Wednesday 10 April 2013

Holy Moses!

The Ten Commandments remind me of something, but I just can't put my finger on it . . . .

There's no point bitching about them . . .

. . . but do we really need ten whole commandments? Couldn't they be boiled down to something easier to remember?

And they're so negative! Don't do this. Don't do that. Why can't they be more uplifting?


  1. The "Control Freak" one is funny. I read a book called "Living Biblically" where the author lived exclusively through the Bible for one year. The first half he lived as a Jew the second half as a Christian. When he did the Jewish portion he spent some time in the Hasidic community in Crown Heights. He said that it was a Religion made for people with OCD because there are something like 400 rules they have to abide by on a daily basis.

    Oy vey.

  2. HA! Love the 'Be Cool' one.

  3. Doesn't Charlton Heston look a bit "stoned?"

  4. I had other tablets in mind too, like the last guy :)

  5. maybe we only need the 'don't be an asshole' one!

  6. Charlton Heston...hmmmm wasn't he also the voice of the NRA??? hahaha...

  7. I'm pretty sure that I just die a little... laughing lol

  8. I know which tablets I'd rather be given.

  9. personally I think the tablets should read, idiots and assholes. That way they are all inclusive. Amen, Oma Linda

  10. I never understood why any religion would want so many rules. Aren't most of these common sense? But I many people don't even have an ounce of sense!
    But if 'tablets and rules' are needed, then "Don't Be an A$$holes" would be the BEST!

  11. If the Christian God gave out Prozac like that. I'd convert back to a Catholic.
    Praise Cheezits... or something like that.

  12. Hahahahaha! I love them all but the "BE COOL..." one had me roaring with laughter. That's pretty much all we need to do!

  13. "Be Cool!" Love that one! I've never even watched the entire movie... I zone out. Too much prozac I guess...

  14. I love the Be Cool, Don't Be an Asshole. Seems like that should cover most things.

  15. Hahaha! Be cool! Life would be so much easier and pleasant!

  16. These were hilarious! Especially the prozac one!
    You are right about the cat hair not being dead or dirty. But it was still kind of scary. Who would do that?

  17. Love it! The 10 commandments should be changed to be cool and don't be an asshole. So simple! I know many people who have their pills that make getting through the day much easier!

  18. Ha Ha Be cool!
    And don't be an asshole is very similar to my refrain of don't be a dick. I love it!

  19. I LOVE that last one! And good point. I like Jesus's philosophy more - positive thoughts. Be good, help the poor, etc.

  20. Be cool, exactly right!!!! ;o) Great post! You made me laugh again ;o) Thanks ;o)

  21. This gave me a good laugh for today, thank you!

  22. Love this Debra!! I always found these to be very negative....I like that shorter version!!

  23. Don't be an asshole. Love it! Of course the first four commandments have, for the last few years, struck me as the ravings of a sad, insecure, little god.

  24. Maybe they should be replaced with DFTBA. (Don't Forget to be Awesome.)

  25. simple is always better!
    don't be an asshole covers everything!
    Oh and I also meant to say, we make those date filled oatmeal cookies every christmas, I think we must be related, lol,

  26. I think I may obey one,,,but who knows!

  27. a little off topic, but one of the strangest claims I've heard some fundamentalist Christians claim was that the bill of rights was based on the ten commandments. Can't really think of any thing less like a right than a commandment. The first 3 commandments violate the freedom of speech and religion.

  28. I have narrowed down the 10 Commandments to 1. (I also want this written on my tombstone.)

    "Be Good to One Another."

  29. LOL! Life can definitely be summed up by Wil Wheaton's motto "Don't be a dick". Pretty much covers everything.

  30. Don't. Be. An. Asshole.

    Despite it being 4 words long, some people still have a hard time following it. We need to condense it further!

  31. "Be cool" makes more sense than "thou shalt not..." Efficient!

  32. Yeap magnesium rocks! You get a buzz and it is completely legal! lol

  33. Thou shalt not be an asshole. Yes, the 'commandments' could have been a lot simpler. ;-)

  34. hahahah. Never thought about it. They are pretty negative.

  35. Too funny! I always wonder how you find these funny cartoons! Thanks for the laugh!

  36. Oh ha ha!! The last cartoon! So Monty Python!


  38. Ha! A good buddy and I thought the same thing about laws. We really only need a couple, like Be nice and Don't do bad things to others or yourself.


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