Saturday 21 December 2013

Happy Winter Solstice!

That's right! Strip off and run around with flaming torches, everyone! Let's all welcome the Return of the Light in the old-fashioned way!

It's hard to believe that a whole year has passed since the much-ballyhooed End of the World on the 2012 Winter Solstice. Remember how nervous some people were at this time last year?


  1. I remember reading and hearing quite a bit about the earth's shift.. the Mayan calender.. has it been a year already. Wow. Well.. I haven't noticed any great changes or awakenings. With all these flaming hot torches.. running naked should keep em cool! looks like fun.

  2. I totally forgot about the Mayan prophecy. Oh well, I'm still alive.

  3. Debs,are you crazy? I'm all for stripping,and the solstice but it is in the low 20's right now outside. I'll welcome it in my warm bed with a hot toddy!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Stripping as I write and will run naked down my street in the rain, carrying an Ikea lantern...

  5. I have stones set that mare the solstices and equinox but I was too tired to get up and run naked around the stones this morning but then it wouldn't have been much fun out there by myself as nobody around here would know what the event was. People think my stones are a grave yard.

  6. I know why the Celts had flaming keep themselves warm after they stripped down to their birthday suits!
    Solstice Blessings! ♥

  7. A bunch of happy nude people - always such delight :)

  8. Can I just wander about the house naked with a flashlight? Is that good enough?

  9. Lighting a few candles will have to do! Happy Solstice!
    (Gotta watch those Mayans).

  10. I still remember kids in middle school going "oh yeah the world is totally going to end, the Mayans (though they knew no real details of the calendar system) were always right".

    Though there's also a lot of religious people who honestly think they're in the "End times". Which gives them something in common with other super-religious people from every century because they all thought they were in the end times too.

  11. Yes naked and torches , but you must be riding a horse ;)

  12. Can I wear shoes and still be considered "naked"???

  13. that last one summs it up pretty well, this is my 40th wedding anniversary, I chose the winter solstice , thought it would be romantic, ha ha, he still forgets,

  14. Happy Winter Solstice! Here's to the return of the light! It's something like 35 below here with the wind chill, so I'll probably keep my clothes on. My neighbours will thank me.

  15. Oh my gosh, yes, I'd totally forgotten about the Mayan calendar. What a hoopla for nothing. Happy Solstice to you and yours.

  16. Totally! Batman saved us! And i'd strip naked, but i'd scare the neighbors.. who i like. Lol. Happy Solstice to you!

  17. MidWinter greetings. Goodness, lets not get too carried away by keeping the old, it's cold out there.

  18. Running around naked with a flaming torch will add a little excitement to my otherwise quiet neighbourhood! And hey, what's a little frostbite, right?

    Well, at least the days will start getting longer from now on!

  19. Like Guillaume I too forgot all about the Mayan prophecy. Remember 2000 was suppose to be the end of the world too. Geez, I think we humans might just kill ourselves off before the Earth passes away. What do you think? Great post. Cheers!!

  20. It's too cold to be naked even inside so I'll just light a small candle and look out the window. Is that good enough?

  21. ROFL!!! Awesome. I hope you and yours have a beautiful and magical Yule. Bright blessings, Bird

  22. Naked in this weather? No way, no how :)

  23. I was thinking about this yesterday and also how the world was supposed to come to an end the previous May. Happily we're still chugging along.

  24. Yeah, it seems sacrilegious or something to doubt the Mayans. We'll see what they have in store in 5000 years.

    Happy Holidays, Deb.

  25. Ron and I have been 'calling up' our Celtic Roots' ancestors and are bout ready to hit the streets!!lol

  26. And a happy (naked if you like) winter solstice to you too Deb!!

  27. I have complete faith in the fact that Super Duck saved the world.

  28. There is a reason not to celebrate like a Celt. My clothes are firmly in place.

    Aren't we over due for the next round of "end of the world" rumors. In 2012 there was the Mayan rumor but there were two others in 2011 from Harold Camping (who wasn't that far off as he died about a week I guess his end of the world really did happen.)

  29. I contacted time zones ahead of me to see if the world had ended according to what the Mayans may have meant.

    Folks assured me that the world had not ended. I'd place a bet that the world would end. The Mayans owe me, big time!

    Happy Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice.

    Gary :)

  30. I am not stripping, it's too damn cold!
    Brrrrr! Yay long days!

  31. Happy Solstice (one day late) - my fingers finally thawed out enough to type. -39 here this morning. Remind me again why I live here? :)

    Have a happy day!

  32. I like the Super hero's idea too!!!! xoxoxoxox

  33. We are in the middle of an ice storm here in Maine - but my wife and I may get naked and run around the bedroom this afternoon.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  34. Happy late solstice! I'll be stripping down in my bathroom to run around in my shower. Its going to be amazing.

  35. the last one is priceless. and I wouldn't mind running around naked holding torches! Might be fun ;-) Happy winter solstice!!!!

  36. Best cartoon ever! Thanks for the laugh. We're trying to run nekkid here but we keep slipping in the ice. :(

  37. Hey kindred..awesome post..made me smile..Winter Solstice Blessing and a magical yule to you!

  38. Did you see the one comparing the Mayan calendar to an Oreo cookie? :)

  39. It's summer solstice here, so happy summer solstice!!!

  40. Those Mayans had quite the sense of humor! This Solstice time is great since we will start to see more of the sun again. Woohoo!

  41. Happy Winter Solstice ;o) I think if I went outside nude, there would be ice hanging off of things and that wouldn't be good! LOL!

  42. That's a pic of an Aztec calendar, not Mayan.


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