Friday 30 August 2013

Baby Shower

My Rare One and I attended a baby shower this summer. It was a lovely affair and we enjoyed seeing the new baby. We gave the wee one a selection of onesies as our gift. Classy onesies, you understand. Not like these ones --

Speaking of class, I think this onesie must belong to Kate and William's new Prince George --

Your baby, on the other hand, will have to work for a living so he'd better get used to the wage-slave onesie right off the bat --

The hostesses at the shower we attended laid on a nice spread of food for the guests. Someone made an absolutely gorgeous cake. Very tasteful in all senses of the word. Again, not like the following.

Would you prefer the "moment of conception" cupcakes . . .

. . . or the "moment of birth" cake?


  1. that is the weirdest usage of strawberries in a cake on that last one :)

  2. my daughter and i just saw this cake on the internet yesterday and just stared at each other and said....ewwwww! it even has a butt hole!

  3. Those cupcakes look more appealing than the cake. I I have never heard them called onesies before.

  4. I think I may be scarred for life, lol!!!!!

  5. The last one!!..couldn't eat that..
    Those are some really funny onesies. Cute.
    We used to call them babygrows

  6. If anyone had given my kids the top two babygrows I think I would have thrown them back in their faces!

    Well they are adopted. Can you think of anything more inappropriate?

  7. you have such a great sense of humor. I love it.

  8. LOL! Love the onesies! Should've gotten a couple of those for our recent baby shower! The cupcakes are cute!

  9. hahaha...I'm back from a blogger break just in time for this!!!

  10. Wow there are really other people in the world with my sense of humor! I love those photos.

  11. I almost vomited viewing that baby's head emerging from the cake! The use of strawberries and chocolate sprinkles only make it worse!

  12. OMG... Those last cupcakes are gross! Love the conception ones though. What a great variety of onesies!!

  13. That last cake is just painful to look at. I hope that's a C-section delivery:)

  14. cupcakes cute...The cake is gross alto imaginative..Love onesies...

  15. Okay I'm a wack job as you know.I would have loved the first 2 onesies as gifts for my baby (if I had one) and the cupcakes.

    I love funny party gifts and the thought of a baby shower like these pictures would have me laughing.

    All though, I pity the child that would be mine.

  16. I used to love cake, now not so sure! Yikes!

  17. Ewww to both cakes. What the hell are people thinking? I am just not a swallowing sperm kind of girl no matter how it is delivered.

    I do love the "Keep Calm and Carry Me" onesie.

  18. The last one is just plain sick, but so funny. I love the Keep Calm and Carry Me as well.

  19. Hilarious!! I love your twisted humour Debra!

  20. OMG I was not expecting the last one! I love the sperm cupcakes though.

  21. Well that's put me off cake for a while! Thanking you in advance for the weight loss.

  22. I hope there was no such cake at the baby shower you attended :)By the way, I've never been to such event!

  23. Conception cupcakes! I think they're cute, but I don't care much for the birthcake.

  24. That orange jumpsuit is too funny, and I actually think the conception cupcakes are cute. That other one though has put me off strawberries indefinitely. Eeewww

  25. Oh...that awful cake... What has been seen cannot be unseen :O

  26. Ewww ewww ewww, my eyes are bleeding!

  27. I think the onesies are kind of cute but that cake would make me lose my appetite.

  28. I LOVE inappropriate onesies! My favorite is "Mom only wanted a back rub." Hahah! That cake is pretty horrific though.

  29. Oh that cake! That cake has plagued my FB newsfeed for sooooo long!
    The cupcakes are funny. I would still eat both of them, for the record.

  30. I love the cupcakes, but the last cake scared me! LOL! I hope I don't have nightmares tonight! LOL!

  31. Haha! Awesome, all of them. I just realised i gave you the same award you already had! Oh well, you deserve it twice!

  32. Shame, shame, shame on you...I will be somewhere now and that image of that baby cake with the strawberries around it will pop into my mind and I will start giggling, it will be somewhere totally inappopriate, I am sure.

  33. I could have went my whole life without seeing that cake and been quite fine with all that. Now I can never unsee what I have seen.

  34. Debra,
    This post just made my day. I am laughing out loud, especially at that last cake. What a hoot. You are my kinda woman :-)

  35. I just know that right now, a few shrinks are rubbing their hands in anticipation; those poor kids cannot escape unharmed from so much bad taste !

  36. Good grief, eh! Looks like those cupcakes were baked on the sperm of the moment.

    Yes, I'd better go back to England...take care.

    Gary :)

  37. Yuck, how can anyone eat the last one?! Then again, if it had chocolate in it...but, no, what am I saying?

    Cute onesies, though life inside was pretty easy compared to the after-birth.


  38. Oh my freaking hell. I need to go back to the cat in the "to pet" box. If only it were possible to un-see horrific things that have already been seen.

  39. HA HA HA... onsies so cute... the cake LOL, think I'd pass!

  40. Didn't think much of the onsies until I saw the cakes. Now they seem pretty classy.

  41. You know, I'm not so much liking the baby cakes. Kinda gross :-)

  42. These are great. That cake is just too nasty but I am sure it would bring a lot of laughs and maybe some vomit.


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