Saturday 11 May 2013

Edmonton Tarot: Conclusion

I've had such fun creating this tarot tour of Edmonton's scenery and landmarks! Thanks, everyone, for coming along on my rambles. I hope this series has helped you get to know my city a little better, as well as the Major Arcana! I've appreciated all the comments you've made on these posts over the past few months. The tarot is always a rich and rewarding journey on many levels.

This final photo is of the tarot display case at Where Faeries Live, my favourite pagan store here in the city.

[Photo by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. I've really enjoyed this tarot tour. You really outdid yourself. Thank you.

  2. This has been fun. I have really enjoyed this...

  3. in the world did I do a double post??? sheesh

  4. I've loved your tour and tarot. Very clever, informative and fun!!!

  5. how cool that you have pagan stores!

  6. I enjoyed this so much, thanks for sharing your beautiful city and knowledge of the tarot, I have to learn more,

  7. Thank you for this journey. I was glad to join you on it! My fave store in The Peg is Prairie Sky Books. Wide varieties of all things good and pagan!

  8. Over already? I haven't been reading this blog long enough, sadly. I should do the same with Montreal.

  9. I liked how you did this. Plus there were so many places in the city I thought I knew pretty well, that I didn't recognize. I think I may need to take my wife downtown for a date day some time when we can look around a bit more. :)

  10. Well, I thank you for sharing all the info! I really enjoyed it.

  11. this has been a fun and educational tour! i would love to visit that store!

  12. We have some great little bookstores here, but none dedicated to Tarot. That looks like a cool place. Thanks for the tour, and for allowing me to jump in near the end.


  13. As always it was a lovely series Debs, your quite the tour guide and we thank you for the time doing these post!!!!! I have a feeling you and your rare one would love New Hope, as they both share alot in common.

  14. I can see why this is your favorite. If I lived in the same city you do, that definitely would be my favorite shop!

  15. I am sad to see it end! Will you do another one with a theme? If I promise to have all of the ice cream that's pictured on the truck?

  16. thx for the education/entertainment :)

  17. The journey was so fun! I loved seeing the Major Arcana through your eyes. :0)
    And just LOVE the name of the shop! Off to check out the link. Thanks!

  18. Thank you Debra! I really enjoyed this! And, thanks for the link to the store! I think I might be purchasing somethings ;o) Take Care ;o)

  19. What fun places you have to visit in the big city--I'm very jealous. My husband is in your neck of the woods this week for work. I wonder what he'd say if I asked him to go to a place called "Where Faeries Live" in his army uniform to pick me up a souvenir!

  20. I loved each and every entertaining..

  21. This is brilliant!! I enjoyed this so much. I really liked The Hanged Man image.

    I might have to think about doing something like this someday!


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