Wednesday 19 February 2014

Mother Russia

To further celebrate the ongoing Sochi Olympics, here's some all-in-good-fun Russian LOLs for your viewing pleasure! First up, the history of Russia in 4 words:

Oh, so THAT'S how the Bolsheviks did it!

Soviet realism at its finest:

This next one is sad but true. Che Guevara must be rolling in his unmarked grave. (Okay, okay, I know he wasn't Russian but close enough, eh?)

And hasn't poor old Lenin fallen on hard times these days?

Oh oh, boys, whatever you do, don't look in a mirror at the reverse image of those badges! You might have to arrest yourselves!

And last but not least:


  1. These are great!!! Love the statue of Lenin ....

  2. I thought the OMOH thing was fake. I really did. Then I looked it up. It's so beautifully wonderfully real.

  3. love the Russian bears :) Down with the Capitalist Goldielocks :)

  4. LOL! Liked the 'lurking Lenin' one in a creepy way.

  5. Lurking Lenin is CREEPY!

  6. there is a picture of putin and some hockey coach and the picture is worth a thousand words..its after their loss to ? Norway somebody...oh the pain.

  7. god, i'm starting to hate the olympics. i didn't think ron mclean could become as annoying as brian williams but he has. and i loathe the "backstory" and the "canadian connection"
    sorry, i think the weather is starting to get to me

  8. Love the Lenin meme. These are all funny. Thanks for the laugh, dear.

  9. I am not watching the gay-mes, partially because of Putin's regime. I don't think I am missing much.

  10. Ahhhh...... I haven't been able to see any of the Olympics this year and I love the Olympics. Oh well. Figure skating would have a very different landscape if it were left to those two you have pictured there. lol Entertaining and horrifying (didn't someone lose their head in that movie?) to say the least.

    Hope you're doing well!

  11. Love 'em all! The police officers are my (almost) favorite! But the skaters are awesome! Lol.

  12. Bahahaha...these are great! I love the first one "Then things got worse..."

    And the one about the irony of the police! Priceless! Bahahahaha....

  13. Love the 3 bears poster! I love Soviet realism anyway, but add in bears and I'm sold!

  14. OMOH? Wow. Perfect. And clips/stills of Blades of Glory should decorate and punctuate ALL skating competitions.

  15. oh my gosh! hilarious!! best part...will ferrel, hands down!

  16. Have not watched one minute of the Olympics in this house... am I bad? Oh, and I think all male skaters should be required to wear gold lame' pants.

  17. Very entertaining. Wonderful sense of humor.

  18. Ha! Those uniforms though! Ever heard of the website called "" it is FULL of hilarious things from around the globe, that when translated into SLANG English are hilarious.
    p.s. That statue is so scary.

  19. OMOH...hysterical! Talk about irony.


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