Thursday 16 January 2014

You are all the BEST!

My Rare One and I appreciate all your kind words of comfort for us and your words of tribute for Her Royal Highness. Yes, she was certainly one of a kind! To paraphrase Dr. Johnson's famous quotation: HRH was a fine cat, a very fine cat indeed.

I'll be back to regular blogging next week.


  1. I'm still very sad about HRH! We shall miss her terribly.

  2. I have been away from the blogoshpere for quite some time and missed the post. I went back and read it.

    I'm so sorry for your loss and understand that you will feel a vacancy in your life for some time.

    My sincere condolences.

  3. One of my cats, Polo, died over 20 years ago. She was such an integral part of our lives for 15 years. I think of her often Debra as you will too think of HRH for years to come.

  4. take care, love to you both,

  5. Thinking of you amd your rare one.(Hugs)

  6. Oh sorry to read of your sweet cat. Our animals are so important to us....they certainly become family..don't they.

    thinking of you and your rare one.


  7. take your time and heal gently! i will miss you!

  8. Oh Debra, Ive only just caught up with this news - I'm so very sorry my dear.
    I know only too well the pain of losing a precious pet.
    You are right HRH was a very fine cat, and sounds like she lived a very fine life indeed.
    As I'm writing this, Sopicat, my black and white as yelling for food !
    Take time to heal Debra ......

  9. Awwww, great big ((((HUG))).HRH will be missed but not forgotten.

  10. I was so sad to hear of your loss, Debra ~ you and your Rare One both. Pets are members of our families, and it's very hard to lose them. I know you will never forget HRH. Even though I haven't been a followers of your blog for a long time, I enjoyed sharing HRH's antics. Take care! *hugs*

  11. Like Anne, I too have been MIA from the blogosphere. I went back and read the other post, and I am just do sad for you both upon her passing. You have my deepest sympathies and all my love. Take all the time you need.

  12. Many hugs to you and your Rare One Debra.

  13. We were all saddened by HRH's passing; we learned to adore her through your blog. We always miss the furry members of our family when they pass on; they play such an important role in our lives.

  14. This is a time for great introspection, so take your time. There's no need to hurry. We certainly understand. However, I for one, do miss your posts. With great anticipation, awaiting your return. Cheers!!

  15. Oh, Deb. I'm sorry to be belated in wishing my condolences. But I'm glad to know Her Royal Highness had a full life and was well loved.

    Take gentle care.


  16. This is a great thing about blogging, that we do support each other.

    And again, very sorry.

  17. I missed the post about this. So sorry to hear about HRH.

  18. Xoxo. Take all the time you need...

  19. Take whatever time you need, I will wait patiently. (((hug)))))

  20. Please take care ;o) We will be here for you, when you come back ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  21. Hey Deb.....
    I had no idea....
    Sorry for not reading sooner.....
    I know how much you will miss HRH.....
    Both of our cats are gone....but never forgotten♥️
    Carry on.....the best you can....

  22. Whatever time is necessary, take it. The appropriate amount of grief is what ought to be taken. All the best to you and yours.

  23. Awww, never easy dealing with things like that. When I was younger my cat was actually several years older than me so it was really sad when she passed.

  24. Just seen this:( so sorry to hear the sad news you are both in my thoughts xx

  25. The news came to me as a shock. And it was so shortly after Odin, it made me remember painful moments.

  26. Okey dokey! See you next week my friend!

  27. Of course...I miss my departed kitties much more than most of my departed - well, let's just leave it at that.

  28. ohhhhh I missed the post too. It's so very sad. It doesn't even seem possible. HRH seemed larger than life. I'm going to go hug my kat now and hope she doesn't punish me for it.

  29. ~it is and has been nothing but a joy having stumbled upon you in this here little have supported and loved from a far always lifting me and i know many of how could we not do the same for you and yours!?! much love light and blessings be with you and yours~

  30. It wouldn't be normal not to be understanding of you. Take your time.

  31. Sorry for your loss. My pet was stolen, a sad loss indeed!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  32. So sad..It's very hard to lose a pet..They become such a part of you..It's painful..Sometimes I think it's worse than losing a human..Sorry, but that's how I feel..Bless you

  33. I am so very very sorry to read the sad news..HRH was a mighty force and a beautiful friend...she gave us all many moments of laughter and joy...she will be missed but more importantly remembered forever by us all ...
    warms hugs to you and the rare one...

  34. Debra, I know you and your rare one have also had a rough couple of weeks. Those little fur-balls just work their way into your heart don't they? Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog. Take care... Diane


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