Thursday 28 February 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Earlier this month, Shelly Chandler of Shelly Simplified nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award! Thanks so much, Shelly, you rock! Check out her blog of witchy wisdom and good book reading advice, everyone -- you'll enjoy it!

Warning: Now that I'm a total rebel and bad girl in my middle age, I'm not going to follow any of the award rules. But I am going to answer the questions which Shelly posed to her nominees:

1. Describe yourself in 5 words. Happy, optimistic, introverted, contemplative, crunchy.

2. What's your favourite way to relax? It's a toss-up between windsurfing and snowboarding. Yes, just checking to see if you're actually reading this.

3. Innie or outie? Innie, I'm proud to say.

4. Age of your first heartbreak? Six, when a girl at school uninvited me from her birthday party, the little bitch. But I'm over it now.

5. Your number 1 comfort food? Grilled cheese sandwiches.

6. Most quirky habit. Only one?

7. What are you saving for a rainy day? My sanity, with any luck.

8. Name something that made you laugh so hard you cried. The killer rabbit scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Also, the crucifixion scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian. Hmm, I detect a pattern.

9. Favourite perfume? I don't often wear perfume but when I do, it's Chanel No. 5 for me, baby. It's the only thing in common I have with Marilyn Monroe, apart from being a sex goddess of course.

10. Favourite book? Seriously, Watership Down by Richard Adams. I love those friggin' bunnies.

11. If you could be anyone from history, who would you be and why? Oooo, that's a toughie. Who was rich and talented and happy and never had any bad things happen to them? If you can come up with a name, THAT'S who I want to be!


  1. Mmm! Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. A comfort food from childhood.

  2. Hehe...loved your answers! Windsurfing and snowboarding? (Yes, I read everything!).

    Congratulations on the award.

  3. those 6 year old bitches are the worst!

  4. Congratulations, you old Emonton windsurfer, you! Highly deserved!!

  5. I too have an innie, and I also find crucifixion and murderous rabbits hilarious. No wonder we get along so well.

    Congrats on another well deserved award!

  6. Totally love your answers.

    Crunchy??? Yes, the 6 year old was a little bitch and I wouldn't judge you for not being over it. Chanel No.5 is classic and there isn't a better choice for favorite perfume.

  7. Great answers! And congratulations on the award.

    I read Watership Down too, when I was in grade 6 or something. Which was quite the undertaking for a boy of that age. (THIS boy, at that age) I loved it, but every time I tried to tell my friends how good it was and how they should all be reading it, all I got was blank stares at my explanations of it. Still one of my favorites! :)

  8. Hi Debra! Congrats on your award! I love it that you describe yourself as crunchy! Happy day to you!

  9. Congrats on the award! Well deserved!
    A crunchy snowboarder that loves grilled cheese sandwiches, bunnies and Chanel No. 5. Yup! That's you in a nutshell!

  10. I love that I knew nothing of these things.....kinda fleshes you out....especially the grilled cheese samaches. tee hee
    I got scared the first time I read Watership Down....I have no idea why now....lotsa years, no memory.
    Great post. Oma Linda

  11. Congrats of your award darlin. Crunchy? You been standing too close to a dragon again?
    I LOVE Monty Python and The Holy Grail. My brother and I can recite from memory every single line. My favorite is the "She's a Witch" scene. I'm going to be posting that again on my blog soon enough.
    Again, congrats Bee Priestess.

  12. I'm a grilled cheese fanatic too... Every day when I was a kid, never got sick of them.

  13. Damn, now I really want some grilled cheese!!

    Couple of things...crunchy? That is one adjective I have never heard anyone use to describe themselves. I love it.

    And for couldn't even be a Disney Princes with those standards!

  14. and that ladies and gentlemen is why we love her.

  15. What? Another introvert! I am surrounded!!! lol

  16. Love your answers Debra and crunchy? so cute!

  17. Congrats on your blogging award!

  18. Windsurfing and snowboarding? Really? ;o) These are fantastic answers! I love grilled cheese sandwiches and a cup of tomato soup! Mom always made this for us and I still love the combination ;o)

  19. ha! ;)

    are those rock liebsters, and do you supply a bib, garlic butter and those long, french baguettes with em?

  20. Crunchy. LOL! Loved it!

  21. Did she send you an unvitation? Have you looked her up on Facebook? Did she at least have the decency to have her life go to hell in a hand basket after the uninviting episode?

  22. What a coincidence: I was just telling my grand about Watership Down earlier this week. Love those friggin' bunnies. I cried. I laughed. I enjoyed.

  23. Somehow I missed this one, I found out when I came back to look for the bee goddess posts. The rabbit in Monty Python, yes! Second only to, "What's your favorite color?" "Blue?" "Wrong!"


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