Monday 13 January 2014

Sad News About HRH

I'm sad to announce that Her Royal Highness has gone on her final adventure and crossed the rainbow bridge. She had a good long life but was in decline for the past few years with kidney insufficiency disease (very common among older cats). But what carried her off in the end was a sudden aggressive cancer. With the vet's assistance, her passage was peaceful and quick.

HRH was born in Winnipeg, part of an unwanted litter of black-and-white tuxedo kittens from the North End. I adopted her from the Winnipeg Humane Society when she was only nine weeks old. Her little white milk mustache and white tipped tail distinguished her from her siblings and that's why I picked her. Here she is as a baby kitten:

HRH moved with me to Edmonton and became an Alberta cat. She enjoyed many hobbies such as nagging for food, batting around fake fur mice, playing the minty breath game, running up and down the stairs at breakneck speed, napping in the sun, grooming, and lounging about on her big carpeted cat tree. HRH loved it when My Rare One would share a can of top-grade salmon with her or slip her a lovely bit of Thanksgiving turkey right off the bird. She had us both wrapped around her little paw.

On my blog, HRH lived out a secret life of adventure and mayhem. Long-time readers will remember that HRH ran off with the gypsies, toured with Lady Gaga, got deported from the USA, attended the Royal Wedding, competed in the Cat Olympics in England, was imprisoned with Pussy Riot in Moscow, got deported from Russia, became a Pirate Queen, traveled to the moon and back, etc.

Farewell, HRH, good cat and true! It was an honour to have you share our lives and we will miss you forever. xoxoxoxoxo

[All photos by Debra She Who Seeks and My Rare One]


  1. I am so sorry for your loss! Sending you and your rare one love and peace and healing. May HRH journey well.

  2. A true cat with a wide variety of adventures(of course you will never know all of them) and hours of grooming and sleeping. A good looking kitty who was kept busy supervising you (cats take great pleasure in supervising the activities of their pet humans). Glad that you and HRH had such a good time together.

  3. A beautiful tribute to HRH. May her adventures continue

  4. Sad news indeed. What a little beauty - and what a wonderful life she had with you two. So sorry for your loss.

  5. My deepest condolences for your loss. I can sympathize with you over losing a beloved pet/family member as the predecessor to mine was adopted in similar circumstances and had a wonderful, albeit short, time with us.

    Hopefully when the passage of time has mellowed the grief, you'll find a worthy successor to HRH.

  6. May she continue to run the show in the Summerlands. She will be missed, but I'm sure she won't miss a day of watching her favorite persons in the world.

  7. Ooooh, lots of love; so sad ! xoxo

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss! If you need a pal, I can bring Kamir to town for you.
    Four legged fur balls just crawl into our hearts and all you can do is love them for the time you have them.

  9. oh no! i am so very very sorry for your loss. i just loved HRH and all of her exciting adventures. heal gently!

  10. Awwww, that's sad, I'm sorry for your loss. Even though her health was in decline, it doesn't make her death any easier to take. This was a nice tribute.

  11. So sorry for your loss. It is hard to lose a good friend.

  12. Oh, Debra... so sorry to read this news about HRH. May she rest in peace and may you one day find another kitty cat to purr upon your lap. Sending a huge hug your way today... xox

  13. Such very sad news. I have enjoyed her many adventures.

  14. Oh no. None of what I'm going to write here will ease your pain. She looked like a very good cat and I'm sure she was very happy in your company. Big hug.

  15. oh what a blow, I'm so sorry, HRH will never be forgotten,

  16. I am so sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace. I will surely miss her and her escapades.

  17. What a beautiful tribute to HRH. I will miss hearing of her adventures. She was one busy, beautiful kitty and I know filled your life with love and fun. Condolences to you and your Rare One. Many hugs ....

  18. Oh, this is definitely sad news. I'm so sorry, Debra! I know you will miss her. What a beautiful cat. She certainly had a great life. May she rest in peace.

  19. Nooooooo! I'm in tears now :((( Me and my penguins loved HRH so much. Leave a flower in my name too on her grave :((( Such a sad sad event.

