Friday 28 February 2014

Trailer Park Sandwich

It's been almost 5 years since I last blogged about my beloved Trailer Park Boys but, to recap, here's a partial repost:

I know I come across as, like, kulcherd and edumacated and shit like that, but it don't stop me from fuckin' LOVING the Trailer Park Boys. Ricky, Julian, Bubbles -- they're fuckin' Canuckian HEROES, you know, so fuck off you fuckin' McKenzie Brothers, eh? Everyone on that TV show may be a fuckin' foul-mouthed dope addict, alcoholic, petty criminal or skank, but that's just fuckin' LIFE, okay? Half my shit-faced relatives could be Trailer Park Boys and the other half only THINK they're better. And I also just fuckin' LOVE that sweet Randy, even if he has a big hairy gut and trades blowjobs for cheeseburgers. You do what you fuckin' have to do to fuckin' survive in this fuckin' world, you know?

Sadly, the Boys are off TV now but they've moved onto the internet. So watch out! Plus they have their third feature film coming out this Spring! Can't wait.

And now they've teamed up with the Epic Meal Time boys to teach all you Yanks about how we eat in Canada! FUCK YEAH! Watch and learn!

Does this count as a foodie post?


  1. the shirtless dude looks like he is ready to give birth, eh?

  2. I was telling someone the other day about the time the boys rolled the van over when the cops were chasing them and Julian crawled out of the wreck still holding his drink. It was such a great show but few here have seen it and don't understand what I am talking about.

  3. I have never heard of them, but am now planning to check them out.

  4. I love them so damn much. I will never forget the day I found them. It was by accident. Happiest accident ever.

  5. I love the Trailer Park Boys. Just started getting into them thanks to Netflix. But such celebrations of gluttony like that make me kind of sick.

  6. it was just announced yesterday that epic meal will be turned into some kind of TV show

  7. Haha! I'm going to have to check these guys out. This sounds like a riot!

  8. I've seen this available on Netflix or Hulu Plus (can't remember which). I'll definitely have to check it out.

  9. We used to watch the TP Boys with the offspring on family night. That probably makes me a Bad Mother, doesn't it? Beats playing board games though. :)

  10. Yes! It totally does! Lol. And watch out cyberspace!

  11. Wow!!..what a sandwich.. That was entertaining Lol!!. The guy in the white trousers is one confident dude.

  12. ahahahahahaa! My brother would love them. Shit! He's one of them.
    When is Randy's due date. I wanna see that baby being born.

  13. Sadly, I had never heard of the Trailer Park I have some research to do. Does the shirtless guy ever wear a shirt?

  14. Hi Cheryl -- I can recall only one time on the series that Randy wore a shirt. He was wearing a wire to try to get Ricky and Julian to confess to some crime or another. It was the shirt that tipped them off, of course. They kicked his ass for it.

  15. "Do we need some bananas..."... "Fuck off, it's too healthy..." BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    OHMYGAWD...this is hilarious! I'm laughing so hard, I'm exhausted. How can I not know about this?

    I know guys like this! Right here in Kingston. Bahahahahaha....

  16. My son LOVES the TPB. Can't wait for the movie!

  17. We do have liquor in our grocery stores. Pretty mild stuff compared to a biker bash.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  18. Um. You sure you don't live in Texas?

  19. Definitely not a video for a vegetarian :)

  20. Those guys are a riot. I must say, though, no matter how hard Canadians attempt to portray Trailer Park-ers, they are too polite and clean shaven to compete with American Park-ers.


  21. Separately, that food isn't too bad, together, I am sick! LOL! Hey, I saw a cat t-shirt?? ;o)


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