Saturday 25 January 2014

Robbie Burns Day, Och Aye

Today is the birthday of Robbie Burns, Scotland's most famous poet. People all over the world will hold Burns Suppers, eat some haggis, recite his poetry and enjoy a wee dram as a tribute. But here on She Who Seeks blog, my tradition is to post funny Scottish LOLs to honour the bard because he was a guy who always enjoyed a good laugh, I'm sure.


  1. fifty shades of plaid ... too funny! I'm sure glad you celebrate Robbie Burns!

  2. Happy birthday to him! I like his pink cheeks in that picture :)

  3. this got a good chuckle out of this scot. half scot/half pollock..what a combo!

  4. love the kitteh in the sporran :)

  5. RIP, Bobby. kilt me with your humour!

  6. We'll be gettin out the very well-aged single malt and raising a glass or two.

  7. Hahahaha...these are hilarious! Loved them. I'm glad you choose to do a funny post!

  8. I also saw this on a fellow friend blogger's blog who lives in Scotland. Very interesting day. But that Burns Supper?????? I think I may have gotten sick. Looked gross. The dish looked like two huge bulls balls!

  9. Haggis sounds like the most disgusting thing to eat ever. Ick. Happy Robbie Burns day! (Which always makes me think of Robbie Benson AND George Burns.)

  10. The one with Scotty was great. I didn't realize we were so friendly we get to call him Robbie. Have a great Robert Burns day. I think my favorite work of his is "Address to a Haggis".

  11. My daughter danced Highland for years. I have been to more Robbie Burns day celebrations than I can could. Sometimes more than one a day. I can't say I miss going to them! They were so loud and the smell of hagus...gag!

  12. to add to today's Scots and puns....the only true hag is me. Ta Dah, Oma Linda

  13. Love this post, my grandparents were Scots and when we were kids they often looked after (and lived) with us, and apparently no one could understand a word we said, not because of our Aussie accent, we'd picked up their Scottish one! Hubby is a Scot I'll remind him to have a nip tonight in Robbies honour!

  14. red shirt guy looks way cool
    yay the scots!

  15. Excellent! Fifty shades of plaid. lol!

  16. Thank you my dearest Debra!
    what a funny post this is! I loved the one with the wooden poles but I adored the one with the global warming!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  17. Gotta love the Scots. :) I still say caber toss is my favorite sport, and I do hope to eat real haggis someday.

  18. Hilarious!! Love the "wood" one and the watching the english drown! LOL!

  19. Hail to Craig Ferguson ~ My Hero !

  20. LMAO! I loved the Star Trek and 50 Shades of Plaid the best.

  21. Your graphics are hilarious especially the one "watching the English drown". I am Scot/Irish but the one of the toughest accents for me to understand is the Scottish brogue. AND I am prepared NEVER to try haggis.

  22. Oh Debra, I really needed this today. I will have to add some of these to my Scottish pinterest board. ~ Diane

  23. Scared to think what the 4th circle of hell is?

    Why it's multi colored plaid golf pants.

  24. I'm about 25% Scottish and never understood those highland games. Throwing logs and lugging ridiculously heavy boulders makes no sense!

  25. These are all great...but I especially love Scotty from Star Trek!

  26. star trek's 'scotty' was all ours, of course, james doohan, born in vancouver, bc, and was a war hero long before becoming an actor:

    the other 'scot' on trek, james tiberius kirk, was another canuck,
    bill shatner, from quebec.

    [am part scot meself; NOT saying which part, though.]

    scots wha hae... if a tad late...
    just got back online, missed most of january :(


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