Tuesday 12 February 2013

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Everybody loves Mardi Gras, even you know who! But sometimes I wonder if all this shameless exposure of tits, tits and more tits in order to collect cheap beads hasn't gone too far. Maybe it's time to go back to the good old days --

Nah, just kiddin'!


  1. HRH is looking a bit like Dame Edna!

  2. that's not HRH, Jane, that's Tard the grumpster, and she will be very grumpy when she sees what PhotoShop has done to her :)

  3. hahahaha...Grumpy Cat is looking good! I can almost see a smile building...

  4. I'd be leaving my 50-year-old-boobs well covered. :)

  5. Those were simpler times...

  6. So glad grumpy cat made the Big Easy. Surprised HRH isn't there???
    Actually, now that I think about it, why the heck aren't we all there? Pancake Tuesday in St. Catharines is chilly, snowy and wet and nobody is showing their ankles or their boobs.

  7. I'm still laughing from the Dame Edna comment!!!

  8. I agree, very Dame Edna - and that's a Good Thing!

  9. Dame Edna!!! Good one! Let the good times roll!

  10. Love the Grumpy Cat photo! Everybody loves Mardi Gras! Please pass me a bite of King Cake.....

  11. Oooh my...shameless gals, showing some leg!

  12. as for tits... Last French Quarter Fest, i marched into the police station on Royal Street inquiring on the topless rules for the good city of New Orleans. Topless men...OK. Topless women...NOT OK. Topless women go to jail. Now for the interesting part. If a man has a sex change operation and no longer has a penis he can be arrested for being topless. AND... if I have "mounds" but no areola I can be topless and NOT be arrested. I am not 100% sure if I can be topless with mounds and manufactured nipples but no areola but I will find out in April! and of course, I will blog about it.

  13. Jane's right, Grumpy Cat DOES look like Dame Edna!

  14. What? I never showed my tits at Mardi Gras! Oh, that wasn't the point of this post? My bad.

  15. Grumpy Cat is an excellent front person for my feelings about Mardi Gras.....I'm not there so I'm grumpy. Oma Linda

  16. Ah, but that is an excellent poster. Those hussies showing their ankles!

  17. Grumpy cat looks like he's having a ball!

  18. Actually, the 1919 Mardi Gras sounds like fun.

  19. I think visiting the Mardi Gras in 1919 would be fascinating! Love the cat of course.

  20. That is so funny!!! Especially the Mardi Gras kitty....that picture is hysterical.

  21. Grumpy Cat looks great! ahahahahahahahahahahaaa!

  22. No lookin back! Straight ahead! Yikes!!

  23. LOL! You are hilarious Debra!!! I love your posts! I want to kiss Grumpy Cat! LOL!

  24. Okay, the Dame Edna stuff is cracking me up.

    That leg shot is a riot.

  25. Nothing says mardi gras quite like a set of shapely ankles!

  26. Happy Mardi Gras! Nice to see Tardar Sauce getting into the spirit!

  27. I guess that's part of the time the cat said "I had fun once, it was awful".

  28. Readjust now what Mardi Gras means. Good educational post, Debra, for me.

  29. must be inna wrong part of st.kitts, francie... all kindsa boobs/ankles in my area... on four legs ;)

  30. I've never liked the showing of the tits for the beads. It's not because I don't like tits. Everyone likes tits, gay or straight. I just don't like the idea of showing them to a bunch of drunk asshats for some plastic beads. If I'm bustin these bitches out in public you best be throwin down some jewels.

  31. Nobody wants to see my tits. They would close Mardi Gras down forever if I did.

  32. I had pancakes for dessert. I used to eat something very meaty. As a child, I didn't have chocolate during the whole time of Lent.

  33. I loved the 1919 Mardi Gras photo. Hysterical!

  34. all I can think of is I won't be making gumbo for 60 and makes me weep.


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