Tuesday 18 February 2014

My Favourite Olympics Commercial

I like how this Bell ad shows the varied everyday settings in which Canadians across the country are watching the Sochi Olympics. My faves include the guy scraping his windshield at 0:29 and the hockey players who shmush up against the plexiglass at 0:45! Love the high-energy Russian folksong too.

And oh yeah, don't miss the gay male couple kissing in celebration at 0:24! Just for you, Putin!


  1. It says something about me that my favorite part is they skier dropping his phone, then the M. Night Syamalan twist of the slope patrol lady who luckily catches it, then quite rudely starts using this stranger's phone.

  2. so cool! i have been glued to the olympics!

  3. Great commercial! Love the high energy.

  4. Great commercial. I am fascinated with some of these commercials. No more leaving the room for a break.

  5. such delight! Here in my country almost nobody watches the Winter Olympics since we don't have any successful winter sports athletes, but we do love the summer ones

  6. Everything flew by, had you not mentioned it, I would have missed the two dudes. Though I did see the bake shoppe.

  7. This is the way it's been at our place for over week now!! lol

  8. This was awesome. So much going on in one minute. It's a good thing you mentioned the guys kissing. I totally would have missed it with all that action.

  9. Oh are the Olympics on at the moment? :D

  10. What a great commercial. Thanks for sharing. I would of never seen it as none of the Bell affiliates still do business in this part of the U.S...so we would never see their ads.

  11. I have not watched one minute of Olympic coverage. I'm a bad Canadian.

  12. thanks for the share of a great commercial. had to watch it a couple of times to be able to catch it all.

  13. There's been a lot of Olympic commercials that stir my pride. Even though, it technically wasn't an Olympic commercial, I really liked the Jump the Boards with Sidney Crosby, Tim Horton's commercial, leading up to the games.

    Olympic viewing has been, by far, the staple in our home over the last week.

  14. One of my favourite ads too. Best part: guy dropping his phone.

  15. Been busy updating my resume. You would not believe how much concentration that takes - almost 3 weeks. Edit, edit, edit, edit. I am such a damn perfectionist. That's why I haven't seen an event yet. Glad you are enjoying. Cheers!!

  16. How refreshing to see a Canadian perspective! I hate that American coverage is so American~centric! Thank you!

  17. My human friend,

    That Bell ad had a nice ring to it, eh.

    In Britain, we are getting the ice hockey with Canadian broadcasters. It's all good.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

  18. This is so cool! How did I miss this? Love it! YAY Canada!

  19. I picture someone making the two-finger V at Putin, for sure. You think he just has trouble with his own thoughts about men? ;)

  20. Great compilation. I wonder if Russia will change at all following all the high lighting of their discriminating politics in connection with the Olympics - or if that's just wishful thinking.

  21. That was fast! I had to watch it like 3 times!

  22. Oh Putin, I can see a dark time for equal rights (including those who aren't Russian Christians) in Russia with him in power.

  23. OMG...so awesome!

  24. I'm a bit sad that the Jamaican bobsled team didn't win gold. :(

  25. I like the idea that we're watching people who are watching the Olympics.

  26. Very cool commercial! My favorites so far are the snowboarding and the curling.

  27. I don't know which part to watch. They did a great job of this commercial!

  28. Yeah..that's a pretty good ad..


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