Tuesday 21 May 2013

Participaction, My Style

All those years of having government fitness "participaction" commercials crammed down my throat and what good did they do me?

"Oh, let's go for a run!" says Debra She Who Seeks, never. Run? RUN?

But you know, I'm consistent. That counts for something, doesn't it?


  1. Ugh!!! Every day I get up and think I'm gonna do something like exercise...I do, I drink coffee, then meditate, then...oooh a load of laundry...then anything to avoid exercise...

  2. Ha! That last one sums me up perfectly!

  3. I was forced to do one sport or another when I was a kid even though I didn't want to. Now my inner parent forces me to go to the gym even though I don't want to. Funny cartoons though!

  4. Fitness Protection Programme? Count me in!

  5. Hehehe...sums up how I feel! I joined a gym twice many, many years ago, and hardly went! Haven't joined since!

  6. I love the one about the police chasing him. Reminds me of some of my clients.

  7. No running, but I did buy a hoola hoop! Stay tuned... LOL

  8. Haha! I am so sorry you have to deal with government fitness participation commercials! Talk about making people feel guilty!

  9. oh thats good!!!!!

  10. I'm guilty on more than one of these!

  11. I'm supposed to be doing exercises. If I don't do them, my shoulders stop working properly. And then there's also the whole man-boob issue. Point is, I still have man-boobs, and my shoulders still aren't working properly.

    I do think about the exercise though.

  12. I pity gym owners, unmotivated customers means closure

  13. The last time I jogged was about thirty years ago and I'm having no intentions of ever running again, for my side was killing me!

  14. I'm also in that Fitness Protection Program. But David says if it comes down to it and the Zombie Apocalypse hits, then I'm Walker Bate. AHAHAHAHAHAAAA!

  15. Leeanna: Don't worry, they're very slow. Consistent, but slow. That's zombies for you.

    Debra: You crack me up. Los Angeles is full of brainwashed people who listened to the fitness PSAs! Ack!

  16. I exercise like a fool....the gym and I spend a lot of time together but I don't run. My knees hate me.

  17. I don't run, but I'm getting back into using the exercise bike.

  18. Hilarious!!'Fitness Protection Program'!!! Love it!!

  19. Love it! I can relate to this. I go for a 'run' and say to myself 'I hate running!' So then I downgrade to a walk. It's all an illusion.

  20. Somedays i really feel like running but embarresment stops me. Thud thud thud- self embarresment stops me.

  21. First one and last one...me in 2 funny quotes ;-)

  22. I thought they said rum...that's funny.

  23. Can I just say - no one could run in those shorts. They're already sliding off of her ass!

  24. I haven't ran in... over a month. My doctor just gave me the okay, so I'll out again tomorrow. Wanna come? We can do rum after our run ;-D

  25. I haven't really exercised in years either...

    I really should go to the gym more often. It has been more than 5 years...

  26. Sadly, we all are quite resistant to wards fitness and exercise. Though I have been morning exercising for a week now, and I feel better. Let's see for how long I can do this routine :)

  27. I get more than enough exercise pushing in my clutch pedal, thank you very much.

  28. i'm with you, deb... gimme some overproof rum and a gallon [whatever the hell it is in trudeaumetric] of coke, and i'm a happy camper... ok, when i was still in my 20s [my oldest kid turns 31 this year - do the math]... running, and the other shit, i last did in high school... when i walk my dog, i WALK... he runs! ;)

  29. "I thought they said Rum." That's me. Love it.

  30. haha! Love your outlook. I used to go to the gym every single day ... until there was a cultural change at the gym, people weren't showering before hitting the pool, they smelled when they sweat, left nasty sweat on machines. But the corker was when I went into the locker room one day and a large, naked woman was standing in front of the mirror scratching zits off her back with a toothbrush. Haven't been back to the gym since.

  31. if the refrigerator and the toilet weren't at opposite sides of the apt. I'd never get any exercise.

  32. The police cartoon....I say that all the time about running. Also, the only time I run is when I'm being chased by someone with a knife.

    For realz.


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