Wednesday 27 March 2013

Edmonton Tarot: The Star (XVII)

Interpretation: Following the conflict, struggle and upheaval generated by The Devil and Tower cards, The Star represents calm after the storm. It indicates a time of cleansing and healing, rest and renewal, insight and understanding. The person who draws this card will enjoy blessings and a state of grace.

Image: This big shooting star is found on the exterior of an office building in West Edmonton. I've always liked its dramatic, bold cheeriness. It's the corporate logo of Spark, a promotional products company which brands items for companies and organizations.

[Photo by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. I could do with drawing the star card at the moment.

  2. That's a card that all the peoples of the world could use right now.

  3. I would love to draw that card. Calm after the storm....ahhhhh....sounds wonderful.

  4. I agree with Anne, the world needs this card now! What a wonderful bold logo!

  5. we do like the calm over storm!

  6. I like this theme of finding the tarot cards in your city. A different way to look at things we take for granted.

  7. I love the way you find pictures from around your home town area. You not only tell us about the tarot but also your home town.

  8. I don't think enough about how the cards are related to each other. If I ever understood the Star as the calm after the disruption of the Tower I had forgotten it. Thanks I'll keep that in my mind now. Love the visual!!

  9. Gorgeous yellow star...I love the magic of this card and all of it's wonderful energies and blessings it brings..shine on!
    Happy Spring..
    great post!

  10. I like this card! This would be the one that would have been drawn right after the divorce of my first marriage... blessings and a state of grace... <:0

  11. I like stars..
    I've been reading a book that talks about Tarot..very interesting subject. And not what the general public believes..

  12. Maybe that is why I always enjoy looking up at the stars!! Thanks for this Debra.

  13. Excellent Debra. May I ask, if the card is turned upside down, when doing the reading, does it usually mean the oposite from what you are saying?

  14. That is really interesting - I've always been drawn to stars as symbols. I have one that was my first tattoo.

  15. Hi Magic Love Crow -- Yes, a reversed card can often connote the opposite of the upright meaning. But sometimes it's not such a direct relationship. I thought about posting the reversed meanings as well but then figured it would be distracting from the central meaning of the card, which is the upright meaning that most people are interested in.

  16. I need that card! I shall wait for you to mail it to me. Yes, the entire building.

  17. I've had my storm - I could definitely use one of these right now. Where's my relaxation and healing? :)

  18. Hey, it's kind of like that for me right now. Everything is nice and calm and relaxing.

    For now.

  19. The star is quite striking against the blue background.

  20. Such a fun image! I hope you are collecting all your images to make your own tarot deck! Have a lovely evening!

  21. I need some grace. Oy.

  22. 'spark' is the name of the cbc-radio 1 tech program, hosted by norah young

    excellent, plain talk info

  23. love the star card!!! always my fav.


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