Thursday 7 November 2013

A Public Service Message

One day, a buddy introduces you to booze. And at first, it's just a cute joke. A fun time.

Then you get hardcore, man. You drink more and more. All the time.

You get destructive and belligerent. An intervention becomes necessary.

Finally, you agree to go to rehab and learn to call on your Higher Power.

Stay sober, friends! -- A public service message from the Squirrel Community.

P.S.: As a special note to Toronto's Mayor Rob Ford -- see the trouble that a drunken stupor can lead to? Good gawd, man, take a lesson from the squirrels!


  1. rob ford does not look like any crack smoker i have ever seen. i say maybe he should smoke a bit more and maybe a little coke too. lose the weight rob! a heart attack is going to kill you before the crack!

  2. Wow, our squirrels run when they see us, they steal my corn and I can imagine that they are going to be good eating one winter day. Thieving tree rats.
    That politician needs a good ass whipping from what I saw on TV.

  3. No question about it...drinking the devil spirits will drive you NUTS.

  4. Squirrel wisdom .... love it!

  5. Thank you for starting my day with a smile!

  6. How timely! I think I'll forward this to Hizzhonur's office. hahaha

  7. Oh that is so special. Thank you.

  8. these!

    Squirrel knows all! Take note Rob Ford.

  9. ha ha ha ha, good one!!

  10. Yup! One should most certainly listen to the advice of squirrels. If one did, then one would never go wrong. They are so wise. That said, yesterday we watched one race around for about 20 minutes with an apple in his mouth that was so large he could barely see what he was doing, climb a tree with it and abruptly fall out of it onto the ground again. Either he'd been drinking or squirrels aren't as wise as once thought.

  11. Ha ha , toooo funny.
    Great commentary .

  12. methinks Rob Ford has Serbian origins....

  13. LOL!!! Our local news had a story about the Toronto mayor. And I thought U.S. officials were the only ones who did that sort of thing!

    I think the Gnomes over at The Gnomes Garden blog need to read this post! Those Gnomes love their beer!

  14. Brilliantly wicked! Ford is the kind of Canadian news that gets lots of coverage on the American news (Something that makes me NUTS!). I enjoyed your tea ceremony posts ~ I always love looks into other peoples and places. Have a good one!

  15. Drunken bum squirrels.....
    Idiot mayor.......
    One is funnier than funny the other is just uh pathetic.

  16. Haha I love this. I swear to god, I saw a squirrel burying nuts or whatever the other day and when it caught sight of me it dug the nuts back up and ran off - like I was going to rob them x

  17. Drinking is bad, especially if it makes you smoke crack. Smart squirrel.

  18. Considering the way squirrels destroy my bird feeders, maybe I should put beer in the feeder instead of seed. As for your mayor ... are you sure he isn't American? Or at least a closeted American?

  19. Haaaaa!!! love squirrel humor of any kind. I'm going to be studying my squirrels very closely from here on in. One day at a time sober squirrel... one day at a time.

    thanks for the smile. I'm walking out the door with it and wearing it allll day!

  20. That squirrel's choosing Bud over Old Style? Bad squirrel! Bad!

  21. AHAHAHAHAAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAhahaaahaahaaahahahaaa! Oh Crap! I wet myself.
    That was really good.

  22. Lol! Yeah, Rob Ford is quite something. And now i'm laughing so hard i have to 'go'. Lol again!

    Ps. I must share this on my facebook page!

  23. This post rocks! Love it.

    Rob Ford. Keeping Canadians entertained and giving us a reason to watch the news.

  24. This is great! I'm not familiar with Rob Ford's ways but he sounds like quite the newsworthy character!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Love love love this. Self-destructive squirrels rule!

  27. I've been reading about this guy in the press.....pretty soon you Canadians are going to catch up with us American's in BAD PRESS. LOL LOL


  28. This post is so funny on many, many levels!

  29. I feel guilty laughing so hard! Sooo, is he as ridiculed in Canada as here? I mean we thought Marion Berry was bad...

  30. So that's where all my squirrels have gone to!

    On a sobering note, this guy is deja vu with former Washington, D.C. mayor Marion Berry who was also caught smoking crack on video and went through a phase of deny, deny, deny.

  31. I watched the video of Rob Ford saying he must of been in a drunken stupor when he was smoking crack. My head did a 360 spin and I questioned if my ears actually heard what they thought they heard.

  32. Loved this Debra!! You're funny!!

  33. I love how "I was in a drunken stupor" is a good excuse for misbehavior to Mr Ford.

  34. I love that squirrel! He is so cute! ;o) I think he should run for mayor ;o)

  35. Years ago I had an Irish Wolfhound that drank Irish Whiskey with me - she loved it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  36. Lol!! two at a time man!.. that's so funny

  37. Well you can add "Squirrels with Drinking Problems" to the list of things I didn't think would be funny!

  38. HA HA HA!!!
    Love this Debra...
    I have a very bad red squirrel who lives around em somewhere...always causing problems...perhaps he is in a drunken stupor!! What a clown that Ford is!

    Linda :o)


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