Thursday 23 January 2014

Centre for Spiritual Living Labyrinth

I haven't posted for awhile about labyrinths that I have visited and, believe it or not, there are still a few more! Today I'm highlighting another Edmonton labyrinth.

This beautiful Chartres labyrinth is located on the sanctuary floor of the Centre for Spiritual Living, a "new thought" spiritual community. On the first Friday evening of every month, they move the church's chairs off the labyrinth and make it available for walking. The sanctuary is silent and lit only by candlelight, creating a serene and meditative atmosphere.

On the walls surrounding the labyrinth hang banners with portraits and quotations from various spiritual role models: Martin Luther King Jr., the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, John Lennon and . . . Oprah! See, told you they embrace new thought!

Whenever I've gone to a labyrinth walk here, they have been very well attended. And there's always lots of young people there too. It's nice to see them embracing an ancient tradition and finding value in it.

[Photo taken from the website of Edmonton's Centre for Spiritual Living]


  1. Sure, I guess Albert Einstein could be considered a spiritual role model. I love labyrinths, even the movie Labyrinth. They're so soothing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, my comment posted twice. Such a mistake will force me to walk a labyrinth and contemplate the wisdom of my savior, Oprah.

  4. I have yet to walk a labyrinth. The last time you posted about them I searched for one nearby, but couldn't find one.
    Thanks for showing us such beautiful spiritual places.

  5. This is so cool! I'm intrigued too by the Centre for Spiritual Living. Since I'm not religious, this type of organization sounds right up my alley!

  6. That is quite a large labyrinth. Very nice though. I miss the labyrinth which was near the last place we lived. And I have yet to find one in this conservative town.

  7. I never walked on, or in, a labyrinth before, I must say that sounds very peaceful.

  8. Again, things I never knew existed in the city nearest to me. Lovely!:)

  9. This is a beauty. I think I told you last time that we have a friend who has a labyrinth on her property, albeit rustic. We love the events she has there and the opportunity to do the walk. Always a treat. Oma Linda

  10. There is an outdoor labyrinth not far from me that I plan on visiting this spring. It's right by the ocean and is supposed to be beautiful.

  11. I have always been fascinated by labyrinths and loved your post!

  12. ~walking a labyrinth has been on my want to experience list for some time coming and your post reminds me of needing to make it come to be...truly beautiful...much love light and blessings~

  13. Every community should have one of these! I would love that.

  14. That's astonishing. I live in NY. Close to the city. I wonder if we have any labyrinths. If so, I am going to visit. Makes me wonder how come I never visited one before. I agree with Anne Johnson, 'Every community should have one of these!" Great post. Cheers!!

  15. Just the picture alone invokes serenity. Nice post.

  16. I wished I'd known about that when I was in Edmonton. Although they perplex me a bit, labyrinths are so calming.

    Be well, Deb.

  17. How interesting, is this an old building?

  18. This is spectacular. I can just imagine the peace I would feel walking it. Centre for Spiritual Living? I think I'd like that, too.

  19. I think that walking a labyrinth can have a very calming, positive effect. That looks like a rather large one. It was sounding wonderful right up until the thought of Oprah being in eyesight. I am so over her...

  20. I would love to turn my backyard into a labyrinth.

  21. You're making me want to walk a labyrinth again...

  22. That is so neat! I would worry about getting dizzy though.

  23. I have been catching up and Debra I am so sorry to hear about HRH. I know how it is to lose a member of the family. hope our pets are playing in Rainbow Heaven. your blog is as wonderful as I remember it to be.

  24. I've never been to a labyrinth before. It may be a silly question, but what does it have to do with spiritual living? Have a lovely Friday.

  25. that is really beautiful and serene. They are making labyrinths in corn fields up here in western Maine.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  26. What a lovely labyrinth.
    We have one on the grounds of our church- which is outside in the garden.

    Enjoyed visiting this morning over my coffee.

    I am a new follower-

    White Spray Paint

  27. This is awesome! My cousin and I once drove a good 40 minutes to find a labyrinth we found on the internet, when we got there it was all of about 10 feet wide.
    Then we saw one advertised in the arboretum, we were picturing the one in The Shining, but it was just mowed into regular lawn GRASS, better than the tiny one though :)
    We would love to find BIG ones!

  28. how beautiful..I am going to see if we can't build one here in West..

  29. I clearly need to move to Edmonton. Winnipeg sucks for this kind of stuff....

  30. I would love to go here! Beautiful and peaceful!

  31. That makes me want to fly to Edmonton! I tried to locate one here after your blogs & briefly was in touch with a woman who was running a programme but I never heard back from her. I must keep looking. It just sounds so peaceful and uplifting (inwardlifting??)

  32. Next time we are in Edmonton I know where where I'll be going! Would love to do this.

  33. That's super cool!


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