Friday 22 March 2013

Edmonton Tarot: The Tower (XVI)

Interpretation: When this card appears in a reading, the person is in for a sudden and cataclysmic change. An unexpected shock, revelation or blow to the ego is indicated. Like a bolt out of blue, misperceptions are about to be shattered. Old foundations are destroyed. This life-altering change may come from an external event or from an internal epiphany.

Image: The Alberta Legislative Assembly is one of Edmonton's most beautiful historic buildings. Constructed of sandstone and granite in the Beaux-Arts style, its interior is dominated by marble, mahogany, oak and brass. Alberta became a province in 1905 but construction of the Legislative Assembly was not completed until 1913.

Given the glacial pace of political change in Alberta, this is arguably not the best representation of The Tower but it's the one I've chosen anyway, LOL!

[Photo by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. Well I think it is a good choice, Debra. After all governments fall and that is the whole idea isn't it! Read in the news that Ralph Klein is nearing the end of his life. Whatever people may think of him he was a colourful Albertan/Canadian! Hope the end comes peacefully.

  2. I could do without getting this card! Lovely building, though.

  3. You know, I had to go to the Department of Health and a few other much too official buildings while taking care of the logistics after my brother's funeral, and now I see that they were all Castles. No wonder my foundations have been shaken in such a way.

  4. Back in the day when Canadian governments at all levels were erecting parliament buildings, provincial legislatures, and city halls, they were all taken with the notion of building these towers.

    They were not at all welcoming, and looked like fortresses designed to intimidate and discourage people from entering.

    It seems strange that democracies behaved this way, distancing the governed from the governing through architecture.

  5. I remember getting the tower card upside-down once, and promptly got pneumonia. I put my cards away after that and eventually gave them to eldest son who is really good at reading them... :) Lois

  6. I'm not too sure if I'd want to turn that card over.

  7. I agree with Chung...I don't think I would want to see that card. I like change is small doses not cataclysmic.

  8. that's an ominous card for sure

  9. I'm glad you showed the whole building. Misperceptions being shattered isn't always a bad thing.

  10. Sounds like a scary card. Just the word 'cataclysmic' is enough to get the heart rate up.

    Nice building, though.

  11. sometimes we can really use a cataclysmic change!

  12. I think the photo you chose for this card is very apt. Governments can bring about life-altering, cataclysmic change. And I agree with so many other "Comment-ers" - Gov't buildings are so looming and ominous. Very disconcerting to the rest of us 'Commoners'.

  13. Wonderful choice. You have such a knack for these things.

  14. The only time I got the reversed tower card was when I lost my dad to cancer. I haven't read my tarot cards since the spring of 2002 when he passed.

    Hell, I have no idea where they are. I think I'll be hunting for them this weekend.

  15. Although not always welcome change is necessary for continuous growth

  16. This is truly one of Canada's most magnificent buildings Debra. So huge and impressive.
    Quite the life-changing card to get.

  17. If only cataclysmic change would come in government!

  18. Was busy yesterday and almost missed this...glad I didn't. This series has been very good.

  19. ~i too agree with some above...sometimes we need to be brought to our lowest in order to move forward in a more positive light and manner...layers be removed and new ones exposed...sometimes what lays hidden needs to be shown...thank you for sharing this with us...much love light and blessings~

  20. What a crazy card! Great connection though although governments are quite slow in the change department! Many times I feel like we go backwards and I am in another country. Yikes!

  21. Excellent interpretation! I am learning so much from you Debra! Thank you! Gorgeous building! (I will be mailing out your prize on monday!)

  22. I wonder how much it costs for maintenance...

  23. Yes but I think it is representative of Harper the dictator who is ruining our country and Alberta is unfortunately the one bearing the brunt. How many people actually support him in Alberta we do not know. Maybe all maybe few or none. So the tower represents that specific evil.

  24. I bet the Tower would show up in my Tarot every single time. Ugh.

  25. someone must have dealt me a hand full of them cards when I married jack...

  26. Wow Debra! You posted some awesome things while I was gone. All the things I could say! The whole RC/Pope thing! Nobody cared when all the sexual abuse in Newfoundland surfaced in the early to mid 1970s. They only got serious when rich American parishes started raising Cain! I loved your stealth operation in VC! Yin Yang kitties ~ darling! I've never participated in a Druid ritual, but I always joke that I am part Druid. My mother, Terry, and I spent the spring equinox once at Arches National Park in Utah. A group of, for lack of a better term, came and wrapped up some of the rocks at Double Arches in long white strips of cloth while a man played a beautiful series of songs on his saxophone. Shortly before she died my mother did a watercolor painting of Double Arch and gave it to me. It is one of my most wonderful things. And of course Anne of GG! I think I told you that the book was written by a second cousin of my maternal grandmother. Anne and Diana are very special to me! I'm thinking Elaine is Jim's niece? Whether she is or not I'm sending prayers and positive vibrations her way. And thank you for informing me about Vivian Maier! What a story! What a treasure to find. We got a strong taste of Springtime in the Rockies with our snowstorm Friday into Saturday ~ 12 drifted inches! The shoveling cartoons were a hoot! I was shoveling for my sister in Calgary let me tell you. Fortunately, here at Heritage Eagle Bend, our snow is shoveled for us! Hope you warm up soon!


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