Tuesday 10 September 2013

My Favourite Fictional Rabbits

1. Bugs Bunny

Oh, how I loved this trickster when I was a little girl! And Bugs Bunny cartoons are still funnier than most of the stuff produced today, in my humble opinion.

2. The Rabbits of Watership Down

I read this novel when I was in university. It's one of the few books I've ever read that was so good, I literally could not put it down. I stayed up all night reading it. I was worried when the animated movie came out that it would cheapen and ruin my vision of Watership Down. But hurray! The charming movie is a genius work of art in its own right. Both the movie and the novel are wonderful.

But neither the book nor the movie is suitable for children. The story is a political analogy of oppression, violence and the search for freedom. Rabbits fight, bleed and die. It would scare young children.

3. The Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail

The very first time I saw this scene, I laughed so hard the tears ran down my face. And down my leg too, if you catch my drift. I can see this clip a million times and still find it hilarious EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!

My favourite immortal line: "What's he do? Nibble your bum?"

4. Jessica Rabbit from Who Killed Roger Rabbit?

Well, okay, she's not really a rabbit. But she's married to one and that counts. She took his last name, after all.

My favourite immortal line: "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way."

If you want to see my favourite Jessica Rabbit cosplayer, click here.


  1. Bugs Bunny was a huge hit here as well, when I was a kid....

  2. My children had a bugs bunny toy when they were young, you pulled a string and he 'spoke' all the famous phrases.
    I've never been able to watch Watership Down, don't want to, nor never will - I cry at Bambi so couldn't take anything stronger than that !

  3. Excellent choices especially Bugs Bunny. Still watch those classic cartoons when I get a chance. And good heavens, the Jessica Rabbit cosplayer! Decorum prohibits me from commenting further.

  4. I loved Bugs and the other Loony Tunes growing up. Unfortunately people have become so uptight these days that those are considered too violent and not politically correct. Of course, those there the things that made them so entertaining!

    Love that Python clip!

  5. Not to forget Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny and Eddie Rabbitt!

  6. I had never seen that Monty Python; I just watched the scene and gasped so hard I frightened my dog !x

  7. As soon as I saw The Killer Rabbit, I started laughing. Your favorite line is also mine. Now I want to watch that movie again - for the millionth time.

    I also love Jessica Rabbit, that movie is waiting to be watched on my Netflix.

  8. great choices, all. The Monty Python is one of my faves as well. "I've done it again now" just slays me....oh bad choice of words eh? Oma Linda

  9. LOL, "It's just a harmless little bunny".

    I always loved Bugs Bunny and all his friends.

  10. I guessed right. You used the Bunny scene from MP&THG. Man, Ilove that movie!

  11. Some great Bunnies! I have to admit I have not seen the movie, 'Watership Down'. Though I did read the book. Will have to look for it after reading your review. :0)
    Hubby & I ran across some new 'cutish' bunnies - Rabbids. It's a French animation show that is shown on Nickelodeon. Kinda warped but very funny. You might look for an episode....

  12. BAHAHAHAHA...the Monty Python video is hilarious!!! I love Monty Python. Such craziness!

    And good old Bugs Bunny rules! I watched the cartoons when I was a kid, and still enjoy them.

  13. have you ever seen Space Jam?

  14. Hi Adam -- No I haven't but I'm guessing it has rabbits in it! I'll see if I can track it down.

  15. Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbitttt!
    Sorry, that was one of my favorites. Bugs Bunny Cartoons! I loved them as a kid, and then, I got to watch them all over again with my little sister, 10 years younger than me!
    Our son loved that cartoon movie, Roger Rabbit, and he loved that Bob Hoskins did such a great American accent, since he knew he was British!

  16. 'What's up doc?' One of my all time favorites as well.

  17. Our whole family is still recovering from the evil rabbit debacle at our house but I know I will grow to love them again.

  18. I always loved Bugs. He's so smart and witty. Jessica is the hottest cartoon character ever; she's just drawn that way. I agree. That's a great line.


  19. Of course there is James Stewart and Harvey.

  20. I loved Bugs Bunny too :)
    Watershipdown I found scary and quite sad.. as a youngster I definitely thought.. hmmm this is different

  21. LOL! The Holy Grail is one of our favorites in this house. I'm lovin' bunny week!

  22. I know it is rabbit week, but for cartoons my vote would go to the roadrunner; but, that was before I saw Jessica Rabbit.

    the Ol'Buzzard

  23. All are my favorites also! I loved reading Watership Down and yes, the movie was terrific too!

  24. Run away, run away! LOL! Excellent clip! The older cartoons rock! They are still the best! I agree ;o)

  25. Love all your Rabbits!
    My favorite Bugs Bunny is Rabbit Season. He and Daffy have pronoun trouble.

  26. I also your rabbit list.
    My favorite is Peter Rabbit from the Beatrix Potter children's book
    The Tale of Peter Rabbit.

  27. Love Monty Python! I know it's kind of sick, but I laugh every time I see the killer rabbit scene! Thanks for the laugh!

  28. What? What? What? Bugs is fictional????? Dat can't be, you wacky woeman.

  29. For Fall I am revisiting some good books I read long ago ...Watership Downs ~ just added it to the list.

  30. #3 all the way for this Pythonian!! Love the Holy Grail so much that I too can recite lines from the movie ad nauseum!! I must add Watership Down to my ever growing list....


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