Wednesday 20 March 2013

Spring Equinox

Today is the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere and therefore, the official "first day of Spring." But Spring in Canada is kind of a trickster kitsune fox -- it won't truly arrive here for at least 4 to 6 weeks more. Oh sure, the days are getting longer, the weather is warmer and sunnier sometimes and the snow may melt on occasion. But more snowstorms, cold snaps and snow are still entirely possible, indeed probable. Nobody is putting away their shovels, snowblowers or winter gear just yet.


  1. It was 80, here in KC, last Friday. Now it's in the 20's and snowing. Nope...don't put the snow blowers away just yet.

  2. Wishing you warmer weather soon!

  3. It doesn't feel like Spring here either. But my crocuses are up with blooms just waiting to open. Next come my daffodils, then the tulips, then the rest of the glorious colours in my garden.

  4. thats for sure! What a great photo!!

  5. Four to six poor thing. We are still getting snow here in Kansas City but that should clear out in the next 2 weeks. (I am keeping my fingers crossed).

    Spring needs to start acting like Spring. I am so over the snow.

  6. Wishing you a joyous Spring with warm weather and flowers soon!!

  7. Spring is hiding from me too! We just got dumped with another 9 or so inches of snow yesterday.

  8. Sounds nice actually. We have already reached up into the 90's. Now today it's back in the 70's and misty rain. Yay!!!! But I did see some wildflowers (bluebonnets) already and the mesquite trees are leafing out. When the mesquite does that it is a sure sign of spring here.

  9. it's a springy weather here today in Europe, but they did say we shall have some snow during the weekend...

  10. This is the most depressing thing you've ever written.

  11. today marks 6 months until the beginning of oktoberfest!

  12. And Edmonton has had it bad this March! I checked the weather this morning - it's supposed to be into the positive single digits next week for the Bow Valley. I hope some of that warm weather works it's way up your way.

  13. Woke up to 25 degree temperatures this morning...but at least the sun is shining for a change. Happy Spring.

  14. Spring is here definitely in So. Cal. I wish we had some Spring showers so send some our way. May your Spring be full of happiness and beauty

  15. Happy Spring! My daffodils poked through the ground way too early so only two of them began to bloom and now I have a bunch all confused like, "hey, aren't I supposed to have a flower up there? I'm just green!" But, at least it's here and that means it's almost beach weather!!

  16. Yes, we've been promised yet more snow just in time for Easter!

  17. It's beautiful here in Texas, well at least where I live. Temperatures are in the low 70's for today. My roses love it.

  18. Spring can be a cruel jokester!

  19. You got that one right this year for sure. Snow Storm last night and it's melting today...more on Friday. Last year it was warm and flowers were popping through the ground. Oh how I wish for LAST YEAR...oh well!

    Happy Spring to you and yours!!

    Ron and Sophie and Jimbo!

  20. Happy spring...technically! It looks like the middle of January outside, so we won't be putting away the winter gear quite yet, for sure.

    Either way, things can only get better from now on, right??? I hope so...sigh...

  21. Sigh. Even down herein the banana belt we can still expect snow in April. Love the fox though, she doesn't look like a trickster does she!!

  22. That's veg garden will not go in the ground until May long weekend!! Now that is spring in Canada! Or on the prairies at least!

  23. While it's still nippy here, it's nice to know spring is offically here by calendar standards.

  24. spring isn't fully here yet either, still a cold day here and there

  25. Every thing and every place has its season, doesn't it? My freesias are going gangbusters; orchids and kalanchoe are in full bloom; roses are shooting up and I have one stray volunteer sweet pea that popped up and is about 2ft. tall already. I kinda like that spring is staggered across the world; it makes spring seem longer.

  26. We welcomed Spring with a few inches of snow. But it was very sunny, I'm sure that counts ;-)

    What a foxy lady ;-)

  27. Yay..Happy Spring and Blessings of Equinox to you kindred! Beautiful photo..aww..I love foxes! Wishing you a magnificent season!
    PS; thanks for stopping about the tv show you were watching!

  28. It started to feel like spring a couple weeks ago here. :)

    And my allergies began with the equinox... *sigh...*

  29. A cool day in Venice FL. Had to put on my long pants and wear socks. Bummer.

  30. No snow here of course ... I see it in the mountains.
    Hang in there Debra... Thanks for your visit.

  31. Happy Spring Equinox ;o) What a sweet picture! Love it! You are so right about the weather in Canada! The snow tires aren't coming off yet! May 24 is the week, that hopefully the snow will be all gone! ;o)

  32. I had forgotten it was Spring equinox yesterday.

  33. other than the pan handle of Texas where it gets mighty cold, I can't imagine anyone having a need for a snow blower...

  34. i wish it would warm up a bit so i could go outside. it's snowing here!

  35. ~belated Ostara blessings to you and yours...uuuggg...still packed in so sorry...hoepfully soon...4~6 more weeks seems just far to long to endure...much love LIGHT WARMTH and blessings~


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