  20. I am so sorry to hear about HRH! My heart goes out to you and your Rare One. ♥ I know HRH led a good life - filled with adventures and so much love. May She have grand adventures in the Summerland.
    Purz and Catnip Dreams.....Gomez and the Gang

  21. Oh damn, I'm so sorry. HRH was a lucky cat to have had such a compliant couple of humans. Perhaps she and Sunny Bunny will hang out in Summerlands and annoy and entertain each other. He always did like a girl with a mustache. xoxo Oma Linda

  22. You were lucky to be owned by such a lovely and loving girl. Hope she runs into our Reese he loved cats - our Bundnie not so much but maybe she has calmed down.

    Big hugs to you and your Rare One...

    Will, Laurent and the HFH

  23. Oh Debra, my heart is breaking for you. I'm so sorry HRH has gone on over the bridge. I know she is somewhere wonderful and beautiful, but it makes it no less difficult. May all the wonderful memories be what live on in your mind and in your heart. I wish I knew what to say, I just do not. Deep blessings and many hugs and much empathy, Bird

  24. Such a sad thing when our four legged family members leave us. She had a happy and adventurous life... so sorry that your lives will be a shade duller without her.

  25. ~sending you love and comforting wishes...I am so very sorry for your loss...hrh was such a wonderful wee little one...I know quite well though...her journeys are far from being over...I am quite certain there will be many more exciting adventures among other lands...may she continue to live wild and free in the place she is...much love light and blessings my dear friend~

  26. So sorry to read this. Just sucks. Really really does. Very cute photos though.

  27. That's such a lovely tribute. So sad to read this this morning. I hope you're doing alright.

  28. What a beautiful tribute to HRH. She will be missed greatly. I didn't know she was such a well traveled kitty. Such a wonderful life she had.

  29. Sorry to hear the sad news. I'll have to go back and find some of those awesome adventures!

  30. and had a madcap fling with my heart goes out to you and your rare one..I feel like I'm lost a family member..but I'm certain that she rides safely in the chariot with the Goddess and is eating salmon all day long..Goddess bless you 3...

  31. I'm so sorry to hear about HRH. I know how much she meant to you. I lost my own cat to kidney failure last year, but just knowing what a great life she had and how great she made my own life keeps me smiling.

  32. Farewell, HRH! You will be missed by those of us on this side of the rainbow bridge, but by golly, did you have some adventures here. I wish you safe passage on to your next ones.

    Sending my sympathies to you and your Rare One, Debra. *hugs*

  33. Oh i'm so sorry Debra! What a beautiful, sweet, adventurous girl. Many hugs. xx

  34. So so sorry for your loss. I just hope that Claude shares some of his salmon when she arrives. Well, I guess that's not likely but I'm sure he will show her around!

    Thinking of you, Debra.

  35. Remember you were blessed that she came into your life.
    Comfort and love to you in your time of loss.

  36. I am so sorry to read about your loss. My sincerest sympathy. Losing a dear friend/pet is hard...really hard. Those pictures of HRH are beautiful and sweet.

  37. Oh Debra, this was not an easy post for you I am sure. Sharing so much with HRH over the years must have been pure joy.....for all of you.

  38. What a wonderful tribute. Bless her heart. I know exactly how you feel. I lost my cat a couple of years ago. HRH's spirit will always live on and protect you forever. Cheers!!

  39. Oh Debs, such sad news about HRH. She was so cute as a kitten! One can tell she was quite mischievious from the pictures, but sounds like she had a lovely home with you and quite the life. Buster too sends his well wishes, as HRH , I'm sure is in the clouds, no doubt in a labyrinth!!! My thoughts are with you two.

  40. I'm so sorry Debra. HRH was such a pretty girl and had the most amazing adventures on your blog. Rest in Peace little kitty.
    Hugs to you. ~ Diane

  41. Oh Debra .. That's so sad! :(
    I'm sorry to hear that. Farewell to your sweet lovely kitty xx
    Sending you a big *hug*

  42. How very good that you had one another for so long, sharing adventures, funny moments, loving cat licks - counting on one another through thick and thin. It's good, too, that HRH could count on you as she prepared to transition, and that you could make it peaceful as she eased over. May your loving memories provide some comfort through the tears.

