Monday, 9 September 2013

Screw Shark Week!

Cuz it's RABBIT WEEK here at She Who Seeks blog! And rabbits kick ass.

So yes, it'll be all bunnies, all week. I love rabbits no matter whether they're cute, evil, tame, wild, real, fictional, sautéed or whatever.

Let's get hopping, shall we?


  1. the one thing about bunnies, they are just not scary are they , even when they're mad they are cute, tricky tricky,

  2. never mess with the bunnies..... including the Playboy ones.....

  3. Bunny's sure are cute, big my sister in law had one that was so big that I was afraid of him.

  4. I actually look forward to rabbit week. I tried to hate the rabbits that invaded my neighborhood and even chewed up my car's undercarriage wiring, but I can't. They're so cute. Now one of them befriended me. He just hops up to me and waits for me to give him a pat on the head.

    My new buddy

  5. I believe that the first picture is accurate. I have scarred arms to prove that rabbits (aka bunnies) can be very vicious. And so I shall see what you bring this week. Oma Linda

  6. Where in the heck do you come up with this stuff??? and why do I laugh and snort my coffee when I read it??? hahaha

  7. Love the last picture! Awesome!
    Bunnies are cute and cunning and crafty. And cute! Looking forward to this week!

  8. Consult the Book of Armaments!

    Armaments, Chapter Two, Verses Nine to Twenty-One.

    "And Saint Atila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying,
    'Oh, Lord, bless this thy hand grenade that with it thou mayest blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.'
    And the Lord did grin, and people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies,and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large..."

    Skip a bit, Brother.

    "And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the
    Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.'"


  9. Go forth and multiply ~ bunnies all week YEA

  10. The holy hand grenade! You're killing me softly with the Monty Python, huge fan.
    "...4 shall not be the number, nor shall it be 2, unless immediately followed by 3." FAVE MOVIE EVER.

  11. I didn't know it was bunny week and I started out yesterday by dragging some nasty thorn trees up along the alfalfa field so the bunnies could have a bunny fortress. Piled the brush up and I think it will keep predators from getting them and they can escape out the back side into more brush. Happy bunny week.

  12. LOL! I agree completely! I love little bunnasers too. (that's what my aunt calls them. She had a long-haired flop eared rabbit as an indoor pet who was trained to go in his litter box and such. He was so darned sweet. Very friendly. Looking forward to bunny week! Blessings, Bird

  13. Lol! Bunado! Perfect! I adore the bun-buns too.

  14. I saw best buy showing off the shark movie on blu ray as a best buy exclusive.

    I guess they were the only ones willing to sell that junk

  15. You might be a tad nervous if you lived here. This year the bunnies have taken over. Brazen little fur balls stroll down the street like they own property and pay taxes. Unnerving I tell you!!

  16. You go . . . rabbit!!!

  17. The evil rabbit has left our house and I am thanking the god of the rabbits. Not sure who that is but I am thankful.

  18. Darling daughter has a bunny - 'Jagr'.
    Not sure if she named him after the hockey player or the beverage.

  19. Well I do believe I'll take rabbits over sharks, but I'm not ready to eat one yet.

  20. We have rabbits in our garden. Loads of them, and they dig everything up. And I'd happily shoot them. Not that I'm a violent man or anything.

  21. Bunny week...yes! I love the little stinkers...even though they destroy my garden. And we are overrun with them this year. Bunnies, bunnies everywhere...

  22. For bunny week you need to watch the 1972 horror film The Night of the Lepus: Giant mutant rabbits terrorize the southwest.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  23. Bunnies are cute!
    Who doesn't love Bunnies?

    Linda :o)

  24. You've got to watch those bunnies, they're scary!

  25. Fantastic!!

    Of course, even though the rabbit didn't say it, now this is in my head:

    "What's your favorite color?"


  26. Corgnado is superior. The dumbest looking dogs in the world trump everything.

  27. This is going to rock! I love it Debra. It immediately reminded me of the Buffy musical, "Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies... it must be bun-ay-ay-ayaaaas. Or maybe midgets?"

  28. So funny. Love it.

  29. I am OK with Bunnado. Must better than sharks. As long as they continue to eat gardens and not people, I am feeling pretty secure.

  30. there is a new cartoon on nickelodeon..the Rabbids from outer space I think it's called..It is hysterical..I don't know if you get nickelodeon or not, but it's on saturday morning some time..and if not, just google it and watch some of the clips..abby and i love it..I was trying to recap it for Jamie and while I was waving my hands and doing the voices Jamie said grandma look at abby and I looked and she was watching me like tv and laughing her ass off at, check them out..


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