Tuesday 28 January 2014

Kimono Memories

Recently, Kestril Trueseeker had a very interesting post about kimonos over at her blog Kestril's Rhythms and Groove. It reminded me of some kimonos we saw on display in Tokyo when we were there. This particular one was my favourite -- can you guess why?

The front:

The back:

Yes, you guessed it! I love the whimsical bunnies on the obi sash! Who knew rabbits were so musical? Here's a close-up:

[Photos by Debra She Who Seeks, 2012]


  1. I guess it was too much to hope for that they would put cats on one. Bunnies will do.

  2. "Kimono memories and dojo dreams." It sounds like a Japanese parody of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. That kimono is beautiful. I picture bunnies playing jazz. I just can't imagine them playing ska, for example.

  3. That kimono color is beautiful!!

  4. A kimono is a good way of covering up a fat stomach, you could even hide a sandwich underneath and no one would notice the bulge.

  5. LOL on LLCoolJoe's comment! heehee Anyway what a beautiful kimono!

  6. They're cute! I never thought that a more traditional attire would be whimsical. :0)

  7. I thought it was cats, but then I put my reading glasses on :) Bunnies. I like bunnies! Very cute.

  8. It is beautifully made. Love the color and the material.

  9. Jeesh, I thought it looked like it was make of long underwear material and you like it because it looks so warm & comfy. But musical rabbits are good too!

  10. That is really pretty and I love the bunnies! :D

  11. it's very playful and delightful :)

  12. Those bunnies look like they're having a grand time. Hope you're staying warm. It's cold but so pretty outside my kitchen.

  13. of course bunnies are musical. did you know that bunnies actually sing? I didn't until daughter wanted some and we complied. They are very interesting and annoying pets. And they do sing. Oma Linda

  14. I love the bunnies. It makes me smile just to see them.

  15. one of the first Japanese words I learned was 兎 (usagi) which means rabbit

  16. They are quite beautiful! I would have to have birds on mine. Keeps me want to have a Mandarin trip now.

  17. I love kimonos. I have a Pinterest page for them. I love that obi. very cute!

  18. Love the bunnies on this Kimono!

  19. Fun! But do they have one with bees?

  20. I could see Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar wearing a kimono.

    Very nice and real cute musical bunnies.

    Gary :)

  21. What a beautiful kimono and obi ~ the bunnies are darling. I was expecting bees with your lead in! Thanks for your well wishes on my last post. I'm definitely doing much better!

  22. I can see why too, Debra! I can see you in this, serving tea of course.

  23. Oh i love it! To me they look like bluegrass playing bunnies! (I love bluegrass music.) And it's totally NOT, ahem, the same as country music. lol. Anyway, this kimono is awesome!

  24. My first thought was, "Bees!" Then I saw the bunnies. ;-)

  25. bunnies.....rabbits...rabbids...I love Rabbid's ..

  26. why do the bunnies play the music? that is the question.

  27. My wife reads the blogs but doesn't feel comfortable commenting: she loved this post.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  28. That is really cute. Whoever designed that had a great imagination.

  29. I didn't know Japanese were fond of rabbits. Interesting. Very nice. I like kimonos too. Cheers!!

  30. AAaaahhhhhhhh!!!!! How did I miss this one! I could spontaneously combust from the cuteness!

    The obi, the juban (the under kimono with the pretty different colored cherry blossom patterns) - just adorable!

  31. LOL, almost forgot in the raptures of cuteness...yes Bobbybegood1, the Japanese have a fondess for bunnies. First, rabbit is one of the animals in the zodiac (My son was born in the Year of the Rabbit). Also there's a myth about the Moon Rabbit (there's a shape in the moon that many cultures see as a rabbit. In Japan, the rabbit is said to be making rice dumplings). The rabbit in the moon myth is a popular motif, most famously used in the anime Sailor Moon. The main character's name is Usagi, which means rabbit and she's the moon princess.


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