in or near The Peg, let me know!

  20. Oh your Rare One has great talent! I love the roof,so clever and it looks so cozy. May I move right in?

  21. It is perfect! I love the chimney. I bet it tasted delicious. And if you leave me alone with it, I might forget I'm not supposed to eat the gate ;-)

  22. yaaayyyyy!

    [anyone else see a bear sitting atop
    the shrine in the first shot?]

  23. Wow, what patience she has. We attempted making one. After 5 minutes we decided to eat the candy and say screw this noise.

  24. That is cool. Your dear one did a wonderful job.

  25. That bear ad was super good. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  26. It is fantastic! Not sure if I like the recipe though (Sun chips, icing, and dry beans) so I would recommend just looking at it. ;-)

  27. what a hoot, very creative Debra!! lol

  28. Is it crazy that now I'm craving sun chips and icing?!


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