Wednesday 5 March 2014

In the Confessional

Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been *mumble* years since my last confession. Through my own weakness, I have committed a mortal blogging sin, the circumstances of which are as follows.

A couple of weeks ago, Leeanna of Can We Have a New Witch, Ours Melted surprised and delighted me with both an ABC Award and a Sunshine Blogger Award! And then Kestril Trueseeker of Kestril's Rhythms and Groove honoured me with a Sunshine Blogger Award too!

As a recipient, I was supposed to come up with 11 facts about myself plus do an A-B-C meme that looked like a lot of fun. And then, of course, pass on the awards to other people.

Yes, Father, I promised the girls that I'd do so. Yes, I faithfully promised them. But I've been so christly busy -- oh sorry, Father, just add it to my list of sins -- that I haven't had time to do it and now I've run out of time and . . . and . . . *sobbing loudly* I won't be able to do it after all! And I feel soooooooooo guilty! I can't eat. I can't sleep. My hair is falling out from the stress of it all. Please, Father, give me absolution so that I can move forward from this transgression and live a productive life again!

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So whaddya say, Blogosphere? Would you forgive this miserable sinner? What penance should the wretch do?


  1. I love the picture of the woman holding the bee. Looks way cool!

    I have to forgive you, Debra, otherwise I'd be a hypocrite. I received awards and didn't even write about them. At least you did that! Much better than me.

    Co-host of Insecure Writers Support Group
    AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

  2. The normal punishment for this is to be banned from the blogosphere forever. No exceptions, lol :-)

  3. Well, you only have 10 of the ABC thingies to go...given that numero uno fact is...procrastination. Eh?
    I am not condemning it were har, har, har.

  4. Oh, my. I am guilty of that sin as well.

    Congrats on your award.


  5. i think you have to drive around with truck nuts for a month.

  6. Sure, forgiveness is yours. Though it is not mine to give. I didn't know people were still passing around blogging awards (that may say more about me than the rest of the blogosphere). The blogging award thing seemed nice, but the instructions seemed like a punishment.

  7. 8 lashes with a wet noodle.
    Blog awards are flattering but time consuming.
    Write about how damn cold it's been, that's an automatic free pass.

  8. five circles around the auditorium wearing the ugliest gown we can find :)

  9. I didn't pass the award on either, so you have at least one forgiveness ;)
    But those truck nuts? No. No, no, no. I can't forgive those.

  10. Busyness..likely excuse! :0)

  11. Well now, my child, if this was the 60's you would be spending the rest of your days in a church on your knees!!
    But today you are one lucky wretch! You are forgiven and I for one am happy but not in the least surprised that you won these most deserved awards, Debra!

  12. I absolve you of all your blogging sins, my child. Now run along and play.

  13. No, I am not forgiving you. I want, ASAP, all the dirt, just the dirt and nothing but the dirt !

  14. Hah! I usually have 2 or 3 awards waiting in the wings before I do anything about it--not because I'm trying to neglect anyone or anything, but dang, this blogging thing gets busy! I mean, and then there's that strange thing called life... ;)

  15. You are so forgiven by me, Debra ~ You funny lady! I realized when I got my first blog award that it was a mixed blessing. I was thrilled that someone thought me worthy ~ but my heart sank at the thought of imposing the honor on another recipient because of the work involved. How Canadian is that ~ eh? Regardless, you do deserve the honor!

  16. Well, Debra, guess what? I got a personal email from God. You know which God I'm talking about. He has changed His ways on Facebook, softened His act a little (or a lot), so I'll put in a good word for you. Where once he would have wanted you burnt at the stake, now he'll probably just want you to lay off chocolate for six hours.

  17. That was a great way of getting out of not writing 11 facts about yourself or passing the awards on! Well done. :D

  18. A couple of hours of small talk ought to absolve you of these sins. :)

    Oh, and congratulations on these awards!

  19. come back to me debra. i miss your little hands pic in the comment. i'll do penance!
    please your devoted servant bev

  20. LOL, say 10 Hail Jane Austens, 5 Our F. Scott Fitzgeralds, do the Macarena and go in peace!

  21. Couldn't you just say that you've given up awards for Lent?

  22. to be forgiven you must give up dryer lint for Lent.

  23. You wicked, wicked girl! No more Rob Ford news clips for you!

  24. I give you total absolution of your sins. (Is misrepresenting oneself as a Catholic priest...or a Catholic for that matter... a mortal or a venial sin?)

  25. Blog Awards are like chain letters. You're excited and honored at first. Then you think, "Crap. This is a pain in the arse!"

    I'm Jewish. You're forgiven. No confession needed. Drink some Manischevitz, say a few "Mazel Tov's", dance the horah, make love this coming Sabbath, and you are blessed!


  26. Auntie Debra, Auntie Debra, Auntie Debra, you couldn't possible do what I'm thinking for penance. Instead, how about spending one week cheering for the NHL team you hate the most.

  27. We forgive you Debra ;o) Now, go have a piece of chocolate cake ;o)

  28. I forgive you because it was SO hilarious!!!

  29. Damnation! Why didn't I think of this to avoid the award LOL! Well if you got your ashes on Wednesday I'm sure you're forgiven... WHAT YOU DIDN'T??? OK no meat Fridays until Easter it is... that'll teach you ;)

  30. This is totally, and I mean totally UNFORGIVABLE. But just for you, I can consider making a special offer of forgiveness in return for one large sack of walnuts.

  31. Now that you have confessed - your penitence is:
    Kiss a cat
    Buy a bottle of good wine
    Light a candle
    Drink the wine with your best friend
    and your sins will be forgiven.

    the Ol'Buzzard


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