Thursday 29 August 2013

One Lovely Blog Award

Hugs 'n kisses are going out today to Leanna Henderson at Can We Have a New Witch, Ours Melted for giving me this blog award -- thanks so much, you rockin' chick! Just a reminder, everyone, that Leeanna is going to give a $100 Amazon Gift Card to whoever leaves Comment # 5000 on her blog by the end of 2013, so get over there and start leaving comments! The winner could be you!

Now I'm supposed to briefly tell you 7 things about myself. Okay, here's a list of the various types of pets I've had over the years:

1. Cats. Her Royal Highness must be listed first or else I'll find a surprise in my slipper at bedtime tonight. I also shared another cat with my ex, Big Bad Butch, but BBB got custody after we split.

2. Various rabbits. So adorable.

3. A hamster. Cute but a noisy little bastard at night.

4. Various dogs when I was a kid -- all boxers or collies.

5. I'm stretching the definition of "pet" now, but I babysat a budgie once. The budgie from hell. It would let itself out of the cage, fly around my apartment and poop down the curtains.

6. Well, since some of the previously-mentioned pets were multiples, I'm counting them here again.

7. Ditto. So sue me.

Now I'm supposed to pass this award on to 7 other bloggers. Lately I haven't been doing this with awards because a lot of people don't participate in these memes anymore. But I'm going to do it this time because I want to introduce you to some worthy new blogs I've started following. Check them out -- you may find them interesting too!

1. The Silver Bunny at The Silver Bunny

2. Dawna at Dawna Lee -- Because It Matters

3. Amanda Jillian B at Faerie Barista

4. LL Cool Joe at Joey's Pad

5. Gregory Urbano at Photographing Florida

6. Two Cottages and Tea at Two Cottages and Tea

7. Willow at Whiles of Willow


  1. birds are pooper troopers....

  2. You are so awesome......I cant wait to check out the new blogs!

  3. Congrats! :D Awesome award and checking out those blogs you awarded too. Smiles, laughs and happies all week to you!

  4. Congrats on the award! Was I the only one that had to google 'budgie' to see what that was? I've always just called them parakeets.

    (My friend has one, btw. It never shuts up and it tries to claw people. Why anyone thinks this is a fun pet is beyond me...)

  5. Congratulations! Your blog is awesome! :0)

  6. Congrats on the award ~ oh and look now I have one too!
    They are a bit like rabbits multiplying by seven,aren"t they. I am sure THANK YOU is in order . So I give ye "Thanks"
    Now you must tutor me in how to place that large emblem ominous on my post to make the royal announcement as I have no idea how it works.
    Thanks again.
    A bit startled and confused in my newbieness, yet honored...really I am.

  7. Count that budgie! Oh man that would look good on a t-shirt:)

  8. Interesting new info on you. Just be very glad that the bird sitting was with a small variety...think of the possibilities don't. Oma Linda

  9. much deserved award, you had quite an array of critters, eh'

  10. Congratulations on the award! One day with a loud budgie is definitely a candidate for pet ownership.

    I'll have to check those blogs. I don't know any of them.

  11. Pet memories are so fun to relive! Very smart listing Her Royal Highness first.

  12. Poop down the curtains. So not fun.

  13. I have had a lot of pets over the years. One of my favourites was THUNDER, a tiny black gerbil who could teleport.

  14. Thanks so much!!

  15. Thanks to BnB's comment, I don't have to look up "budgie." Congratulations on the award. I'm always glad to check out new blogs.

    Happy Thursday.

  16. Hey thank you. I'll join in for sure, although I doubt I have anything new to say about myself but I'll bore my buddies with the same old crap again if necessary. :D

    Thanks very much, I always love getting awards it helps to focus my mind on a new post. I'll give it some thought and let you know when I've done it. :)

  17. Budgies can be pretty entertaining especially with cats in the house as they sit and stare at the birdcage all day. We had a couple. One of them suddenly dropped dead of what we can only guess was a massive heart attack while the other sadly got plucked out of the air by a cat after the budgie escaped the cage. Decided we should only keep cats or birds, not both.

  18. How's it goin' eh? I'm sure you're impressed I'm commenting at three in the morning.

    Can't get enough wards. Yay to awards.

    It seems you have a fondness for your beloved animal friends, indeed treasured family members.

    Congrats on getting the award. I shall check out your friend who is in need of a new witch. I'll contact my ex-wife. And well done to all those lucky folks you bestowed the award upon.

    I'm outta' here....


  19. What is a budgie? Laughing my ass off over the BBB! I don't suppose you can come up with an acronym for "lying thief with a small penis," can you?

  20. Congratulations on the award! One must always name the cat in the higher position first....oh yes....

  21. Awww thank you for passing the award onto me.

  22. as always you deserve your award..I got it too and had a good laugh at blog has been called a lot of things but never lovely..and I have bared every secret I have so that was hard..

  23. Congrats on the award. I, too, was at a loss what a budgie was. I love all animals but the only pets I really didn't enjoy were a pair of love birds I had once.

    I will check out all your blog picks.

  24. Congrats on the award ;o) I never had a bird and I don't think I want one! LOL! They can stay outside ;o)

  25. Finally my post is up, sorry for the delay and thanks for the award!


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