Thursday 21 March 2013

More Effin' Snow

Now that "Spring" is technically here, Old Man Winter is busy clearing out his 2013 snow inventory. Everything must go!

I know My Rare One is damn tired of pushing the snowblower up and down the property.

If only there were an easier way!

And HRH is sick to death of all the snow too.


  1. It seems March has chosen to go out like a lion this year. We don't have snow, but we are so, so cold.

  2. I love the dragon blowing the fiery breath to clear the walkway, including that poor cat that's just wanting to leave a dump.

  3. Love, luv the last pic!!! We're supposed to get snow for the next 4 days...sheesh!

  4. Some Spring! We've been promised more snow as well. Is this the longest Winter ever?

  5. Hahaha...I love the dragon!! If only it were possible. I think my hubby would really get a kick out of something like that. I can just imagine the reaction of our neighbours.'s still here, and it looks like winter outside. I. AM. TIRED. OF. IT.

  6. Hehe! Love it. While I do not live in Canada we certainly deal with plenty of snow in Massachusetts! We were actually having a pretty easy winter until March rolled around!!!! I love the dragon taking care of the snow. Wouldn't that be nice?

  7. I'm sorry you're still having to deal with that stuff, Debra!

  8. Yeah, here in Colorado we're sick of it too. We don't get a lot of snow November-February, but then March hits, and BAM, a whole month of snow. It's already dumped over a foot twice and apparently going to dump another foot or so this weekend. I think I forgot what the grass looks like.

  9. Don't get me started. We got snow the day before spring, and we are getting more today. Old Man Winter's end of the year sale is holding strong.

  10. My kitty Fang has had it with this weather too. She was semi wild when we took her in and she wants her world back.

    We have freezing rain, but nothing as bad as you guys do. Hang in there, by June the snow will melt:)

  11. we had snow here this morning when i went out! another storm is on the way too! i am not complaining!

  12. I love all your cartoon pics. Very funny...not the snow...that's not funny. It is snowing here in Kansas City today as well. It needs to stop..right now.

  13. Well at least we can laugh about it!

    As I recall March was brutal last year also. I read recently that December and March are our most snow-heavy months...

    whatever, I am sick to death of this already! WE WANT SPRING!

  14. it's more effin rain and wind here in Central Europe :)
    Always loved that cat business picture :)

  15. Oh yes! Our Canadian winters can really BITE! That dragon is a good idea! Never thought of that one! lol

  16. A cold rain/snow mix is 'blessing' us this full day of Spring.I just try to imagine all the pretty flowers that will be in bloom in a few weeks. :0)
    Happy Glorious Spring to all in your home! :0)

  17. I have important cat shit to do too! I can't keep stopping to plow and shovel. Call the waaaambulance, I'm sick of winter!

  18. Pretty white flakes falling from the sky as I type... My Crouton is pissed with the cold, she looks at me as though it is MY fault. I am sure that as soon as I have my last day of work, the sun will shine, the grass will turn green and I will sit on my deck with a morning coffee... But that is not until April 5. :)

  19. Word to your mother. If I see one more flake fall...

  20. LOL! I just started complaining here too 'cause it's snowing.

  21. Can you imagine the size of the potholes that are going to come out of this?


  22. I completely want a pet dragon right now. (I am sooooo tired of snow. And to think how happy I was with the first snow.)

    In the area where I live it's supposed to be 50 degrees. It's 20 degrees less!

    I feel just like HRH. ;)

  23. Here it is does not feel like spring either. There is an old saying: winter is like hockey, it lasts until May.

  24. OMG, I love that last one!!!!!

  25. And you even found a cat one! You're a better person than me. I am a weather wimp. Now that my parents are moving from California to Minnesota, that should make for interesting visits.

  26. Still getting just a tiny bit of snow here in Connecticut, which is annoying as all get out.

  27. I can't believe you guys are still getting hammered with snow up there. Ugh!

    I love the dragon cartoon!!

  28. HA!!!! Love the Munch, so expressionistic LOL! Happy Spring too!

  29. Oh yes, they were talking about you guys today on the local news. We missed it, but not by much! They are predicting we will flood this year. Again.

  30. I can't stop laughing! LOL! Got to love Bob and Doug McKenzie, eh ;o) I think I will rent that dragon ;o) Love the cat! LOL! Thanks for the laughs Debra ;o)

  31. we had a rather warm day here

  32. been in the 70's and 80's..sun shining ..a little bit of rain..but I'm sure that must piss you off..hahahahahahahah

  33. snow there and so hot here! but, we put on ACs and feel ok.
    that last pic with a cat is so cute :))

  34. OMG!! I love Bob and Doug! I guess that makes me pretty old, eh?

    I love these funnies. All of them make my day Girlfriend.

  35. Ugh! So sorry you are getting hit with the white stuff! Haven't had much snow this winter, but its still pretty friggin' cold out! On my local news they had Punxatawny Phil sitting in the corner as punishment for lying to everyone about an early spring!

  36. Ha ha! Love these! The Ungrateful Bastard is in full Spring mode. Yowling and carrying on and killing mice and birds. He has been banished to the basement until he stops doing cat shit.

  37. we get a high of 5C tomorrow... maybe

  38. yep. it snowed this morning. covering all the spring flowers that have bloomed in the garden. grrr

  39. Haha! Guy Noir is the only one that still loves the snow around here! That cat in the pic looks pretty determined!

  40. When it gets there, I hope you have a bright, beautiful, flourishing spring to enjoy!


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