Wednesday 19 June 2013

Liebster Award and a Great Contest

While I was away, Leeanna of Can We Have a New Witch, Ours Melted passed on a Liebster Award to me! Thanks so much, Leeanna, I am honoured that you thought of me 'n mah blog.

And here's something you'll all be interested in -- Leeanna is having a fabulous contest over at her blog. Whoever writes Comment #5000 on her blog before the end of 2013 will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card -- yowza! So get over there and start commenting, it could really pay off! Click here for all the details. Leeanna always posts great LOLs and other things that are fun to comment on, so it's worth your while to visit regularly.

[And speaking of contests, if you haven't yet entered my Chocolate Stanley Cup Giveaway, click here to do so!]


  1. I love the name of Leeanna's blog. Absolutely adorable!! I can't enter your contest because I already won a book from you. I'd feel guilty.

    Your comment on my blog is phenomenal - it just rocked. Thank you!!

  2. I just love the name of her blog, I'm going there!Congrats on the award, thats a great give away, a chocolate trophy,

  3. WOOT WOOT! You deserve the award!

  4. Congratulations on the award! :0)
    Love your place to just come and have some fun. :0)

  5. congrats on the award..of course we love your blog. And Leeanna is always a hoot and a half.
    Have some kind of wonderful day....Oma Linda

  6. Many congrats, and your blog certainly deserves every award there is. Does HRH know? We don't want to get her nose out of joint.

  7. Yeehaw! Well deserved, congrats!

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`¤... Jennifer
    Jenn's Random Scraps

  8. **clapping of many hands**

    I actually was going to hop over to her blog based simply on the title! I love it!


  9. Congratulations, Debra! You certainly deserve the award. Just got back from the site you're sending us to. Had a good laugh over there!

  10. Congratulations on your award, Debra. I'm always glad when one of my buddies wins something. Will check out the other blog now!

  11. Congrats, and thanks for letting us know about Leeanna's contest.

    Be well,

  12. Hi Deb, I will pop over the Leeanna's blog and take a peak x

  13. Congrats! And you know I am always up for more LOLs, I will check it out.

  14. Congratulations, Debra! :) I know it feels good to receive awards ;)

  15. yay!

    will check out leeanna's stuff - could always use some extra lol - an $100 never hurts, either ;)


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