Monday 3 March 2014

Truck Nuts

Truck nuts are popular in Alberta. You can hardly drive down the street without seeing some half-ton sporting a pair. Personally, I think they're hilarious. My Rare One does not think they're funny. They really piss her off. We all have our pet peeves, I guess. What's yours?


  1. i hate truck nuts too. and i do assume anyone who has them is a major douchebag! i see way too many of them around here.

  2. I think they passed a law that they are obscene and you can't have them here. They wouldn't work on my truck as when I get a load of fire wood on, they would drag the ground and that would be worse than obscene, it would just look painful but then a lot of the girls might enjoy seeing them dragging down the

  3. This is all new to me. I've never seen them.

  4. I'm with your Rare One on this. Bubba Boy stuff.

  5. I think they're ridiculous --- and funny! Hahaha...

    I've actually never seen these before. I'll be checking out trucks from now on to see if there are any around here.

  6. I'm surprised those are still around. I don't like giant trucks, so the nuts part is just icing on the douchebag cupcake.

  7. I haven't seen these yet in the states. We certainly have the obnoxious men here too that would dangle their balls from their trucks!

  8. ughhhhhhhhh, never seen them and that makes me a happy olde broad

  9. what's the hidden message behind them? The drivers have them not so they put fake ones outside? :)

  10. Like Pickleope, I'm just surprised these are still around. We knew a guy in high school who had these on his truck. That was over 10 years ago. And yes, he was a huge douche.

    I only laugh when I see this on a really tiny, beat up truck. Then the comical irony somehow beats out the douchiness.

  11. Yuk...Bubba Boy!!! That's one thing I don't miss about working and where I worked there were a lot of Bubba's.

  12. I TOTALLY agree with your Rare One! I hate those things! And I see them here as well. I figure that if someone has to display those on their truck, then they have an image problem.

  13. Truck nuts are certainly not my favourite thing on pick-ups. They are a bit fitting when you see them on cattle-liners though.....I think?

    My pet peeve, people who have the whole winters worth of snow on top of their vehicles because they only have the ambition to sweep off the hood and windows. Drives me nuts! (not truck nuts)

  14. OMG...I had no idea these existed!! Hilarious!! At first I thought this was a joke!

  15. Around here the joke is that if you have a set of chrome nuts hanging from your truck, that means you are married, and your wife cut them off ya. For a better point, YOU aren't the man in the family. It's pretty demeaning for the men here to have them on their trucks if you catch my drift.

  16. I have to agree with your Rare One. I think they are vulgar and I don't often think things are vulgar. In my opinion they are for men that don't have a pair of their own. Actually, the whole truck thing reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once. "Nice truck. Sorry about your dick."

  17. Lol! I have never seen truck nuts before. Thanks so much for the Monday am laugh! As for pet peeves, i have a couple, but i'll only mention one here. It's when i see a minivan with one of those yellow and black 'baby on board' signs in a window, and it's speeding by at 20 miles over the speed limit and cutting people off. I want to scream slow the **** down!

  18. Yeh, I tend to agree with your Rare One as well. They don't piss me off, as much as question why someone would attach anything to their vehicle that might offend others. Same goes with some of the "funny" bumper stickers. Do people need to try to piss off others while driving down the road?

  19. That takes some balls to do that. Perhaps gives pick-up truck a whole new meaning.

    My pet peeve is I went to a pet shop and they didn't have any pet peeves.
    Ignore me, eh.


  20. Truck nuts?!.. I'd never heard of them before!.. that's so weird.. wonder who thought of that??..
    They look small. I've heard of ans seen eye lashes for cars.. i really like them :)

  21. I think Rare One and I are on the same wave length. I have always thought those stupid balls were hideous.

  22. I have seen them around The Peg too. I don't like them - I find them rather offensive.

  23. What are truck nuts?

    I haven't seen those around here, although we do have the equivalent (if you can call it that) called Tonka Trucks.

    Tonka Trucks are trucks decked out with all the bells and whistles of a Tonka truck and are driven by people under the age of 26.

  24. i see them all the time, except they are brass..

  25. I see red when I see girls grinning and dancing to music/songs where a male singers (or anyone for that matter) refer to women as their bitches. It drives me insane.

    I find the nuts hilarious and a bit ridiculous. I've never seen them in the US, but if I ever do, I'll ask the owner if it hurt. ;-D

  26. I actually haven't seen any in the flesh. But I would get some and inscribe "from my ex" or something like that. And assume that any on the outside are because the owner has none on the inside, and probably a dick the size of a peanut.

  27. I've never seen those, but wow, I sure haven't been looking! My pet peeve is people who drive uber luxury cars. They are very reckless, and they drive like bats out of hell. I would honk at them, but the sorry bleat from my car horn would only make them laugh.

  28. Gawd, I really assumed it was only in the US that these gross tacky truck accessories existed. And they could just as easily be replaced with a bumper sticker reading "I am a pathetic asshole."

  29. Truck nuts??? I have never seen these in Ontario! I don't know what to say? Do they make noise? LOL!
    I think one of my pet peeves is when someone has to be above all other people. You know what I mean? You are in a group, and this one person has to be the center of attach all the time! I feel like telling them to shut up! ;o) Nicely ;o) LOL!

  30. I find them both hilarious and worthy of eye rolling.

  31. OMG you should see these up north! Every second truck has them.
    My pet peeve list is so long, I can't hijack your comments that badly!

  32. People breathing pisses me off! :D

  33. Trucks around here are no longer allowed to have these dingle dangles on their trucks. Too distracting.


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