Friday 15 February 2013

Edmonton Tarot: The Hanged Man (XII)

Interpretation: The person who draws this card may be in a state of suspension between two sets of circumstances. The Hanged Man represents a period of limbo or delayed gratification. One must surrender any illusion of control and be content to wait out this period of unknowing or inaction. Sometimes the transition is between one set of attitudes or perceptions and a new way of understanding the world.

Image: The traditional image for this tarot card shows a man calmly hanging upside down by a single leg. Where would I find something like that in Edmonton? But one lovely summer morning in Gazebo Park in Old Strathcona, I ran across this young man suspended on one foot (albeit in an upright position) while honing his tightrope-walking skills. I put a nice tip in his busker's cap and he graciously agreed to pose for this photo.

I tried posting it upside down in order to mimick the traditional image more directly, but the photo just looked too odd. So I left the picture in its original orientation.

[Photo by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. That is a very interesting card. Until now, I had no idea what it meant. I always assumed it implied that someone was doomed.

  2. It sounds like such an ominous card with that name, delayed gratification seems a much better explanation!

  3. I so relate to the hanged man at the moment, I actually used that imagery in a poem I recently wrote!

    I love your tarot.

  4. Interesting. And, I think that you were lucky enough to get the picture that you did.
    That would have been a tough one. :)

  5. oh, I hate limbo and suspension....

  6. I always wondered what that meant,

  7. It makes sense then that if on the cusp of two things one is left hanging for a time. Nice photo!

  8. That post title gave me pause, wondering what the heck you would choose as a graphic. Thankfully, not someone hanging by their neck!! LOL!!
    Another very creative tarot post.

  9. You have such an ability to see outside the box!! Love your hanged man. L

  10. Great portrayal of The Hanged man card!

  11. Today, I feel a bit like I'm hanging on by a toe nail so I'm right there with this guy.

  12. Hi Debra!
    I'm enjoying your Edmonton Tarot series! What a great idea!

    I have often gotten The Hanged Man in readings ~ and it always makes me sweat bullets when I see it. I believe more in reincarnation than I don't believe in reincarnation, and I always joke that I must have been hung in a previous life because I have such a visceral reaction to anything to do with hanging.

    But the card makes perfect sense in terms of delayed gratification because I am an accomplished master at that! And I have often been in limbo!

    Your blog is so interesting and fun.
    Have a good day!

  13. I love Old Strathcona! There's always something interesting and fun going on there!

  14. I have loved following your tarot deck.

  15. Awesome post as always Debra.. super cool photo..what an interesting capture..! I love the hanged man and all of the symbolism.. I painted my own version of the hanged "woman".
    Wishing you a fab day and wkd full of sparkles

  16. Being caught in the middle of two circumstances...Ugh. I am not a patient waiter although I find myself in that position fairly often.

  17. Debra thanks so much for your visit and thought provoking comment you left me today...

    state of suspension...yes i got that...
    dig the hard workin dude in the pic at the park.

  18. I wonder, when is it that we are NOT caught in the midst of more than one circumstance?? great photo!

  19. I am always fascinated by the tarot explanations - I'm totally in the dark.

    And I would love to be able to do a balancing act like that.

  20. How cool that you were able to find this guy when you didn't think you'd be able to. Seems like the card is saying your almost powerless for a bit.

  21. Well that is interesting. I mean your decision to leave him upright. :) Not that I would tell you or anything, but I might think there is something you need to let go of in your life right now. But of course I'm way to polite to say anything.

  22. Whenever i draw this card a sacrifice is to be made and a tough decision. Kind of like judgement but worse!

  23. Great photo Debra! I am really enjoying these posts!

  24. Funny, I've been dealt this card quite a bit over the years!! The older I get, the easier it is to wait it out!

  25. Not the hanged man I think about when I think of hanged man.

  26. Very cool... the cards are something I know nothing about and am of course curious. LOVE LOVE that you found a local picture to illustrate this with!

  27. At least this guy is actually doing something interesting. Better than the guy I saw the other day with a sign "Kick me anywhere for $2".

  28. Like Martha, I thought it meant doom's day as well. :P

  29. ~the perfect card to represent daily life with my two littles...hehehe...happy sunday my friend...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  30. That's my usual method of figuring things out, letting go and letting what may.
    There is strength in surrender!

    This man has some skills! I would be falling all over the place :)

  31. I used to walk on a rope, but I don't know if I could still do it today.

  32. I like a man that knows the appropriate height to wear pants!

  33. I was going to ask, why not post it upside down, then I saw your last comment. And I agree. And upside down gazebo would look just queer ;-)

  34. I like your photo-interpretation of the card. I think they should rename that card so it doesn't sound


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