Monday 14 April 2014

Easter Bunny Exposé

So the Easter Bunny arrives in town next weekend. Time for a little hard-hitting investigative journalism here on She Who Seeks. This blog is not just all superficial fluff and LOLcats, you know.

Is the Easter Bunny really the good guy and hero we always believed him to be?

Or is he some kind of irresponsible philanderer and deadbeat dad?

Are the whispers true that the Easter Bunny has a dark side? A crazed North Korean dictator-type dark side? *shudder*

Or can it possibly be true that the Easter Bunny is the drug lord kingpin of the world's biggest illegal grow-op network? Is his real goal to get our innocent kids hooked on the evil mary-jee-wanna?

Coincidence? I think not.

This concludes today's special report. Thank you for reading.

Hey, what are you bitching at me for? Good investigative journalism simply asks the tough questions. It doesn't necessarily produce the answers!


  1. I can't figure out if I'd actually enjoy or be repulsed by eating a candy Kim Jong Un...

  2. No one ever has the answers to my questions. Now I have more unanswered crap to fill my mind.

  3. Hahahaha-it is on 4-20 this year. Now I wish I had tried smoking the grass that was lining my Easter Basket.

  4. OMG! AHAHAHAhahahahahaaa! I was saving the cat/bunnies for this weeks Wet Cat Wednesday but what the hell. Funny as shit, as always woman.

  5. The enemy of Sparta don't stand a chance. Chocolate wins every time... and bunnies, of course.

  6. We need more of this thing called 'investigative journalism'! Your special report was very eye-opening and pretty funny too!

  7. oh no, tell me it ain't so, not the evil Mary gee wana!!!!! oh my gosh I can't stop laughing!!!!

  8. this is so funny! the bun with the dooby is the best.

  9. I hope Fluffy doesn't eat her kids when they grow up....

  10. Investigative reporting skills at their best. Here's one that would fit in well on this list:

    Thanks for the laugh :)

  11. Hi Jenn -- Shouldn't the Easter Bunny and that chicken have black bars across their eyes like in the old smut-peddling tabloids, LOL?

  12. *sigh* my 14 year old daughter told me about Easter being on 4/20 this year. The Easter Bunny stole my child's innocence, I'm sure of it.

  13. No! Lol. Not the maijuana. Easter Bunny must be from Colorado or Washington state. And he better not show up in Idaho. Lol again

  14. Your journalistic skills are unquestionably topnotch, Debra.
    Never trusted those bunny rabbits anyway! lol

  15. Spartans!! how am I gonna keep a straight face at the supermarket checkout if I ever see such a thing!.. funny bunny :))

  16. The Spartans....hahahaha! And the 'mary-jee-wanna'...BAHAHAHAHA...

  17. I'm with the beer-in-the-shower lads...repulsed, yet oddly aroused, by the idea of eating the smashed bunny/Kim Jong un.

    Wait, they didn't say aroused? So it's just me then? Huh.

  18. Poor Fluffy! Sigh, another hero with feet of clay, er chocolate ... ?

  19. I laugh and I laugh ... and then I get to Kim Jong Un and I can't breathe. Investigate reporting at its finest! (And nary a K* (the family that will not be named) story in the bunch.) Thank you!

  20. I have a sudden craving for rabbit stew and chocolate. Hmmmm.

  21. Heeeeeee oh those marshmellow bunnies

  22. wow it does look like Kim Jong Un

  23. re: crushing a marshmallow bunny...Wow. That is indeed disturbingly true.

  24. My sister Jamie and I used to make a bunny house filled with carrots for him every year and he never left a thank you note. I am leaning towards drug lord kingpin.

  25. If it keeps snowing like it is here today, it'll be a Winter Easter.

  26. Hilarious! :0)
    Beware the "Grass" given in the Easter Baskets!

  27. I'm just glad you didn't show any peeps...yuck!

  28. To be fair, if you crush almost anything, it looks a bit like Kim Jon Un.

  29. LOL! I am all in for the Mary-jee-wanna ;o) LOL!

  30. Where do you come up with this hilarious-ness?? LOL

  31. LOL at the cat with bunnies! He must be one horny motherfucker.

  32. Thanks for the morning chuckle, but I could never figure out the significance of the 4/20?

    Must be careful about Kim Jong Un as he's already dictated that the populace must have haircuts like his, and if the Easter Bunny has to do it, we're all doomed.

    Father Nature's Corner

  33. Hilarious! The squished bunny really does look like Kim Jong Un

  34. Now I will see the Easter Bunny in a different light!

  35. As I know we never had Easter bunny in Orhotodox Easter I have no clue :)


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