Wednesday 27 November 2013

Slapping Tom Hiddleston

First, King Henry IV (Jeremy Irons) slaps the smirk off the face of his son Prince Hal . . .

. . . and then Dr. Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) does the same to the Norse trickster god Loki . . .

I detect a trend! Who will slap Tom Hiddleston next?


  1. I can think of a few people that I'd like to slap around the face too. :D

  2. I'd love the opportunity to let him feel the force of a furry fist to his face. Not normally a queue jumper, but I will for this!

  3. I'd gladly slap him... but on his southern cheeks :)

  4. Of course that only works when slapping an actor, bad things result when tried in real life.

  5. There's got to be a better way to pay the bills?

  6. I could swat Thor for you if you feel like it. Nothing better than a good slap, eh!?

  7. Oh! Oh! Let me!! PLEASE!!!! In fact he can slap me!
    Hurt me! Beat me! Make me write bad checks!!!
    Oh YES!!!

    Actually, I heard that Hiddleston said to the slappers, that he wanted them to slap him and not hold back. He said to make it look real. Really!

  8. Felt like it a number of times over the years but never have. Hm-m-m, maybe I will take up 'acting'!!

  9. Slapping all around! Is that like a festive toast? Lol.

  10. Wow, somehow watching this repeat over and over is disturbing. Kinda like those shows on TV that show people hurting themselves in horrible ways with the laugh tracks attached.....yikes.
    Now if you were forming a line to gently hit/pat on Thor....well then.....

  11. God, he just looks so slappable, I might do it if I run into him.

  12. Ah, to be that close to Tom Hiddleston!

  13. Mmmm some creative types beat me to the bum cheek slapping comments!

  14. I volunteer as tribute to slap him.

  15. Haha! Great! =D I'm curious who will slap him next =D

  16. Somehow I find Loki's hair funny when he's slapped...

  17. You know, I really like him as an actor. And I like him in the Cookie Monster spot he did as well.


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