Friday 8 November 2013

Another Public Service Message

And yes, a Guide is needed. Because the Internet will suck you in before you know it.

Twelve years ago? Noob. Some of us have been here since the Victorian era!

The Internet is a jealous mistress. She will never let you go.

Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Don't say you haven't been warned.


  1. Can you imagine the day that the internet dies, all things die so it will happen.It will be CATastrophic event as your photo shows.

  2. But, but, but...if it were to end...gasp...we would have no more random thoughts, eh?

  3. I was really behind when it came to the Internet. Didn't get a computer until 2005, but once it was here, I was off to the races.Oh my, to go without it for a day? Perish the thought.

  4. ain't this the truth, lol,

  5. Whatever did we do before the advent of motherboards????

  6. that fat kitteh might be our guide but she ain't looking happy for sure :)

  7. I am sooo laughing at this post and how true it is. Oh, and that last photo of the cave? LMAO

  8. P.S. I've been lost on the internet since 1996.

  9. that's one reason why I could never move out to a very rural area. I hear getting any kind of decent internet is nearly impossible

  10. I remember my first chat room…seems like it was ages ago. I couldn't believe I was talking to someone in another state on the computer!!

  11. I'm wondering what would the world be like without the internet, or computer technology, or even cellphones. Strange and interesting.

  12. It's true! It's all true! Lol. If only i'd known before i lost my luddite status!

  13. I have desk in our bedroom and a coupon station next to that. It's a No-Internet Zone. Just a wall, two passed out puppies, a comfy chair and quiet.

    I love it.

  14. I wouldn't know anything about this.

  15. I burst out laughing. These are funny and so true. I teach a class on the social media for the tech-challenged. I suggest to them to write down the specific things they're going on-line for, before going on-line, so they don't get sucked in. But we all get sucked in anyway.


  16. I make my living thanks to the Internet, and, yes, cats have been my guide :-)

  17. Yes, the Internet is the closest thing to an addiction that I have ever had. If the Internet had the same side effects as alcohol, I'd be dead now.

  18. I can remember the world without the Internet. It was good in a way because human beings interacted together more. But it was isolating. If you were the slightest bit different, i.e., in your orientation or religious sentiments, you could spend a whole lifetime and not meet anyone like yourself. OTOH, I read a lot more books before the Internet. But in the long run I like it. I would just be re-reading Pride and Prejudice for the 6th time if not for the Web.

  19. I KNOW this post doesn't refer to me!! I just know it doesn't! lol

  20. Cutting ties with civilization...but still being online? What's there not to love? :)

  21. I do know when my Internet Service "Unprovider" goes down and I can't surf the internet, I get um waves of panic.

    Have a good weekend, eh.


  22. Haha! I cannot imagine my life without Internet... without my blog, my FB, my email, my skype... how did people survive before??? ;)

  23. I had a real internet addiction a few years ago, and it hasn't got any better. ;D

  24. This post made me have a "screeching modem" flashback! Lol!

  25. I am not an addict. But I love internet. I could not have known you, if there there was no internet.

  26. being unplugged would be unimaginable to most people.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  27. Do you suppose if the internet died, the paper, stamp and postal services would experience a boom?
    Good Grief, I'd have to learn how to spell, to write so others could read my writing and locate a mail box...heaven forbid:)

  28. I'm feeling that last pic!. That.. is how I often feel.. Euston...

    btw Deb.. for some odd reason your posts don't come up on my 'timeline', I have to pop over myself to check updates. I don't know what I may have done wrong when I clicked the follow button. I think I just clicked it but didn't past your link or something. No worries though.. but let me know if you know how to rectify :)

  29. Well, I grew up prior to the Internet, so to be honest, if it actually went away, while I would feel a small twinge of panic because I wouldn't be able to keep in touch with a few certain people, I think I could live with doing things the old fashioned way.

  30. ain't it the truth???????? It's like sticky snot, ya just can't get rid of it.

  31. I've been on since the first lame DANCING BABY "video" remember that one???

  32. I love the weather one! I fought tech. I didn't get my own email address until 2000.

  33. Oh me , oh my true dat !

  34. So true, and it makes me think of this wonderful song/video that I just have to hear once in a while: The internet is made of CATS!

  35. I'm with you! They may take our lives, but they will never take our INTERNET!


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