Monday 19 August 2013

Cats Are Better Than Dogs

Hello, Her Royal Highness the cat here. Today I have a very eye-opening video for you which proves beyond all reasonable doubt that cats are better than dogs. And just to clarify things in anticipation of any unjustified objections -- I'm not a prejudiced feline, oh no, not at all. In fact, some of my best friends are dogs. But facts are facts, humans. Cats rule, dogs drool. Watch and learn!

Apology and Legal Disclaimer from Debra She Who Seeks: I am completely mortified by HRH's display of cat supremacist ideology. Please let me reassure you, dear readers, that nothing contained in my blog today is meant to apply to any of the brilliant and lovely dogs whom I have met in the blogosphere via your blogs. HRH will be sent for immediate re-education on this topic.


  1. The tin foil head protection, oh my gosh I'll have a hard time getting that one out of my head all day!

  2. Hahahah! Kamir woke me up at 4:40 this morning. He's going to need more than a tinfoil hat today.

  3. cats rule, dogs drool - that's a Biblical fact, methinks

  4. I'm not sure which is funnier - the pictures or the disclaimer. I'm happy to hear that HRH will be be getting re-education on the brilliance of dogs...most dogs...

  5. I can only say that our cats get out of the rain, the dog doesn't.

  6. Hahaha...I do love this video. And don't be too hard on HRH. She's just speaking the truth. Ooooops... Did I just say that out loud? My bad :)

  7. That is hilarious!!! What a fun way to start my day. I always suspected that some dogs kiss ass.

  8. Febe the chihuahua, who, it has to be conceded, cannot type, asks me to write : "What the f..... ?"
    Personally, I found the video totally hilarious !x

  9. I laughed pretty hard at the dog who destroyed all that wallpaper. TRUBBLE BIG TIME.

  10. too funny ... *we* loved every minute!

  11. That was hilarious. I'm sold; cat supremacy -- totally acceptable when it's funny.

  12. No offence taken ~~ only thing is I WOULD turn on the computer!

  13. I think the bigger point here, is that the depths of depravity we will sink to can be defined by one's ability to lick their own genetalia.

    .....I'm just saying.

  14. this was very enlightening. Ellie Mae stormed out of the room. Sunny Bunny and Uma just laughed and continued watching until the end as they knew it was polite......Oma Linda

  15. Hahaha! Well this just confirms what I already knew! Cats are indeed superior to dogs!

  16. :)! Cats are awesome! (We have 4 fabulous felines.). I love dogs too, but i know for a fact that our cats feel superior. Not just to dogs, but to EVERYONE. Lol.

  17. I came here through Birdie's blog. LOVE this! As a cat owner or should I say, as a person owned by a cat, I agree...cats rule.

  18. Ha ha that video is great. Of course cats are superior!

  19. Hi Debra! The video was so funny! I laughed all the way through. I hope your week has gotten off to a great start!

  20. Hilarious! I think it's a matter of preference. Does a human prefer sweet and stupid or savvy and sadistic?


  21. Bloody brilliant! I added this to my favourites on my Youtube channel. I may "borrow" this from you and post it on my blog. I will disclose that I got it from you.

  22. Methinks the cat doth protest too much! :)

  23. Firstborn and I giggled hysterically through that entire video! Shame on you, HRH!

  24. Can't stop laughing. Amuse, so funny!

  25. HRH, your spelling is better than that of the Ungrateful Bastard. Why?

  26. LOL! I'll have to show this to my cats.

  27. As if any proof were required!

  28. "The cat is a natural scholar, hungry for knowledge while the dog is trained to poo poo and pee pee on the newspaper"....I'm still laughing over that one!

  29. I am still laughing!!! I love how this video gets even funnier as it goes on!

  30. Our cats would definitely agree :)

  31. Buster says he is not amused. And you'll meet no other laid back dog then him.

  32. ALWAYS a laugh- so funny, and I am a dog owner !!

  33. Greetings human Debra,

    And thus, here I am pawing away on the peeboard, um keyboard. You are a wise human. You have seen the amazingly intelligent dogs out their in in blogland. Dogs that blog.

    Cats are catastrophic. A catalogue of cataclysmic catatonic catalysts.

    Dogs are dogmatic. Dogged determination.

    HRH, listen to your human. Then again, being a cat, you wont.

    Arf! Arf!

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  34. Miss Minga is the queen. Thanks for the chuckle this morning.

  35. That is" mew-sick" our dogs say" tis blasphemy"
    I on the other hand think it is hilarious !

  36. LOL! I don't know where you get these things from Debra, but I totally love them! Give HRH a big hug from me ;o) She terrific ;o)

  37. No way, sista' Pups RULE, cats not so much :-)

  38. OMG, to funny! I love the pole dancing pup!

    Have a great weekend!

  39. Hey! I am totally with you on this! but PLEASE don't let Sophie see this!! PLEASE!

  40. I fecking loved this..and Dexter gave it 10 paws up.

  41. All sounds correct to me...


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