Thursday 22 August 2013

The Problem with Vikings

Vikings cause a lot of conflicted feelings. Oh sure, their little dragon-boat kiddy wagons are cute . . . .

And their pets are cute too.

Don't be fooled, however. Even the smallest Viking can be vicious.

Sometimes, though, Vikings and their gods can make good role models.

But then again, we all know you can't trust them around computers.

Yet they are occasionally chivalrous. Who can forget Techno Viking?

Generally speaking, however, it's best not to trust them. Even those with beautiful blue eyes like Ragnar Lothbrok.


  1. The dear "Great Danes". Chuckle. What faces. I love them all.

  2. great danes....hehehe! and those eyes! wow!

  3. Those eyes were certainly a treat! Wow.

  4. What do you mean I can't pillage the village? I like that one. They were a violent and nasty lot those Vikings, but we finally kicked them out of Ireland. I think they took all our snakes with them so we're grateful for that :)

  5. I'm proud the Irish people kicked them out of the Eire! They were nasty brutes and butchers and I hate how they are portrayed romantically in VIKINGS show.
    Love the first pic though with the baby :)

  6. Oh I loved that new show Vikings, that Ragnar was one sexy man!
    Strong people those Vikings, love the dog one, thats so cute,

  7. Funny post but the Vikings' achievements and culture went far beyond what they're usually credited for .....x

  8. Techno Viking doesn't dance to the music. The music dances to Techno Viking.

  9. I should add the warning...beware of Vikings driving Fjords...even though they have two, those double horns are notoriously defective.

  10. Aren't Ragnar's beautiful blue eyes so dreamy? And they twinkle when he smiles. :0) Can't wait for season 2 of the Vikings to continue. I have such mixed emotions - Ragnar really should get what's coming to him from Lagertha....But he's so yummy!
    Side note - there really was a Ragnar Lodbrok.

  11. This is great! I love the poster for the emergency exit. Like we have a hammer or mallet conveniently in our purse or briefcase! Those blue eyes are amazing and would be difficult to not trust.

  12. Especially those eyes! Be careful of those :)

  13. The 'eyes' tell the true story!!

  14. Goodness Debra....this made me laugh....great Danes, yes???? love it. Oma Linda

  15. Yeah, I prefer the Packers. But do wish I had the Viking wagon as a kid.

  16. I love the Bostons. They are so cute.

    Debra, dear, I have an award for you on my blog. Please come to collect it or I will be forced to take, you know... measures and stuff and thangs.

  17. Loved the old Viking film with Kirk Douglas :).. was the 'I am Spartacus!' line from that movie?.. even so.. epic

  18. my family always thought we were Irish till I started tracing our tree roots..we started out as vikings and got kicked out of 2 countries before 3 brothers settled in America..hey did run us out of the south to I say...yeah, Vikings.

  19. Oh Ragnar. Those sirens have put the voodoo on him.

  20. Techno Viking at the f*** Parade, hmmm!

  21. We watched the show Vikings. His eyes were commented on every episode. I have a "soft" spot *ahem* for green or blue eyes...

  22. Oooooo Ragnar! But i kind of have a 'thing' for Rollo too. :)

  23. You always pick out the best pictures. That Viking play wagon is adorable. And the Great Danes...hahahaha

  24. I can honestly say that I never met a trustworthy Viking.

    Happy Friday, Debra.

  25. That is fucking fantastic! Although the one person I have met with Danish heritage (e.g. descendant of vikings) was a real emotional sheep.

  26. The teeth on the baby viking are terrifying.

  27. My favorite is the Great Danes! Definitely gave me a good laugh.

  28. Aww, but I'm such a sucker for icy blue eyes!

  29. They are all up to no good I tell you!!!

  30. 'I came, I saw, I conquered ." ... oh wait that wasn't a vicking ~ that was my last boyfriend!

  31. Those blue eyed Vikings are hard to stay away from! Love the dragon boat kiddy wagon ;o)

  32. Hey Debra,

    How's it goin', eh?

    Some folks are liking Vikings. Although it makes you wonder why they pillage and plunder. Evidently, a bunch of them still party in Minnesota.

  33. Oh my. This made me giggle...maniacally. The Great Danes, the Village CUTE! But those eyes, Oh, those eyes. I don't care what it is they want to do, they can do it.

  34. I know nothing about Vikings, well until I read this post. Now I'm an expert. The dogs cracked me up.

  35. Those Vikings were not to be messed with! Whew!!

  36. I generally do not get giddy over boys, but those eyes sure made be kind of stupid for a few minutes.

  37. I think becoming Thor is relevant in A LOT of situations.

    If I had that power, so many of my problems would be gone.

  38. Love the stuffed animal in the first photo. Pups in the second one are cute too.

  39. Where the heck do you find all this stuff, Debra???

  40. Really enjoyed the Vikings series and look forward to more. The blue eyes draw you in don't they!! Actually was a bit shocked by some of the things portrayed in the Vikings series. I've read that the producers and writers tried to be fairly accurate about how the Vikings would have lived at that time. Not what you would call 'warm and fuzzy'!

  41. Ha! I'm not sure how I missed this post, but I'm feeling like I need to make you one of my crocheted viking hats!

  42. In case of Emergency, become Thor.

    BEST meme ever, thanks for the laugh.

  43. ragnarok is nigh... who's ready? ;)


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