Monday 15 April 2013

Pay It Forward

The "pay it forward" meme has been circulating for years around the blogosphere, Facebook, etc. And now I'm participating too.

So, how does the meme work? First, I get to receive a surprise. And I have! Yvonne of Inkspillers Attic recently sent me a lovely greeting card containing some beautiful handmade bookmarks and a cute pop-art Mona Lisa medallion. Thank you, Yvonne!

Next, I must "pay it forward" to three new people by sending them each a greeting card with some small surprise gift(s) inside. Since I'm not much of a crafter, my wee gifties will be purchased, not handmade. But they'll still be a surprise!

I'm going to pick three names at random from the Followers of my blog who comment on this post by midnight tonight. Then, ideally, those three recipients will keep the luuuv flowing by each paying it forward to three more people. That's the hope, anyway!

And I'll mail my cards anywhere in the world so don't let geography stop you from entering. On Wednesday I'll post who my three recipients will be!


  1. Even though I am only one province over I would love to be a part of this! :-)

  2. It's always good to get a nice little surprise in the post. Makes a pleasant and welcome change from the usual bills.

  3. Cool idea. "paying it forward" is such a great concept for everything, even day to day life. Little things like giving the grocery store cart to the next customer, thus forfeiting the .25 I used to unlock it...then hopefully they give it to the next shopper, etc.

    (commenting with google for the time being but you know where I am)

  4. that sounds very lovely, warm and generous, Debs! Too bad the postal expenses are extremely expensive in some poor countries...

  5. This is a wonderful idea and I hope people keep it going. My wife makes the most beautiful hand made greeting cards... if we had more time (and more money) with that whole movie filming thing, which is going to bleed us dry, we'd love to take place in this. But please just count this comment as our support and not an actual entry. :)

  6. I'm with ABFTS - I'm here only to offer support because I think this is beautiful. I love paying things forward. I think it's how the world truly works. Love and peace.

  7. forwarding to the 'walking dead' count? ;)

  8. Ooh I'll play!

  9. Oh, this is a good idea.
    I daresay that I could crochet a little something!
    Love getting real mail, don't you?

  10. this is exciting, I have taken part in these before, lots of fun!Spread the love!

  11. I'm involved a craft pay it forward but never participated in a card it. Please include me in the drawing. Oma Linda

  12. Hi Debra!
    What a cool thing for you to do! I, like you, would have to purchase something, because I am not good at crafting ~ mostly due to a lack of time. Hope all is well in your corner of our beautiful world!

  13. Wish more people would "Pay It Foward" (thinking in terms of real life scenarios). The World would be a much nicer place. :0)

  14. Good morning Debra....I love the idea of "paying it forward.....would love receiving a card from you as you are one of those bloggers who "brighten my day".


  15. How fun! What a neat way to spread a smile!

  16. That is a super cool idea! I do believe I'm in love with people today:)

  17. What a sweet idea! I've never heard of this before and I'm happy I stumbled across it. Surprises in the mail are so much fun, particularly since so much of that joy has been lost to the electronic gizmos and gadgets!

  18. Lovely! I too love paying it forward...

  19. "Wee gifties" are always a nice surprise, aren't they? I sent an Easter card to a cousin that I'd never sent one to before. He was so pleased, he called me up to let me know. (This is just a support comment, not an entry comment. I don't get enough comments to pay it forward on my blog.) I hope you share whatever it is that you send. :-)

  20. Count me in Deb.
    This sounds like fun!

  21. I'm just here to say hi and that I read your blog (as always) but you don't need to put my name in the hat. Believe it or not I would get pretty stressed about it. However I promise that I will do something nice for someone tomorrow!

  22. That is very cool! I am more than a few provinces away, but if you don't mind springing for postage, please count me in ;)

  23. Oh this is great fun, Debra!

    I'll play!

  24. This is great! I am so happy I caught this post on time! Or am I too late with the time difference? I hope not! I would like to be involved ;o) I have done the pay it forwards before, but not in a card. Take Care ;o)

  25. sounds like fun..I'm always playing it forward


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