Sunday 14 April 2013

Congratulations, Justin!

Today's the day you become the new leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Your father would be proud!

[Photo mashup of Pierre and Justin Trudeau by The Canadian Press]


  1. wow that is amazing!

  2. Does he really look that much like his Dad? Just like a mirror image!

  3. It is amazing how much he looks like his father!

  4. Yepeee!! I am so happy! He's going to do great, like his father did ;o)

  5. he's got quite the challenge up ahead. I guess Harper is going to happy that the next election might be just a fight between the Liberals and NDP on who will become the 2nd party and who will be the 3rd.

  6. Debra, I forgot to say, my mom was very touched by your post ;o)

  7. I wish I shared the optimism and faith that so many people seem to be putting in him. I have yet to hear anything from him that suggests a vision for my country. Perhaps it will come with time but so far I'll I've seen is dangerously close to the cult of personality.

  8. That photo is just so creepy. I wonder how long before it appears in an attack ad.

  9. I know nothing of either men but that picture is kind of disturbing.

  10. I always vote for liberals!

  11. Do you really think he's ready for the massive amounts of attention he will get now. His lack of experience is going to be a powerful weapon for Harper to use. I was a huge fan of his father but for some reason Justin's resume seems awful thin to me.

  12. jumping the gun a bit? he won't be crowned for another 25 minutes, or so, about 6pm edst...

    but bah, humbug... he'll be federal liberal leader, but a far cry from becoming prime minister of canada... both mulcair and harper have a ton more experience in political trenches - young trudeau only has 'cutes'....

  13. Will he really become the next leader. His father I remember well and his mother too. But we all have to remember that he is not his father but his own person and so far I am not impressed. However if I have a choice between him or Harper, well then the choice is rather simple. He has a lot of work in front of him and if he becomes the leader watch out for Harpo and Company the knives will be out.

  14. You talk about the apple not falling far from the tree!

  15. At this point, Margot Kidder would be better for us than Stephen Harper, but what do I know from politics?

    I always though Justin looked more like his mom but the side by side? Crazy!!!

  16. He may just sway my vote from the NDP. I will have to see how he does first but I will vote for anyone as long as it gets that fuckhead out of office.

  17. Okay the picture mash up is kind of creepy, but am excited about Justin... he may get me to vote Liberal next time around!

  18. Already looks better than Harper!

  19. I love Justin and I loved when his dad was prime minister...those were the good ole days when Ontario ROCKED!

  20. Cool image, Debra! I actually campaigned for Trudeau in Nova Scotia many, many years ago ~ getting to meet him was awesome. I'm glad to see what Justin has accomplished! It still seems so sad that Michel was killed in that avalanche.

  21. Let's cut him some slack and see how he does. Maybe he'll surprise us.

  22. This is going to be really good politics ahead!! Interesting in any case.....


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