Thursday 11 April 2013

It's Pound of Flesh Time!

T.S. Eliot wrote that April is the cruelest month. If he was not thinking of taxes, he should have been.

Time to bite the bullet, get out the forms and receipts, and do my taxes. Wish me luck!


  1. Soak those socialist bastards for all you can sister girl. Not that things are so bad but YOU GET YOUR PIECE...but don't tell them you are platinum, they will take you for that first thing.

  2. I was a bookkeeper before I became a Stay At Home Slave. I actually get a thrill out of gathering and organizing my crap for the accountant. Feels like I'm exercising that part of my brain so it doesn't turn to total mush.

    Cheap thrills ya know.

  3. that image you chose today pretty much sums it up perfectly,

  4. Tax time--ugh! I feel your pain!!

  5. It's painful, but it's got to be done!

  6. Got mine done! WhooHoo! Wish the rules didn't change every year, that's what makes it hard to me.
    Love your photo, that's just about the way it is, it seems. LOL

  7. I like when people overpay a ton in tax money and then boast, "Look at me, I got back $5000 this year." It's like, yes, that was your money all along, the government's just been holding it captive for a year. Aren't you indeed the clever one!

  8. Ugh!!! I hate tax time!!! I have no idea if Canada tax filing is as complicated as the U.S. system but tax prep requires about two months of grunt work getting reports and forms. After 65 pages of tax documents filled in, I am nearing the end...but there is never an end..because I have state franchise tax reports to file next month. I hate it!!!

  9. That's what we're doing today as well. So here's to luck for both of us. Oma Linda

  10. And filing taxes as a freelancer is a whole other nightmare *sigh*

  11. Good thing you didn't wait to the last minute to do your taxes!! :0)

  12. @ABFTS - YES! YES! and more YES!!!!!!!!!!

    I did accounting for years and let people know this and they still said, "well, I like that big refund at the end of the year." Then save it yourself and collect your OWN interest!! UGH

    Sorry, Debra. Tax time is never a good time of the year for me. =P

  13. Ugh. Hate tax time. They should have tax time in Feb, because Feb sucks.

  14. already did mine in the USA

  15. I hear ya! I always do mine during the basketball championship playoffs...funny, I don't even remember why???

  16. Ha Ha Ha that's about right.

    We sent ours in but haven't heard anything back from our accountant.

  17. Just stopped in to say hi...and see what is going on with you. Taxes,,,ughhhh......we have filed ours.....funny have to actually MAKE owe taxes. LOL LOL Since we don;t seem to be making any as of problem here. LOL LOL


  18. Hey don't forget to claim your pets.They're people too ya know. They just like to wear fur and have a speech impediment.

  19. I think, April may be my least favorite month of the year. Between my wife spending extra time in the accountants office she works in and me checking on calving cows all hours of the day, we hardly get any time together.

    I guess there's the whole end of winter thing, but I've yet to really see any signs of spring either. Bring me May! :)

  20. It is definitely OUCH season. You make it, and they take it!

  21. Good luck! It seemed to take forever to get mine done ... a little slower with the process each year!

  22. Good luck Debra! Ours are all done and the checks have been sent. Glad it's over!

  23. Good luck, Debra! I loved your visual!
    Terry and I were working on our federal and state taxes last night. One of the reasons for my recent hiatus was being buried in tax preparation ~ getting everything needed together and organized, so Terry could run the numbers! Not a happy result either. I hate writing a check to Uncle Sam! I hope you get a refund! I know the refund is my money that Uncle Sam got to use free for a year, but it's so much more fun to receive than to give!

  24. The alternative is to be a true liberal like me and not file an income tax return. They need the money more than me, I figure.

  25. I am more than a bit upset - just found out I have made the same mistake in my tax returns for the last 5 years. had to take it to a professional and am dreading the evil news. I hope I can still read your blogs when I'm in the Big House.

  26. We did ours a month ago. Refund. I'd rather pay too much and get it back than not pay enough and have a big fat bill come April. Revenue Canada turns into a pile of bastards when you owe them money! :)

    Here's hoping you don't owe!

  27. Look at it this way its your tip to our dear leader saying thanks Stephen. LOL!!

  28. Good Luck ;o) I already did mine, my mom's and my brother's ;o) Lucky I have a taxes for dummies program! LOL!

  29. Love the cartoon! Good luck. We don't have kids or a mortgage so they stuck it to us, but maybe this time next year we'll have the latter.

  30. We are right in the middle of this too Debra, as are a lot of people. Funny thing, for the past two years we send all forms to your fair city of Edmonton to have them done. Ron's brother is an accountant and this is part of what he does.
    Good luck with yours.....ours got complicated (for us) once we 'joined forces' because we are OLD!!! lol

  31. looks like american paper work too.

  32. Be glad your taxes aren't going to illegal wars and subsidies for oil companies. USA! USA!

  33. And for the love of all that is good and holy, file them on time! I filed mine late last year and the penalty fine....ugh. I could have bought myself a weekend in Vegas with that amount. *sigh* Learned my lesson though.

  34. Yup.

    My refunds have been slowing sinking for years since I lost one of my children as a tax deduction.

    Still sucks doing them, but in my world, it pays to be nice to the federal tax man.

    State tax man, on the other hand, is like dealing with a whiny little kid who takes his ball home 'cause no one will play by his myopic little rules.

  35. Let's not go there - got the bill. I knew it was going to be a fair bit this year as I landed a not unsubstantial contract in 2012. However I did not realize I would have to pay Mike Duffy's Senate dining room bill all on my own!

  36. I always pay somebody to fill out all that stuff (a CPA). There's no way I can feel comfy around those forms.

  37. lol... best cra 'gimme' depiction i've seen... kudos! ;)


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