Friday 21 June 2013

Brunching Bloggers

When My Rare One and I were in Hamilton, we had the great pleasure of meeting a couple of local bloggin' buddies: Francie of a North End Journal and Lois of Mid Life Fibres! I've read both their blogs for quite a while now so it was a special treat to meet them in person! We got together for brunch at a lovely little artisan coffee shop called The Cannon and had a wonderful time.

Here's Francie (in pink) and Lois (in plaid) helping me decipher a map of Hamilton. Figuring out how to drive up and down that darn Niagara Escarpment really confused us poor prairie flatlanders . . . .

We all had The Cannon's specialty -- waffles! Here I'm about to enjoy a delicious ham-and-cheese waffle sandwich. Yes, those are my (*gasp*) naked hands. It's too hot in the summer to wear my purple fingerless knit gloves . . . .

Thank you, Lois and Francie, for giving us such a delightful Hamilton memory! Now, LOL, back to blogging, everyone!

[First photo comes from the internet; other photos are courtesy of Francie]

[P.S. Don't forget to enter my Chocolate Stanley Cup Giveaway while there's still time -- click here!]


  1. It was so fun to meet you and your bare hands. lol. It hasn't been hot since, but it is supposed to heat up this weekend...

  2. good stuff :)

    every time i've been in hamilton, i've gotten lost, so don't feel bad

    may need to go there more often?

    nah... it's more boring than not

    why gta [greater toronto area] wants to expand to gtha [greater toronto/hamilton area] is beyond me

  3. love the cat shirt! what fun to meet fellow bloggers!

  4. now thats fun, meeting the bodies behind the screen, your gloveless hands are great to be out in the open, lovely strong hands, now that's a great shirt as well, my heart goes out to everyone effected by the terrible flooding out your way, thats very scary for sure,

  5. It would be fun to meet a bloggie buddie...So many of us have become such good friends.

  6. Isn't it all great fun when you get to meet in person finally! And it's like you always knew them!

  7. I've seen your hands naked. I think I'm going to have the vapors.

    Glad you had such fun. Waffles sound delicious.

  8. It is a joy to meet fellow bloggers I have had the good fortune to meet two blogger buddies and hope for more opportunities.
    Ham and cheese waffle? How decadent.
    I would like to say I was not shocked by your naked hands, but dear goddess, please no naked feet!

  9. I knew the bare naked hands would cause a lot of shock out there Debra, but I felt I owed it to your reading public. It was a great btunch, good food, good people - who could ask for more?? Lovely meeting you, your Rare One and Lois!

  10. It's very good to know that there is one person out there who is WHITER than I am...someone still living that is!

    Happy you got to meet some fellow bloggers!

  11. That's great you got to meet them in person!

  12. That waffle looks delicious! Glad you had a great time meeting fellow bloggers!

  13. I have to go check out their blogs.

    I'm still aghast at the sight of your nekked hands. You know nudity is not allowed unless you put up that warning.
    "No animals were knowingly harmed or injured during the writing of this blog."

  14. Naked hands AND that amazing cat shirt? Now I feel like I met you in person myself!!
    Happy Summer Solstice!

  15. It's good to see people having such an enjoyable time.

  16. Oh my...naked hands...nudity photos! This blog is getting very exciting :)

    I'm so glad you had a chance to meet. It's so much fun to see fellow bloggers in person. If only Kingston had been a little bit closer, I would have joined you all. *sigh* Hopefully, another time...

    Love that cat shirt!

  17. So much fun!!! Love your cat t-shirt! LOL!

  18. are you okay ? with the floods and all ? have just woken to the news here.

  19. Mm... what yummy waffle! I haven't tried them for ages!
    glad you had a nice trip...your blogger buddies look alike!:)

  20. Ooh! Such risque photos!! lol
    Now that waffle could just do the trick right about now, Debra!

  21. What cute lady bloggers they are! I must go check out their blogs.. So glad you had fun visiting with them!!

  22. what a great idea..waffle damn

  23. How wonderful to meet fellow bloggers! I see that HRH left her mark in the photo as well - she really likes to be front and center at all times, doesn't she?

  24. Nice naked fingers! I want a waffle sandwich, it looks awesome!


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