Tuesday 29 January 2013

Why Won't Cats Obey?

I'm not saying that Her Royal Highness is misbehaving herself any more than usual, but this post seemed appropriate for today.

But where does all this disobedient behaviour lead? Nowhere good, my furry little friends, nowhere good. Tune in tomorrow for a cautionary tale.


  1. I love these. Trying to make a kitty do something she doesn't want to do - impossible!

  2. they do "obey" .... just in their own good time ....!!!!!

  3. I remember when we had bad kittens and I realized they were more work and mess than 4 children. But lovely too.

  4. uh oh, here comes trouble!

  5. mine have ALL obeyed... when they saw me looking at em ;) lmfao

  6. Hahaha...love that first one! My cats do obey while I'm around, but as soon as I turn my back, they break the rules. I'm sure they stick out their tongue at me, too.

  7. OOOH, we do love posts which come in sequels :)

  8. Must be something in the air ...... this crew has been a bit naughty lately. I attributed it to cabin fever!

  9. Well, you know The Ungrateful Bastard never obeys. I am looking forward to your post tomorrow and hopes it makes me feel that I am not alone as a cat owner.

  10. it's amazing how much chow chows are just like cats!

  11. Oh goodie a sequel post.....
    GK's cat waits all day like a purrrrfect angel while GK is at school and the minute Cybella knows that GK is home she starts in the crazy cat antics which include lets eat the fish, jump the dog and I'll check the kitchen counter just in case you have missed all the other crap I've just pulled. Then she settles back down to rest....until bedtime. We've written complaint letters to the management but, well, who gives a big one, hairball that is.

  12. Heehee, love the goldfish in that blue martini!

  13. HAHAHAH I love cats for exactly that reason. Cheeky buggers:)
    Those images are hilarious.

  14. not one of my 5 cats listen till I get the spray bottle out :)

  15. Why don't cats obey? Because cats is cats.

  16. I learned a long time ago that Miss Minga is the boss.

  17. I love cats so deeply! They are such incredible creatures!

  18. Pavlov's cats! Too funny. My girls would shoot me the dirtiest looks like I'm sure HRH would if I expected them to perform something when I rung a bell. Not gonna happen...

  19. Golly gee, is HRH off to Russia again?? Wonder what's she's up to now????

  20. "get off the counter" is what I always hear at my girlfriend's house by her mom to their cat. He doesn't listen until someone grabs the water bottle.

  21. I love the one about Pavlov's cat! Did you ever see the Eddie Izzard skit about that?

  22. HRH will not be pleased that you've spoken ill of her =P

  23. Last night I demoted our cat from "member" to "guest," and warned her that the next stage is "visitor."

  24. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the first was especially funny to me...

  25. A long long time ago, I had a cat. Got him from a kitten and I swear he acted so much like a dog. He answered to his name, sat when said sat, didn't go on the counters and slept under the covers with his head on the pillow.

    Extremely smart and well behaved.

    We lucked out.

  26. Cats are superior creatures. They just are.

  27. Love the little fishy in that first cats drink. lol I swear, my cat would laugh up a storm anytime I told him to do something.

  28. That first caption made me scream with laughter...

  29. as a Psych major, Pavlov's cat is just freaking awesome!!!!

  30. That's really funny! And those pictures are great!

  31. All jokes aside, cats do respond to operant conditioning. In fact, some of the first experiments that led to the theory were on cats.

  32. You made laugh, Debra..that Pavlov and cat - so much lol!!!cats are very independent, mine was too, never used to listen when we said him not to ...ee in non appropriate places..:)

  33. They only obey when it works for them. My cat is driving me crazy. housebound she is I tell you...glad I dropped in today. you always make me laugh. hope you are well.

  34. You're supposed to obey them! Not the other way around.

  35. I can't stop chuckling! Miss Phoebe has taken her disobedience to the next level now that we have welcomed a 95 lb dog into our home. She waits til I walk in the room and then jumps onto the dining room table and prances back and forth - flitting her tail. Soooo defiant!!!

  36. I love it when I call and call and call and call thinking he's outside..and then realize he's on the couch and never even blinked at me.

  37. We feed them, pamper them, clean their litter boxes...yes cats rule the world!

  38. My neighbor's cat won't obey either. He keeps sneaking up behind me and trying to run into the house when I open the door. I'd let him, but my wife is deathly allergic. I keep telling him NO! but he doesn't care.


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