Monday 20 May 2013

Happy Victoria Day!

Pip, pip, fellow Canuckians, let's all celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday in style, shall we? NO, I don't mean with a two-four of brewskies, you great unwashed colonial lumberjacks! I mean with a nice cup of Earl Grey or darjeeling tea, what ho? NO, I'm not calling you a ho, fer chrissakes -- oh, I give up.

If Mr. T can dredge up some couth to celebrate this auspicious occasion, why can't we? Yes, I'm going to say it: I pity da fool.

Enjoy your statutory holiday, everyone!


  1. Why is Canada celebrating Queen Victoria? Wasn't she kinda like a female Hitler who enslaved hundreds of millions of people around the world stealing resources from their countries?

  2. Yeah Dezzy, she stole our beaver furs and lumber too but we don't hold a grudge, eh?

  3. and i was sure you were going to show the youtube of the girl who blew the american national anthem before the hockey game! it's a hoot!

  4. OMG I can't stop laughing. Such a great post!!

  5. I wouldn't mind a nice cup of Earl Grey. Maybe even with Mr. T.

  6. I pity the fool who doesn't celebrate!

  7. Your comment to Dezzy made me laugh. You are one funny chick.

  8. Yes mam! Done! Had a great day and that obligatory cup a tea!! Long live the Queen!!

  9. twins kitties! of course the sisters had to have the exact same cats!

  10. Happy Queen Victoria Day darlin. Drink a spot of tea for me if you please.

  11. Happy BDay Queen Victoria..I had some Earl Grey over the weekend..hope that counts..

  12. Now I want Tea. But I don't believe I've any crumpets.


    (Your comment to Dezzy cracked me up, eh?)

  13. As I raise my tea cup filled with Red Rose...I too celebrate this fine Monday holiday!

  14. I'll be celebrating the holiday in my tractor, seeding. Maybe I can spend some of that time thinking about having some tea. :)

  15. Old Queen Vic - never one of my faves but i will have a cup of tea in YOUR honour x

  16. Love the comic! Not a holiday here, but I took the day off anyhow. Feet were up ;)

  17. king cole tea with gauze tea bags - this is my brew of choice

  18. I spent my entire Victoria Day in class but I think it was worth it.

  19. A humble Mr T..:) haha
    Happy holiday!

  20. I love that you don't hold a grudge. I would be more prone to forgive a wrong if the offending person gave us all a paid holiday.

  21. Hope you had a great holiday Deb ;o) It was beautiful and sunny here! Now, we have had very bad rain and hail storms today! Crazy weather! Take Care ;o)


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