Tuesday 26 March 2013

Remember that song?

Yeah, you know the one! It was a big hit for Joan Osborne in 1995 . . . .

What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us?
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home?

Bus, subway, same difference. Poor Thor. Times are tough all over, eh?


  1. Hahaha, I wasn't expecting Thor.

  2. And he's carries a lunchbox. You'd figure Thor could just summon up a caterer.

  3. Oh, sorry, I guess that's his hammer. lol

  4. Oh my, but that train sure does look nicer than ours.

  5. He needs to have that hammer fixed if a train is more reliable.

  6. I'd love to hide under his cape!

  7. I do remember this one! Has this dreamy feel to it. Just listened to it on you tube....great video!!
    Thor has to wait for a train now?! Things just aren't the same!!

  8. I loved that song. My kids were so tired of that cd... I'd rather sit beside Thor than a suit anyday. When I was a daily subway commuter, many years ago, I hated the business men who would take up 2 seats with their spread legs and briefcases & Globe... I have to admit an aversion to suits all my life. Maybe a good thing I live in Hamilton, less suits.

  9. I might be a tad apprehensive at letting him share the seat beside me, looking like that.

    .....unless of course, we were on our way to a comic con. :)

  10. A sign of the times.....
    Even Super-heroes and Gods have it tough!

  11. OOooh Thor, the god of my people hee hee

  12. Yes, I remember that song!
    Your photo is wonderful, it got a laugh out of me:)

  13. Never thought Thor was that humble. Must have a new PR programme manager. hahahaha

  14. Love this post! It is perfectly funny! Have a great day!

  15. Now I have a brain worm. DAAYUM! I'm going to be singing that song in my head all day long. That's not so bad though. I love that song.

  16. LOVE that song! 1995... really? I feel old.

  17. Everyone has to get around...even Thor. I like that he takes public transport...

  18. Yes I remember! Hahaha! P.S. Thanks for your comment on my blog... you may use my Rainbow Chicks if you'd like!

  19. Totally off topic, but, you guys have really clean subways!

  20. That song always reminds me of Dr. Evil.

    It is nice to know that even gods have bad days.

  21. I love that whole cd of Joan Osbourne.

    That is a great picture. Who knew that Thor had to take public transportation.

  22. I wish I had the props to dress like that. Then perhaps I would be left to my own devices and no one would pester....

  23. Love the song; clever picture you chose to accompany it, too - haha! I believe God is ALL of us, for the record. Remove the physical box and we're all the same in our Divine essence. But the physical is fun while we're here cuz we can dress like Thor.

  24. Somebody made a picture after avengers came out. First it was C. America with the line "Met 2 gods, still a Christian"

    then Iron man with "Met 2 gods still an atheist"

    and finally Hulk with "met 2 gods, beat the crap out of both of them"

  25. Bwahaha! How do you find these?

  26. nope, despise all of em...

    times are thor all over, too :P

  27. Debra, you always make me smile! Thank you! (I think you should post some pictures of your Rare One's Easter eggs ;o) I would love to see them and I know my mom would too!)

  28. Didn't Prince sing this as well? Or am I going crazy?
    Wonderful song - wonderful photos :-)

  29. He has guts! Love the hammer!

  30. I hope he gets to ride free on Thursday.

  31. Oh the places you'll go and the people you'll meet! Thank blog for public transit!

  32. I remember it from the second Austin Powers movie. The worst one. Otherwise, pretty cool song.


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