  43. I'm so sorry Debra! HRH was a beautiful cat and she was well loved! Sending a big hug ;o)

  44. Hello, my name is Alpha. I am pleased to report that HRH and I have connected and are now happily committing mayhem in the realm of Ceiling Cat!

  45. Oh no, I'm so sorry. We had 2 Burmese cats that were both about 16 and I was devastated when they died. It's like losing a member of the family. I'm so sorry.

  46. So sorry to hear this sad news about your dear little cat.

  47. My fiancee Daisy's cat died from kidney problems too. One year he was fine, then he got so skinny and passed away

  48. Oh! I am so sorry about HRH. I lost Earl Grey to kidney disease last sorry.

  49. Our girl is 18 and I know it is in our near future - words can't express the loss.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  50. Oh, Debra. This post brought tears to my eyes and made me giggle. I love the Minty Breath Game post! And all her travels? She was one awesome cat. I am glad she brought so much joy to you and your Rare One. I know how cats work their way into our hearts and that you will miss her. I know I am going to miss her. Sending love to both of you. xo

  51. Awww! I'm so sorry to hear that HRH has moved on. It's not easy seeing pet suffer. You have awesome memories and photos to carry with you forever. :)

  52. Oh, Debra, my heart aches for you. Losing a pet is so difficult. I feel like I know HRH through your blog. I'm glad you rescued her from the shelter and gave her such a good life.

  53. I'm so sorry to hear about HRH! What a beautiful and adventurous individual she was. I'm glad she had a life of luxury with you two that included salmon and turkey right off the bird.

    Hope you adopt another when you feel able...


  54. I am so sorry to hear this. Well, she was one lucky kitty to have you as a Momma! I hope she is smiling down on you from her new home. xoxo

  55. Oh I am so saddened to read this, my old Buttons had kidney issues her final years as well. Sigh. What a beauty she was, and such a life of adventure. Will light a little candle for her tonight.

  56. Just checking to see how you were doing. You can email me if you need to talk. I can certainly identify with the pain you are feeling. Miss Minga is now in her 21st year and I am seeing signs of decline. It is breaking my heart. There is a candle ceremony on Mondays at pet It is very healing.

  57. NO! I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope there's a kitty heaven where she can ascend to her throne.

  58. So sorry for your loss. This was a lovely tribute.

  59. I'm so sorry you lost Her Royal Highness. I've lost pets, as you know, so I know how it feels. I've got to say though, her baby photo is adorable.


  60. So very sorry for your loss. You gave her a great life!

  61. I'm so sorry to hear the news in which you've shared my friend, for this has truly brought tears to my eyes.

  62. RIP. She looked adorable as a kitten.

  63. I'm a new reader of your blog (which I love) so missed all your adventures with HRH. She sounded very special and I know she leaves your arms empty but your hearts full of love.
    I'm sorry for your loss.

  64. So sad to hear this! I know its hard to lose a four legged family member. Wishing you comfort in your time of loss.

  65. I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like she had quite the full life! Way more exciting than any of my lives, and she had a much better mustache :)

  66. Many sympathies and much love to you your family Debra. How miserable. I so hope your grief is short. I wish you much light and sunshine soon.

  67. My heart breaks for you my friend. I know what a magic creature HRH was from all the love you gave her. Thanks for sharing her life with us. She was a good cat.

  68. Such a wonderful post honoring your HRH.

    sorry for your loss.


  69. Oh this is so sad! I just read it. As I not so long ago lost my Odin, I sympathize and can say I am so sorry for your loss. Cats are such lovely creatures, and they are really the masters of the house.

  70. Oh no! Chiming in late and just catching up. I am sorry to hear of HRH's passing over. She is a beautiful cat - looks just like our Abbey but with a tail. Farewell dear pet! xoxo

  71. I am so sorry. It is so hard to loose someone that is loved.

  72. I am so so sorry... HRH was the most special cat ever!


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