Friday 1 March 2013

Edmonton Tarot: Temperance (XIV)

Interpretation: The Temperance card is all about reconciling and integrating opposites in order to gain balance in the midst of upheaval. It is important to seek compatibility while being flexible and adaptable. Avoid extremes.

Image: This photo is from the snow-filled front yard of My Rare One's and my home. Part of our annual Christmas lights display is this rope-light palm tree that we brought back from Maui a few years ago. Anyway, this photo is trying to illustrate Temperance by contrasting the tropical palm tree with the winter snow. Yeah, yeah, it's the best I could do.

[Photo by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. Wow, that tree is growing very well...considering.

  2. Hey, that is a pretty good analogy. That sure is one hardy tree.

  3. does that palm tree bear coconuts? :)

  4. Love the tree analogy of Temperance. Funny how things are smack dab right in front of your face without knowing it.
    Glad you liked the smiling moose hamming it up. I try to please even my friends up North.

  5. Your tree is so much fun! I remember when first moving to CA years ago, the palm trees always were a bit of a shock, my eyes were constantly drawn to them, just because they were different. After a couple of years, I didn't really notice them. It's fun to see something like that in unfamiliar surroundings!

  6. I think that is a very good representation of Temperance.

  7. Well I'd say you integrated opposites and gained balance in the face of winter unheaval. :)

  8. Hey, I've got one of those palm trees out by the pool. Plus, there are some real ones, but I love synthetic, lol.

  9. The best you could do? I think it is perfection! And exactly what I am trying to attain...temperance.
    **blows kisses** Deb

  10. Temperance is something we all need in our lives.

  11. Nice try but no cigar.. LOL

  12. My favorite part of the post? "My Rare One" =)

    Happy Friday, Debra!

  13. I like it. Its perfect. I bet the lights twinkle beautifully against the snow!

  14. I didn't know there was temperance in tarot. But then most of what I know of tarot is from Carmina Burana.

  15. That is a pretty cool example. I can think of a few people that should practice flexibility and adaptability.

  16. I love that Palm in the snow.....they say "opposites attract" he...(O:


  17. being libran, i guess this post is all about me? ;)

  18. Well taught and illustrated lesson, Teach! Thanks.

  19. I love the contrast of the palm tree with the snow. I would love it more without snow...but then I guess there would be no contrast. Still....I am totally sick of snow.
    Turns out I am a failure at being flexible and adaptable.

  20. I think you did great ;o) That palm tree is a lot of fun! I would love to see a picture at night time, with it lite up ;o)

  21. I like it! Funny, I just had a conversation with my acupuncturist about this topic. (Temperance, not trees.)

  22. Wouldn't a real palm tree be a sight right now? #sotiredofwinter

  23. ~hey it works...thinking outside the box! sometimes...sometimes i just DON'T want to be flexible and adaptable...a battle at times...and is one that usually winds up not taking or getting me anywhere...happy weekend ahead...much love light and blessings~

  24. I like temperance in my readings. It is a card that represents machurity for me because i do not do silver linings. I am an all or nothing kind of gal. Someday, somehow, i will get there!
    By the way the 5 leaf clovers are considered extremely lucky especially when it comes to money and they are supposed to break hexes. On the other hand there is a lore about them saying the exact opposite that they bring extreme bad luck to the person who finds them. I believe the first and that is why the last time the fairies gave me one i took it and put it in my money charm pouch.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  25. This is a great interpretation of opposites. I am stuck with snow outside too. I wish it was palm trees instead!

  26. I'm so enjoying your Edmonton Tarot. I've got to go back to some of your old posts and check out what you've done before. Love your palm tree!

  27. definite opposites...but hey, i think it is funny a ways to have that as a christmas decor!!

  28. I just bet the palm tree is super flexible...sproinging back and forth in the winter winds!

  29. Ya know, anyone can have a Christmas Tree, but it takes someone really special to have a Temperance Tree. Actually, it totally works to illustrate the concept. Well played!

  30. Nice. Are you going to do the whole deck?

  31. I haven't seen one of those stucco houses in such a long time. My grandmother used to live in one of those.


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