Sunday 10 February 2013

Year of the Serpent

Gung hey fat choy, everyone! Happy Chinese Lunar New Year! Welcome to the Year of the Serpent!

In Chinese mythology, serpents are often associated with goddesses and heroines. Serpents bless us with the powerful feminine yin energy of wisdom, mystery and sensuality. Well, that sounds promising, doesn't it? So what can we expect in a Serpent Year? According to Susan Levitt and Jean Tang in Taoist Astrology:

The year of the Serpent is a time of introspection, planning, and seeking answers. People will ponder and think before they act. Good taste and elegance will prevail in fashion, theatre, film, and all the arts. Serpent wisdom influences contributions in the sciences through new technological inventions and discoveries. But this is not an auspicious year for gambling, investing, or taking any financial risks because the calamities of the previous Dragon year can continue into Serpent year. Expect political extremes, scandals, and the exposing of secrets.

Don't forget to exchange a small coin with a friend today to ensure good luck and prosperity for the upcoming year! Click here for details of this fun little ritual.


  1. Oh well, I'm outta coins...and bills for that matter...what do I do now?

  2. Oh and Happy New year, D ;-)

  3. Go girls go!!!! Happy Lunar New Year!

  4. Happy New Year. Will exchange coins and thanks for the ritual instruction.

  5. I love the idea of exchanging coins...I'm on it!!
    And ..."introspection, planning, and seeking answers"... this resonates with me.
    Happy Year of the Serpent Deb!!

  6. Good taste and elegance will prevail, YES to that.

  7. Introspection, you say? Sounds like a good year to me. I am proud to say that the year I was born was one of the 'Year of the Serpent' years! I didn't know about the exchanging of coins. Sounds like fun.

  8. oh ,hell as if I didn't have enough pondering and introspection in my life so far....

  9. Hi Debra!
    It seems that serpents fare better in Chinese mythology than in Christian! Ohh ohh! I'm going gambling next weekend ~ to celebrate the Chinese LNY along with lion dances and dragon parades. Gung hey fat choy to you! Fun post!

  10. "Good taste and elegance will prevail in fashion, theatre, film, and all the arts." Well this goes hand in hand with the Galliano news of a return!!! Later, my friends will thinks Im hitting the gin again when I pass out coins! I wonder when the year of the rooster is?

  11. Great information! Happy New Year!

  12. Like the idea of exchanging the coin, anything to encourage good luck is welcomed.

  13. Happy Chinese New Year to you too Debra! Good luck!

  14. Hey, I'm from the year of the Serpent! My year, cool.

  15. Happy New Year! It's the year of the "Black Snake" which sounds cool, well cooler than "Water Snake".

  16. I really enjoyed reading your post, Debra, for this information is very informative. Thank you!


  17. Thinking before acting...I love the concept. Perhaps this is going to be a great year.

  18. I think this the year of the serpent will be the best year yet!

  19. Happy Chinese New Year to you too!

  20. I've been very introspective lately, so that sounds apt. I love the ritual, and will do it!

  21. Cool description of the year to come

  22. Happy Chinese New Year, Debra! I sure love the part about good taste and elegance prevailing ;)

  23. I think it's going to be a great year! Happy New Year ;o)

  24. As far as the year of the serpent representing femininity, I'm being absolutely serious, here Debra. One of my favorite all time songs is "I Feel Like a Woman", by, Canadian.....Shania Twain. I blew out a knee in Cabo to that

  25. Happy Serpent year to everyone! :) Ok, I will not be buying any property this year..:))

  26. As an impoverished writer I don't have any coins. And since I don't have any coins I won't be prosperous this year. Which means no chance of acquiring coins. It's a vicious cycle, isn't it?

  27. My daughter is half chinese, her dad is 100%. Back when we were married, I embraced many of his customs. I also learned to cook some great chinese dishes. People used to ask me if I cook chinese food and I used to answer, "we just call it food" ....:)

  28. I'm gonna do that coin exchange! I need some good luck and prosperity!

  29. I have Union of the Snake by Duran Duran stuck in my head now.
    Happy New Year!

  30. yuppers, aka year of the 'baby dragon' :)

    good news today [11 feb]: prince of the evil empire to step down at month end; new pope by march...

  31. Happy New Year! As always, you entertain and inform. "Good taste and elegance will prevail in fashion, theatre, film, and all the arts." I really, truly hope so. There's far too much vulgarity, crudeness and low-vibration energy in the arts these days. A level of decency and good taste would be most refreshing!

  32. I've been all sad and weepy cause I'm not making chinese new years and marde gras for the oldies..sigh*

  33. David is a Snake and I'm a horse. We're not supposed to be compatible but hey we are because we're both Libra's. Strange...


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